Chapter 23

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Logan stepped forward ready to intervene, "Tyler don't do this! Farrah you will never be Luna."

She ran a hand up and down his arm, a look of hurt flashed across her face when he ripped himself away. "Honey, the challenge is set. It's a good thing she rejected you, otherwise you'd die with her."

"She didn't reject me, omega!" His voice boomed, echoing through the woods.

"Well you should probably do it now then, because I can't be Luna without an Alpha." She smirked at me.

Logan stepped forward but I stepped in front of him. "Well it's a good thing you won't be Luna then. You want a fight, then don't go back on your word. Fight me. Whether I live or die, you'll never replace me."

Her eyes sparked with insanity before grinned evilly, Logan instantly pushed me back. She sprung up, changing into a medium sized grey wolf. She stalked towards me but I didn't move. I shoved Logan to the side but kept my eyes on my cousin, "Logan, stay out of this. She challenged me not you."

"Yeah but you're my mate! It's my duty to protect you! Besides, I'm the Alpha, I can stop this madness!" He panicked as she got closer to me.

I growled when Farrah began to circle me, trying to nip at my ankles. "No! If you interfere she won't learn anything!" There was a tingling in my hands combined with a warmth in my palms.

Tyler, you're still new to all this. Maybe you should let Logan stop her. There are still things you need to learn, like control! And there's still- I blocked her out and rolled my eyes. That's when I realized, Farrah wasn't anywhere in sight.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and in the speed of light, I spun around and caught the leaping wolf by the neck, effortlessly tossing her away. She whimpered as she hit the ground. Her eyes locked with mine in a shocked glare. This time, she was straight forward and leaped towards me, going for my neck.

I swung a punch at her, hitting her in the snout but she turned her head last minute and bit down on my hand. I snarled as she knocked me down to the ground. My bleeding hand was already starting to heal, I could feel it. Farrah smirked over me as I tried to get out from under her, she thought she had won. As she went for the kill, I saw Logan try to step forward but I growled at him before he could get close.

Just as Farrah's teeth neared my neck, I grabbed her and held her back. She pushed harder and harder and I felt power surging through my veins. Through the palms of my hands, I started to accidentally burn my cousins face. I didn't mean to, it just came out!

I warned you! What ever you do, don't-

Farrah yelped and flew back. She whined as she tried to rub the burns on the wet grass. She shifted, naked and burned. "You... You!"

"Complete sentences please? Didn't your English teacher teach you anything?" I asked her humorously.

She screamed, "Do you think this is a joke? You're a dead woman, even if I have to drag you to hell myself!" She tackled me and tried to throw punches but I managed to block a few. Her hands wrapped around my wrists and pushed them above my head. I grit my teeth as I struggled to even move. "You want to know what's going to happen when I kill you?"


"No, don't speak. Just listen. After I kill your weak, trashy, self, I going to watch Logan fall to the ground in pain. He's going to feel dead inside, lost and lonely. Who better to console him than me?" She leaned close to my ear and whispered, "I'm going to walk over to him in his weak state, and mark him. Right in front of your worthless corpse. He will be mine and you will be nothing but a speck of dust on a shelf in his mind. You will be forgotten and left behind by him, just like your real parents all those years ago."

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