Chapter 14

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I groaned as everything began to shake. My head was vigorously whipping back and forth while my hair started to tangle in my face. I came to the conclusion that I was being deprived of beautiful sleep by an earthquake... I think.

   "Tyler! Wake up! It's time for school you lazy bafoon!" The earthquake yelled in my ear. For a natural disaster, it happened to sound a lot like Star.

I shoved her off and lifted the blanket over my head. "Go away, I'm tired."

Suddenly, I was yanked off the bed completely. "You have five minutes to get up before I drag you out in your pajamas, Tyler. It's 7:15!"

Well, sweet nibblets! I'm late!

I blame the tall drink of water from last night. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, present me.

Oh hush, you paramecium.

Did you really just call me a single celled organism?

I chose to ignore... Me... and got dressed in an outfit Star decided to throw at my face. After last night, I just feel over the moon. But then there was Logan, and it felt like every fiber in my being was tearing apart. Part of me wanted to stay connected with Logan and the other part... was connected to Kaiden.

"Hey! Sleeping beauty, would you stop day dreaming and get a move on? School starts in three minutes!" Star shouted from downstairs. Pushing all thoughts on mates aside, I brushed my teeth on the way down the stairs and tossed the brush to my mom once I reached the ground floor. She caught it with a smirk and stuck her tongue out as Star grabbed my hand and rushed out the door. "No time for breakfast, bye!"

    Star shoved me in her car, telling me that she'll drive us home and pick up her stuff after school. Anxiety ate me alive as we got closer to the building. Logan and Ryder were already waiting by the front entrance, Logan looking focused on the ground and Ryder focused on Logan.

   After parking, Star dragged me towards the boys. Logan offered a smile and I gave a weak one back. Ryder avoided eye contact. "Okay, someone needs to say something or I will lose my mind more than I most likely already have!" Star growled, glaring specifically at Ryder.

   As Logan went to open his mouth, my phone rang. The trio stared at me as I dug in my backpack to take it out. It was Ms. Claudette, my dance teacher and Ryder's mother. "Good morning, Ms. Claudette!" Ryder's eyes widened. "What's up?"

    "Hello, dearie! I just wanted to remind you that the recital is coming up. Three days to be exact. I know you have a lot going on, but it's too late to pull you out at this point." She sighed sadly.

   Oh nuggets! I forgot! "Ms. Claudette, even if I were kidnapped and sent to Peru I would still find a way back to dance. I guess I'll just have to practice a lot in the next few days." Logan watched me with clouded eyes while Ryder and Star looked to be having a stare off.

    "Alright, you know that I'm always here for you. So I'll see you sometime this week?" She asked hopefully.

    "Of course!" We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone, shoving it into my bag in a hurry. Then a thought popped into my head. Looking up to my friends with a shy smile, I asked, "Guys, uh... My dance recital is coming up. I know it may sound really stupid and childish of me to ask this and I know you probably have things to do, so I won't be offended if you said no. But I'm going to ask anyways so... Would you guys like to come to my da-"

    "Yes." Logan gleamed. He didn't even give me the chance to finish and he jumped right on it. "I'd love to go to anything for you."

   Star skipped to my side, linking our arms. "I'd really like to come too. Ryder? How about you?" She stared him down; challenging him almost. He growled at her but she didn't back down.

   He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Y-yeah. I would like that." I nodded with a smile. The bell rang making students everywhere scatter. Logan waved goodbye but Ryder stayed behind. "Tyler? Can I speak to you for a minute?" I stayed where I was, silently telling him that I was listening. "I'm... I am so very, deeply, sorry for how I acted. I just... I don't know why I did it to be honest. I promise that I will trust you from now on. If you accept my apology, that is."

    I hugged him. "Apology accepted. Just please don't accuse me of things before talking to me first. I've found out a lot about myself in the past few days. I'm really not sure how I'm going to handle it, but I'll figure it out."

    The bell rang again, making us both late to home-room. "You'll figure it out, I know you will. And you have us to help you!" He ruffled my hair and stepped away. "Well, we should get inside. Don't you think?"

   "Yes. We should indeed, good sir." I faked a posh accent.

    After opening the door for me, he waved his arm for me to go in. "After you, madam!" Once I attempted to step inside, he shoved me back with an evil laugh. "Sike!" He ran inside leaving me laughing and locked outside the school.


~~ Casual Time Lapse ~~


   " Tyler! Wait up!" Logan called. When he caught up to me his eyes gleamed with excitement. "I have a question for you."

   "I most likely have an answer," I laughed. Logan grabbed my hand and looked me dead in the eye.

   "Will you go on a date with me?" I froze. "I really just want to start over. As of right now, we're not boyfriend and girlfriend. I want to actually do things right and take you on dates and get to know you more; do things the human way."

Laughing, I raised an eyebrow. "The human way?"

"Yeah, you know, taking things steady. I never really asked you out. I asked your parents for you to be my girlfriend. But you know..." He blushed.

   Besides, technically we were a thing before we kissed Kaiden.

    Shiitake mushrooms! What have I done!

   I could hear her laugh in the back of my head as my eyes widened. "What? What is it?" Logan asked confusedly.

   "Uh- nothing! Nothing at all! I just... What time is the date?"

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