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Trevor's point of view


Six of us lined up outside the house, covered with camouflage and dry grass to match the landscape. We lay flat on our stomachs as the other six waited on the boat.

"What a fucking high house, how the hell are we going to get in?"One of the men asked.

" We'll find a way in,"I said trying to reassure myself.

"Look, they look like Germans, what if they have him already?"

"If they do, we kill them."

"Six against how many? Are you mad Dragon? man I have a wife to go home to."

"Listen, Jones, you can turn back, you don't have to come with us."

"You are not serious, you-", but he was talking too much.

" Could you just talk to someone else and stop talking to me? no offense, you know I can't talk when am on a mission. I don't want to shoot someone by mistake," I said rolling away.

"We get down there now, they are searching the house."

"I swear, I don't have anybody here!" A woman shouted, I could see her green eyes springing water as I stare at her through a binocular that was hanging around my neck. Her cheekbones squeezed tight.

"She is lying, do not let them hurt that woman, a matter of fact, never mind. I'm going to get her, If I don't make It back out take her and leave," I said walking away from them. I watched two men shove her into the back of a truck, her hand tied together.

"What do you mean you are going over after her?"

" Dragon, "They continue to hiss through my ears and I removed the earpiece.

"Don't move, shh, shh," I said holding a knife between my teeth. I struggled with the backpack on my shoulders along with the grass.

I quickly untie her and turned her around. I removed the knife from my mouth and stuck it in a pocket on my pants.

"Tell me where he is," She scans me with her eyes before nodding her head.
She grip my shoulders and I took her down from the truck.

I could hear the Germans nearby.

"They are everywhere, you must be one of his friends."

"Yes, I apologize we met under such circumstances, I wish it was over a cup of hot coffee."

"I'm not his wife, "I could see her cheeks grow red.

"Oh yeah I know, His wife would be long gone, come on," I said pulling her along the wall.

"He is on that roof, up there behind a bookshelf, but you can't pass, Germans are all over up there."

She fearfully grips my shoulder and I remember Jessica.

"I'm going to kill every one of those motherfuckers, so you better get out of here," Her eyes went wide and I swallowed.

" I'm coming with you," She said and it surprised me because I was about to tell her not to be scared.

"You know how to fire a gun?"

"I never leave my gun behind," She said lifting her skirt and removing a small pistol.

"Well, you remind me of someone, let's go," I said and we continue along the wall.


Third person point of view

Ricky could hear them next door, his heart raced in his chest because has had heard Hellen scream and he knew they had kidnapped her.

He sighs feeling like a helpless lump. He got up and hop towards a small window across the room. He know this day would come because his life had been too calm over the past days.

All he ever did was make love to Hellen, he couldn't call it fucking because It was more than that. She had made him breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She had ridden him like nobody's business,  bathe him, and talked to him.
She healed him.

A thought of surrendering came to his mind. He closed his eyes and searched for a gun. He found on In a drawer and checks for bullets then lies back down. Holding the gun he whispered"Game on."


"Pssst!," A harsh whisper sounded at the window. He glances up to seven Trevor sweating face. His eyes widen from his head as he hopped off the bed.

"How did you-?" But he was interrupted.

"Open the fucking window bro, I'm flying here," Trevor said.

Rick open the window but Trevor couldn't pass through.

"Fuck, you are going to come through instead."

"I told you won't make it through with all that muscle," Rick heard his Hellen say, not only did he hear her. He heard the door to his hiding spot open.

"Get out!" Hellen shouted and shots went flying. Everything went wild around them. Hellen ducked as a shot flew near her head.

"Get out I got you!" Trevor said pulling Him out the window; firing shots at the men in the room. They go down without a fight, but that wasn't all as they went falling from the roof nothing was there to save them because gravity isn't a friend.

They drop down squeezing their eyes.

"Thank God," Rick said, realizing that they landed on a soft sponge.

"Get him out of here!" Trevor shouted, shoving him towards Hellen who was in the car waiting.

But as Rick backed away he was too late to fire the shot because he was out of bullets. He watched with pain in his heart, the pain of regret as two men go around him and sedate him.

He watched as Trevor fell to the ground, still pressing his trigger.


So they kidnapped your boy?


That was a sight to watch.Yes,it's a movie in my head😉

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