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Third person point of view

At six o'clock that same night, Ricky came awake from a strange dream in which someone was calling to him from a great distance. He was very, very cold, feet and hands numb.

He sensed land, could almost smell it, and for a little while, came back to life again.

He could hear waves breaking on an unseen shore, and the wind tore a hole in the curtain and he glimpsed clifts. He could see the sun setting behind it.

Waves were taking him in, strange, twisting carrying him around. Then there was a voice, high and clear, a man running along the shore, in heavy reefer coat and rubber boots.

He unzipped the flap and tried to stand up, his screams as his right leg collapsed under him, drowned by the roaring of the surf. It was then he realized it was a woman holding him.

"Alright, hold on.Just hang on."

"Leg," he groans,"Leg broken."

"My, my,you've lost a lot of blood."

He wasn't sure what happened after that, and he came to his senses in the shelter of some rocks. The woman was dragging the landing craft out of the water. He tried stubbornly to sit up and she came and knelt before him.

Deep green eyes, staring at him, strong cheekbones, a woman around the age of forty. Who reminds him of his dead mom.

"Where am I, France?"

"No," she said, "Jersey."

He closed his eyes and shivered"you're British then?"

"I should hope so. My name is Hellen Martineau."

"Ricky Donovan."

"American Air Force, I suppose? where did your plane come down?"

"It didn't am an army officer."

She bent and looked at his leg, concern written on her face.

"An officer? but that doesn't make sense. where on earth have you come from?"

"England. I'm a survivor of a ship that was torpedoed," He groan and grip her arm as pain sliced through his leg, almost losing his senses.

She slowly removed his hand open his torn trouser leg and frowned." That's terrible. You'll have to go to the hospital."

"Will that mean Germans?"

"I'm afraid so," She said getting up.
He clutches at the end of her reefer coat.

"No-no Germans."

She eased him down and offered him a white towel.

"Wipe the sweat from your forehead and lie still I'm going to leave you for a little while, am going to need a cart."

He took the towel and look up at her.

"No, Germans, if you are bringing Germans you might as well kill me."

"You are not going to die, and no one will get you either, that's the only promise I'll make," She said leaning down to him jaw set.
She walked off and he sighed.

He plunged into darkness.

Trevor's point if view

I watched her sleep as the plane flew.
It has been a long day.
I'd taken her to a gun range at a dirt road to the north. I'd so much shout at her when she failed to fire the gun properly.

She had gotten upset and almost shot me by accident. I had to go behind her back and teach her how to fire and hit the bull's eye. I had to fight off all my hormones refraining from hugging her because I could feel the roundness of her bottom against me. A smiled play across my lips at the memory.

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