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Trevor's point of view

I could swear my heart dropped to the ground but was quickly replaced where it belonged.

The bullet went flying into the bed when I snap back to reality.

She put the gun in her coat and came towards me shaking.

"You jeopardize my whole life, Trevor. you got LAPD on your case now. How am I going to hold up and lie to everyone?" She fell into my arms and I hugged her as she cried.

She cried on my shoulder, something she haven't done In years. Since she is always older than me, and never really a crying person.

I've really fuck things up sis, but I'm in too deep, no turning back.

"I'll get out of here, do my job from afar, and then you don't have to lie for me anymore," I said losing her and wiping her face.

" But those men that you fight, only three of them survive. A lot of people are coming after you. You'll never know what it's like having you; a murderer, for a brother,"She said and sniffed, stepping aside.

Murderer for a brother

Murderer for a brother

Murderer for a brother

Her voice chanted in my head and I grit my teeth and swallowed.

"I don't give a fuck who dies, so maybe am a murderer. You damn well know this isn't the first men died from my hands."

"This time a girl is involved, because of me, I hired her."

I was hired to protect her, so am in deeper shit. I thought to myself and pull on a black cap.

"Kevin took her."

"What?" She asked in disbelief, sitting on the bed. Her mouth hanging open.

"If I find him, he might as well be dead."

"You can't do that, you know it, you can't kill everybody that harms you."

"That's what the mafia does, they kill. It's not like am walking around killing innocent babies," I grab a bag and walked towards the kitchen. I threw two bottles of water in it, along with two juice, and two sandwiches.

" That doesn't make it better!"She said following me, waving her hands in the air.

"Stop wasting your breath, here, pack a few things that Jessica may need. Listen if am not back, or I don't make it back, be there for Rollins like you've been there for me,"I turned away from the counter and hand her the bag.

She stood there, looking at me.

"Don't say that."

"Go on get moving. You can't change who I am, no matter how much you want to. Once a Mafia all ways a Mafia, the dark parts never dies, it just gets buried; and right now mine isn't."

I turn away from her and walk back to the bedroom.

I knew its hard for her, I could tell. She hasn't been this emotional since dad died four years ago. She had kept me at arm's length, and made a few calls now and then. we would arrange a small family dinner for Rollins. We would hike together but mostly in silence.

There was never a time that I didn't try listening to her. The way she tries to make me understand my life, but it was no use, I just couldn't be who she wanted me to be. That soft boy died years ago. Even though I have to admit, he shows, sometimes he pops out when I least expect him to.

It's like living with two people inside of me, How the fuck do bisexual people function? The next minute a guy, the next a girl.

"Mary, I'm traveling light, don't pack the whole room in there."

"You really think you should leave? I don't want to lose you too, you know you are the only family I have."

"Don't bullshit me,"I took the bag from her and she stood there in the doorway folding her arms.

Obviously strong again

" We both know it's true, they visited us once in a while, vice versa, and you know I've been avoiding mom. I just can't deal with the whole family thing."

"Well you deal with me, which is hard, so it shouldn't be hard dealing with them,"I rummage around looking for my phone and car keys.

"It doesn't matter, look it's 7:02, you should call the police instead of going by yourself."

"I don't like police, no offense. Makes it worst because most of them are looking for me. You are going to either shoot me dead or shut up and move it am asking nicely."

"Okay," I walked up towards the door and we exit and I locked it.

"Where is my hug?"I asked her at the entrance of the house. Tarzan looked at me and I nodded at him. I hugged her and kiss her on the forehead.

"You better get back, alive. If I found your dead body am going to shoot you all over, am going to cut you into small pieces and burned you. Then I may go to jail and laugh," She said as I walk down the steps.

Each step I took, hit me hard, on how broken she is.How much she meant those words and I shivered.

I turn around and look at her.

"Do what makes you feel happy, just know that me being like this is not your fault, and please take care of Rollins, tell him the truth."

"How could I tell him you are not his dad? you have to do that yourself."

I look at Tarzan and run towards the yard.

"Take care of her for me Tarzan, no harm should come to her," I said when I was passing him.

"I promise boss."

"Sorry for shouting at you lately!"

"Don't apologize yet, because you are coming back!" Tarzan said.

"I did, just in case I don't make it back!" I shouted and race towards my car.


Racing the car, I made sure to check the tracking device. I could see Kevin's phone was still in place.

I pressed a few bottoms.

"Call Kevin."

"Calling Kevin," The robot said.

"Yes?Someone help-"

My heart jerked and so did the car, it was like a bullet went through my head, eating at the vessels. I felt my blood pressure rise. For a moment I couldn't see the road.

"Jessica? Please tell me you are okay."

"I have no idea where I am, am lost in the woods, and I don't know if he is dead," She cried out.

"Hold on, Just get away from the body as far as you can."


"Do as I say, now tell me where you are."

"In some far away land, a whole lot of trees. It's a huge woodland out here."

"Oh no, run, just leave the phone and run."


"It's a fucking device, if I track you anyone can, just hide away and leave clues so that I can know it's you!"

"How are you going to find me?" I could hear her breath quicken.

"I'll trace the whole land," And I hang up and slap the steering.

He had brought her to the same place where dad died.

More secrets are coming up, are you surprised?

What are your thoughts?

I feel so bad for Mary🙁

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