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"I got there," I said into the phone speaker as I look around the house, the mansion. It was built high sitting on the side of a mountain, surrounded by hibiscus and roses.

I counted some men in the front yard, and there were twelve of them. Four were sitting around a table playing games of dominoes. Two were standing behind the game. The others were busy smoking and talking. They all we're wearing black and heavily armed with guns, strapped like soldiers.

"Careful around those brats, okay babe?"

"Okay, Brie," I said simply still staring in awe, and hang up the phone.

I looked up towards the entrance of the house and a big body guardsman stood there and I swallowed.

Something is wrong

I step inside And wave around to them and they stop what they were doing and nod at me.

I pushed Rollins towards the door, but an elderly cook walked out and smiled at me.

"Good afternoon dear, wow, you are more beautiful in person."

"Good afternoon madam, what do you mean I look better in person?"

"We got a picture of you earlier about your arrival. Don't mind the guards, usually, they were just two but something happened at the hospital I heard. I am so happy that I have somebody here young to talk to, I can't stop talking. my god, am so full of flour." She grunted and walked back inside.

Rollins looked up at me and laughed and I couldn't help but smile.

"I can't wait until you are well to show me around, come on let's get you inside."

"I can still show you, but not today am tired and I want my dad," He muttered and my heart melt.

"He'll be here soon," I respond to make myself feel better.

Questions swirl around in my mind but they were too jumbled together, I could hardly hear what my mind was saying. Sweat burst on my forehead as I try to keep calm.

"Rollins, please direct me to your room. I'll lay you down and I will lend you my phone so that you can watch whatever cartoons you want to watch. I need some water to drink."

"Okay, that one," He pointed and I looked around the hall. Expensive shout in my face. Gleaming gold and sliver chandelier swirl in the ceiling. The cold breeze of the Air Conditioner welcomes my warm skin.

I stood there and look around. Dark Blue sofas and Brown sofas. Eight sofas sat in a circle in the center far across the room that leads upstairs. Behind the sofa I could see through a thin glass door, looking outside, coconut trees bend and bowed to each other.

Pictures of the sea, mountains, and tigers hang on the walls. About four doors lead to different parts of the house.

"Upstairs doesn't have much," Rollins's voice snapped me back to reality.

"What does it looks like up there?"

"It looks like down here, it has a bar and a huge pool," He said trying to show me how huge the pool is with his arms. My eyes popped and my mouth opened.

"Well boy, you are living like a king," I have never seen so much luxury, not even in movies and I have watched a lot of movies.

"I will enjoy it more when you are here," He said turning his head to look at me and end up cringing.

" Shhh, it's okay. Don't move too much," I pushed the wheelchair towards the room and opened it. I found myself standing in a passageway of six doors.

"These are all bedrooms, the last one is dads office. Enter that one," He said pointing to the front one. I turned the lock and pushed it open. I realized I was standing before two doors again.

"That one is mine, right beside dad's."

"Oh," Was all I could say, my eyes have been drinking the place that I forgot how thirsty I was.

"So let me lift you," I said laying him down on the bed. I put off the wheelchair to the left of his room, and unlock my phone, I opened YouTube and gave it to him.

He fondled it and I realized he didn't know how to use it. He pouted and I smiled.

"It's okay."

"But I know how to use dad's own," He folds his arm and cringe again.

"Folding your arms is one of the defense, be careful not to fold them too much now. Here you go," I hand over the phone and kissed him on the forehead, he froze and I notice I shouldn't have but I smiled and leave the room.

I walked back to the hall and walked over to the glass doors. Touching it, I leaned my forehead on it and looked outside.


"You can go and take a look if you want," A voice startled me. I turn around to see a tall built figure. A pair of black eyes, a pointed nose, and not-so thin pinkish lip.Tan skin, chin strap beard, and a pair of elf ears. I stood there soaking in his appearance. Dresses in a causal white Cuban shirt and shorts.

"Hello?" He waves a hand in Infront of my face.

"Sorry," I really need to go out more often, greek gods have been living on earth and I didn't even know about it.

"My bad. My name is Kevin. Kevin Tarrant," He offered an open palm and I shook it with my eyebrows knitted together in confusion.


"Trevor's cousin,"He said and flash a smile.

oh wow

"Oh, The name is Jessica, nice to meet you," Right, it's a pleasure.

"Mhmm, I came here with my girlfriend. I heard Trevor got some run-in with the devil's of management, I heard about what happened at the hospital," He said clapping his hand together; which shakes the ackward fact that he just mentioned his girlfriend even when she wasn't needed to be mentioned, what a man. At least someone is loyal.

I cleared my throat and turn and walk over to a sofa and sat down.

"Sorry for glaring, I just, am not-"I stuttered and he laughed.

"It's okay I get it. Well, well, the place looks great. I haven't been here in a while."

"Pamela!"He shouted toward the kitchen.

"Yes!"The cook at the door came out of a room with water dripping from her hand. Her mouth falls open in shock and was instantly replaced with a smile.

"My god, Kevin you are here, " She said going over to him and holding her wet hand away she hugged him and he patted her on the back.

"Jess dear, this is the nicest man you can meet on planet earth," She said with all teeth and I laughed out.

"Sorry, how did you know what to call me?"

"Rollins," she said and winked. "No joke, though I would marry you if I wasn't taken, where is your honey did you leave her? Nicky?!"

"I leave Nicky behind Pamela, This traveling is all business. I'm going to check on my man Rollins and then am going to hunt Trevor down, pray to god I don't find him to knock some sense in his head," and with that, he left.

"What for though ?"I asked Pamela and for the first time, she was serious. She rushed a turn around almost falling.

"I need to hum- to find -water. I mean I need to get cooking for the men at the gate," She runs to the kitchen and slams the door.


What do guys think about your new Mr hottie?

Do you think Kevin will be good or bad?

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