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He continue to remove his tie and I stuttered.

"I I I- I -III-"

Oh shit

"Be calm, you must be Jessica. I apologize for us to meet under such circumstances, but I've had a long day don't tell anyone office work isn't my thing," and he started to remove his shoes, hopping around on each foot in turn. "Have a seat."

"Ohkay," I sat on the edge of a chair looking around. I crossed my legs and slightly touched a desk a trace of dust wasn't visible. Anyone could see how rich it is. The blind could smell it.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Am a man of time and you are late," He removed his watch and sat around his desk, stretching his feet across the desk. He fold his arm and eyed me like an owl.

"I just ex-"

"I understand your situation, but you can't rush into a road; let an accident happen, and then tell the accident you were too quick that won't fucking help a thing."

I bowed my head under his gaze and looked down at my manicured fingers. I thought I've met enough of my fathers since I was eighteen, but seems as if I was wrong because I just met 'my daddy' part 2.

"Listen to me sir, enough with your lectures. I appreciate it but I don't need it. If you are going to offer me the job do so, if not am ready to leave."

"I'll be damn, I haven't met a Jessica this different," He said sitting and stretching his legs across the desk. He took a pen from his desk and placed it between his teeth and I raised my eyebrows.

I shouldn't have because he put it down and removed a cigarette from behind his desk; lit and puffed it around the room.

My sinuses drained, I should have bought my histals.

"Could you please?-" but I was interrupted as the door was shoved open and a lady-no lady wasn't the right word, someone who had no value for their body.

She walked -no floated in the room almost naked.

"I didn't expect to see someone here, who is this thing?"


I watched her fingers rub across his chest and kneed into his muscles, as she slowly removed the cigar from his fingers and place it between her lips. She walked towards me and kneel, obviously drunk.

"I know it's none of my business but, we were having a discussion here."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be here then, you should be home in your bed."

oh god, good lord, girl your breath stank

"You are so right love, thank you. you'll never know how grateful I am," I said forcing the fake smile I could muster without laughing out for real. I got up and straighten my skirt and look over at him. He was staring at me with a facial expression of amusement.

How could a man be so disgusting and proud of it?

I was never a person with words, the only time a person would hear me speak out was when am pissed off. That bitch almost flipped my switch an invisible switch I've wired myself to be different an I've made sure of it.

I walked out of there and slam the door shut. That's another reason why I wanted to be my boss, hired who I want to hire, and fire who I want to fire; because am never the person to stand up to other people's bullshit.

I walked toward the elevator and entered, pressed a number for the bottom floor, and waited. I rest my head and waited, talked about sleep when the bed is calling out to you but you are too far away.

"Beautiful, your ride is over," I heard a voice say and I jump from dozing off and opened my eyes to see the security.

"Thank you, thank you dear," and I rushed from there as the rain started drizzling down. I rushed toward my car and hoped in I madly drove off.

When I arrived home, I took a shower and put on a red nightgown and a sock. Most ladies would say 'I saw Jess in a nightgown with a sock I mean who does that?' Well, I do.

I grabbed my house phone and dialed the one person I could think of. Gabriella, short for Brie. My best friend,I met after highschool. Even though we don't know everything about each other we know enough.

"Hi Jess, how are you doing?" and after telling her everything, I heard her laugh.

"I think I know who the guy is, His name is Trevor white, ring any bell?"

"Trevor white ? Trevor? nope," I said putting a pillow behind my back and sitting up on the bed. Using my right hand I turn on the television and entered a movie. I grabbed some popcorn from the nightstand and stuff my mouth.

"Everyone knows the guy, what the hell are you living under? rocks?"

"Water maybe," I said rocking my brain to figure out where I've heard his name from. She was right, I need to go out more often, I hardly know anything around me, because I only pay attention to what interests me and a lot doesn't seem to grab my ears or eyes.

"I think I know him now, he was the captain of the football team!" I shouted and at that same moment my alarm went off.

"I think someone is outside."

"Oh my god, hide under the bed."

"Am serious," and I drop the phone and ran through the room and went into the kitchen I grab a knife. I raced back to my bedroom and picked up the phone.

"I'm calling the police," Brie was saying.

"Wait-"I draw a curtain to the west side of my bed and looked down and what I saw was a little head, a head that looks like...


"Who?" but I drop the phone and raced pell-mell and pull the door open. I took him by the arm and look around to see if I see anybody around.

After I turned off all the lights and went back to the room Brie was on the phone shouting hello. I placed the knife on the bed with emotions running wild.

"I'll call you tomorrow love you,"and I hang up the phone. Finally, place all my frightened attention on Rollins. Holding him by his shoulders I looked at him.

He was dirty, dripping with rain.



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