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I washed my hands and went to bed, only to see a flash of his muscles in my mind. I twist and turn on the bed only to dream see myself falling off a plane and end up falling in his arm, just to find myself on the floor in the morning.

I mentally curse myself and got up. I hurriedly cleaned the house, roughly removing his footsteps. His muscles flashed in my mind again.

"No time for that Jess," I said to myself; shocked at realizing that Mr muscles or should I say Mr tattoos had a hold on me.
I don't think about guys because the moral is I think they are all assholes, they all lied and cheat. Observation taught me that. I grew up with a mom that cheated on a father and then end up getting back together.
I think love makes people weak.

So why the hell am I thinking of him?

I groan and rush to the bathroom almost falling on my face in the process. After taking a shower; I pulled on one of the longest green skirts I could find and damn it doesn't do any good to hide my shape, but I pulled it on anyway, thinking that if I dress old he wouldn't look at me for long.

Since it's so much of a fuck up...that he had bitches and all over him, dammit. what kind of a man is so much of a good father?

I shook my head and pulled my hair in a ponytail, applying a little makeup, I then grab a black purse to match a tank top and heels. I took a twirl in the mirror and smiled.

Just the look am going for


I walked into his office after a couple of knocks on the door. I bust in to see...my eyes popped from my head as he walked out drying his hair. Water dripped from his chest; a chest with roses and veins and abs. It dripped and run down to his waist that was wrapped with a white towel; that makes him look craving hot.

I took a pivot but stopped when I felt a force on my wrist, he was holding my hand again. I swallowed and look up to meet his eyes.

"Sorry about that, morning, by the way, you are early," and he walked away turning his back and my eyes drop to his bottom.


"Just give me some minutes please," He said again.

Damn me

"A-huh-hmm I-you sleep here?"I finally get something out of my suddenly dry mouth. I walked over and sat in a chair crossing my legs.

"Yes, just hold on," and he walked back into a closed room. Looking around his office; I noticed it wasn't looking as rich as the front one. A red flower lay on his desk.

now this is intriguing

"Well am done now," He said holding his jacket in front of him. Dressed in a blue suit his hair fell across his forehead and he sat in his chair behind the desk.

"Well, humm, your sister, mary mentioned a job at-" But he interrupted me.

"I get it, she talked to me, and I have considered it,so it's a yes. You can start tomorrow. Maybe that can make up for the way I barge in and behave yesterday. I hope I haven't messed up your floor or anything."

"I-I-I-It's okay," I sighed.

"Is it? looking back I was scared out of my mind, I shouldn't have been, he has told me a lot about this special lady I just didn't know it was you."

The thought of him knowing how special I am melted my heart, I never had anyone to talk about me at least not that I know of.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow,"I made an attempt to get up but the end of the skirt got stuck underneath the stool. I felt myself falling but I was caught back roughly from behind.

My heart thuds in my chest when I looked down and see that there was a dept on the floor. I would have fallen hard on my face if he hadn't caught me in time.

"It's okay, accident happen, this time because you were too quick."

I turn around to see him standing in a lean position.

"You have a problem with me? the last time you said I was too late."

"I mean it's too early for you to drop on your face, after all, I just met you yesterday. when I get to know you probably next week, you can be quick to drop and even bruise your nose. I didn't just jump over that table for nothing."

My heart thuds as I felt the heat radiating from his palms onto my waist, and I push his hand away and step back.

"You disgust me. Let me get this straight am doing this for money, not for you so don't think you are going to get to know me, not even one percent," and with that, I storm out of there with my hands trembling from excitement and anger.

A man has never been so close to me, I never allowed them, so why the hell did I even stand in his hold for more than one second?

Because am so caught up in his body


"Tell me that you are lying to me," Brie said smirking at me, popping a sweet in her mouth, she sprawled out on the pink sofa, dressed in a short skirt and tank top. Her brown eyes stared at me through long false lashes.

Anyone would say she was a bitch, the way she dress and carried herself, her style, but they would be wrong. Getting to know her was one of the best things that ever happened to me. The one that puts a smile on my face, when I think I would never smile.
I tell her everything that happened, except the heat that he inserted in my waist.

"Am not."

"Oh my god!! Jess is that you?!"She screamed grinning from ear to ear aiming her feet in the air. I laughed at her and bowed my head on a cushion.

"I didn't say anything.You have anything to eat besides sweets? diabetes and I are not friends, I don't want to meet her," I said smiling at her and walking toward the kitchen.

"I have nothing there. mamma took home the last amount of food, sorry, am hungry as fuck so come and let us catch diabetes together!"She called to me and a sad smile came to my lips. I leaned on the refrigerator and sighed.

"Don't get sad in there, you-" but then I heard her answer my phone as it rang. I walked in there to see her eyebrows raised at me.

"Something is wrong with Rollins, am getting the keys, hospital now!"She dash off and the skirt flew exposing her huge round bottom as she dashed inside her bedroom and ran out with her car keys.

"Come on, " and she pulled a shock me by my arm.


What do you guys think?

What happen to Rollins? 😭

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