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Jessica's point of view

Chills ran through my body as I stare a the blood on my hands. It is nothing like a movie, In movies, most people don't get hurt, they just make it look real, but this time it's real, and am not even in a real movie.

I dry my tears and step away from him.

"You are bleeding," I said pushing the fact away that he just hurt me.

"It's nothing, just go to bed."

Then I heard sirens outside, and my heart thuds as I remembered the gun.
My eyes widen when I look closely at his arm. A small hole dig inside his muscles.

"You got sh-!", but his hands quickly cover my mouth, he signals silently with his index finger on his lips.

"Police are swarming outside," I whispered, looking at him wide-eyed. How was it possible? When did he get shot and how?

"There is a dead man in the bathroom and I don't want you to overreact, "He said stepping away and drawing the curtain he looks outside.


" What do you mean dead man? Oh my God, there is no way out of here, how am I going to get out of here without getting fucking caught by the police?"

Emotions of anger mixed with heartbreak, confusion, and a high feeling of excitement, strip through me.

"Pack your things, we'll get another room," He said, grabbing the things and putting them in the bag

"I have to change,"I never thought I would be so excited to be a part of something bad.

"No you won't, because we are going to play innocent just like everyone else, plus you are innocent so you have nothing to worry about."

"I'm not innocent, am a partner with a murder, that just killed someone in the bathroom and he won't tell me why," I pointed towards the bathroom, hissing at him as my anger side started to overcome me.

How could he behave like I've begged for any of this?

"We are not partners, you make It sounds like we are allies."

"What are we then?"

"Two friends that spend the night at a hotel," He said with absolute disgust.

"Enough," I grit my teeth at him and walked towards him, grabbed the bag, and threw it at the door.

"That's enough Trevor, You don't get to say that, and I swear that you let my bitter side turn on you'll hate me yet still can't get enough of me because I'll be your worst fucking nightmare," I stare at him dead in the eye.

" How the hell did you get shot?"

"He was in here, he saw us fucking and was backing his fist throwing his come on the floor," He said wiping his hair backward, but it fell across his forehead, and I saw how much his hair was wet. He must have washed his hair over and over.

"So you killed him? Couldn't you spare his life? Aren't you man enough to know he was immature?"I asked thinking if he is going to kill people like that means he'll kill anybody that looks at us too hard.

"He was here for you."

"What?" My heart raced and it felt like gravel was swimming in my throat.

"He was the one that was after you, I couldn't let him live, I couldn't for a second let him hurt you," He sat on the bed, looking at me and I knew my face was pale, I could feel the color draining from my face.

"Are you okay?" He asks taking my hands and pulling me next to him, I drop on the bed, stone face.

"He shot me, he had a silencer on his gun, That's another reason why I was silent. I reacted but the motherfucker almost shot you in the head when you were dozing off, that's why I stayed in the bathroom."

FALLING HARD✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora