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Jessica's point of view

I walk outside with the crew and stood at the back in front of the hotel. Leaning back on one of the police cars I fold my arms and cross my legs.

Look at this lord, I'm out here, with no shoes in the dark with a crew

A father is supposed to protect his daughter, but that's what my dad did, but him doing it caused his enemies to slowly but surely, know about me.

Not only did the one that found me, try to kill me, but he had killed a girl that looks like me; same hair, same body built. He had cut her hand off and left her body in the bathroom. Trailing blood across the hotel.

So he was going to shoot me in the head and cut me to pieces

I shivered and stuck the gun in the back of my shorts. I pin my fake identification on my blouse and fold my arm.

If it wasn't for Mary I wouldn't be standing among detectives, agents, and polices. She was the one that told me am going to find myself in deep shit when am with Trevor, and she was right because she made sure to give me my getaway through the loophole.

She gave me a fake ID, and a file document showing am on vacation, and the thought occurred to me at the last minute when Trevor left the room. Now they are looking for a serial killer that was killed by another murderer.

Who would thought I would do such things? Me? never in my lifetime

"Listen up," A man that looks like the chief said, yes, he is the chief because everyone turn to look at him. A young one too, around the age of thirty.

" This is a very serious crime scene, a scene that hasn't taken place for years. A young lady by the name of Regina Belmont was murdered, her hand was brutally cut off and so she bled to death. Lucky for us, we found DNA under the lady's fingernails, so we will find the killer soon. He has been on the wanted list in Los Angeles  and America, now we are going to find this motherfucker!"
He shouted in his British accent and everyone gathered around him accept me.

"Well, well, Washington, I'm sending you and detective Ramirez back to the crime scene," I heard a voice say to me.
I turn around quickly and there he stood. How did he get down here so fast?

Goodness lord, is he watching me?

"Chief I'm on vacation as you saw for yourself, I just couldn't resist barging but am done barging in now, " I said, with force in my voice, knowing damn well I'm trying to sound sure of myself like Mary said I should.

"Well, love, you see that's pathetic because they are no time for vacations. This is a very vicious scene and according to your file, you are good at finding things. We need more evidence so go in there and find something. Okay? Ramirez!"

I look at him with a firm look, my hatred sprung up for him like a spring.

"I don't take orders, I wished they had put that in my file too, Talk to me with respect, I'm not one of them that you talk to like kids," I said removing my hands from my chest.

"I apologize for that, if you were from around here you would have known my sister was killed just like this, and no one else is going down, not under my watch, your vacation is off," He said and strode off into the dark.

"Hi, am Ramirez, we'll see each other in the morning, everyone should return to their room. Stay away from room sixteen going down!" Ramirez said and everyone walked off talking among themselves.

I look at Ramirez and I could see, that there are not even one ugly man among the crew. All are handsome.

"It's nice to meet you, Ramirez, you should use that smile more often, it looks good on you," I said offering him a handshake.

God Come down  and help me

He shook my hand and nodded.

"See you in the morning Washington." He said and got in a car nearby.

I waited until I was alone and hurried across towards inside. I look around and entered the room but everything was gone.

Where the hell is Trevor? I'm I going to walk around without shoes?
Plus the chief won't back down, good lord I bet he even has eyes on me now, holy God. Worst case scenario.

I thought to myself and wipe my face with worry.

Third person point of view

Ricky slowly comes to his senses and he opens his eyes, to stare up at the lamp light. Almost blinding he covers his face and turns around.

"Where am I?" He asked, the last thing he remembered was when he was on the shore.

"You are save for now," A voice said and Hellen comes into his view.

"What happened?"

"When I got back you were unconscious but I got help, don't worry it's someone you can trust."

He jumped up and then he felt pain shock through his leg.

"Lie down, He is just a doctor friend, not a surgeon to fix your leg," Hellen said holding on to his shoulder.

Ricky looked down and realized his feet were in a cast and he was in a small room. A small neat place that looks like a tree house.

"Is this a tree house?"

"No, just some hiding spot in my house, I brought you coffee, I know it's not morning now but you should drink some," She offered him a cup and he looked at her as if trying to see through her.

"If  I wanted you dead, I would have left you to die, don't you think I bring you through all that trouble to poison you. Drink it, it should warm your inside,"He sigh and took it from her and he wandered.

Where are the help? where are the people I worked for? They maybe think am dead and they don't give a fuck, it's would better for them anyway

" I should have quit that job, I should have gone off to Boston to stay with my family," He said with regret, even though he was married he never really felt it for his wife like he usually did. All he wanted to do was work and earned and be with his daughters.

"Oh you have family," Hellen said clearing her throat."It's night now, I'll leave you to your thoughts," She said getting up. His eyes traveled down her body, dressed in a silky green nightgown and the hair on the back of his neck stood on ends.

Please, God, send Dragon, so that he can rescue me, not from Germans only, but from committing adultery

"Good night," He said and swallowed.

This is going to be a long journey, that's if I don't die

Trevor's point of view

"Delete every one of them," I whispered at her with disgust. I watched as she delete the files. I then go behind her and held her around the waist.

She turns towards me and pulls her bra down. Her nipples pushed out at me, firm and sexy they looked and she licked her swollen lips that I've kissed.

"You have to fuck me before I delete your wife's own," She said, her British accent surrounded me.
She trailed fingers down my neck and looked at my lips.

What the fuck is this?


What a bitch?

Do you think he is going to do it?

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