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I felt his eyes run down my body and he raised his eyebrows, But I ignore him and turned to Mary. Frost was coming off her like steam; she trembled.

"What were you talking about?"I asked my curiosity swam around me. I hardly know Mary; she just popped up and introduce herself one day and like any person who is looking for money I took her and the little child to whom I've grown attached, in my life. Just to find out they seem to know things about me.

"Hello! Damn it am asking a question!"I finally flipped out and stare wide-eyed at her, she shook at my voice and I have the mind to shove her back out in the rain.

I bend and grabbed the lump of bread from the floor.

"I -I-I-"

"You lost your tongue or something?"I asked, but soon as the words escape my lips I regret them. Those were the same words Trevor used on me.

" Sorry, I didn't mean that, it's just that am getting pissed off right now,"I swallowed and looked at Rollins hiding behind his dad.

Oh my god

"Rollins look at me, am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I said, trying to coax him with my voice. I watched Trevor glance between us and he took him off his feet, holding him on his waist.

"Stay away from my son, and you Mary get that file out of her hands, I'll hire another caretaker," he said gritting his teeth, I could hear them grind against each other but not before my heart did a flip-flop.

"What did you just say?"He wouldn't be in his right mind, no he wouldn't, no way, not after all my heartbreak and attachment with Rollins.

I watched him move with his muscles filled with tension and he opened my door and walked out in the rain, covering Rollins head with his arms. I heard the loud roaring of a car engine. I was about to walk out there but was held back by cold hands.

"Don't do it, he wouldn't give a damn, I mean look what he did to me, his blood," Mary said through clattering teeth. I knew she had the information I wanted to hear and I was determined to have them. She seemed so fragile standing there.

"Look, Mary, I don't think I have anything to fit you but I a have robe back there, at least it's something Dry," I offered genuinely, pointing towards my room.

"That'll be great, thank you."

After finding the robe I gave it to her and silently showed her the bathroom.

"You can put your clothes with Rollins own, its right over there next to the door."

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it," Of course, you do, compared to having a billionaire brother, I should have noticed you don't live in a hut.

I shook my head and try not to get my heart bitter against her. I walked over to a sofa and sat down. A hall that holds three brown sofas and flat-screen tv, everything simple, no doubt I look like a poor Christian girl.


"Well it fits me just fine, I used your brush I hope you don't mind," Mary said walking around the sofa and sitting next to me.

"No, that's okay, am just really exhausted and I would like you to tell me what went on back there."

"Okay, it's been on my chest all week, especially earlier when Rollins showed the new watch," She cleared her throat and looked at me, piercing me with dark blue eyes, it must be the family genes.

"I humm, I was trying my hand at humm..."




"You have to let me finish, I-I-to-I thought that you would be cool to calm his flames down. He- uh-hum-he got a lot of heat in him -what am trying to say is he is an ass and I was desperate to set him up with someone nice," She took a deep breath and exhale slapping her hands on her thighs.

"You have to understand, I switch the papers that you sent out, I mean I paid someone to switch them-um, am sorry but -"

"Enough, "I said to her face."Just stop, here I was thinking oh, I land a job with a jerk and it was planned by someone else," But could I blame her? no, I couldn't because I would have done the same if I had my brother burned everything around him with all his anger and ignorance.

" Rollins compared me to you all the time, it usually hurts but it doesn't hurt anymore. Being compared wasn't easy cause I had stood up with him and argued with him, I just couldn't do it anymore because I don't want him to hate me. Am not good with kids you are."

I looked away from her as her words started to break down my defenses.

"I've never met someone like you before, someone so great, I might be blind by wanting to help Trevor but that's all am seeing; greatness. We need you, the family needs you. Rollins needs you, I have no problem keeping him but am not good for him, I have my boyfriend coming over and I can't get too comfortable knowing that Rollins is in the house,"She said removing her hair from her face when I turn to look at her again.

When someone needs you, it's very much different from want. When someone needs you it's very much stronger, because all you can think about is how important you are to them.

"What are you saying exactly?"

"It might sound disrespectful, but take it from me it's not. I don't mean it to sound how it's going to sound."

I swallowed and looked at her."Yes, am listening."

"I would pay you, good money to be the maid of the house, not at my house, but at Trevor's. His house needs a lot of working on and the ones that are there well they are too old school to give it the light he may need,"She said smiling at me and I have to admit it was a beautiful one. With a smile filled with love and planning, I saw a sister that would do anything for her family.

Even hiring a stranger to work for her billionaire, not some thousands but billions.

"I would pay you by sending your cash into your account, or any way you want it. You would work from Monday to Friday and Saturdays and Sundays would be yours. A guess bedroom would be there for you. That's it, your job is to take care of Rollins and the house."

"Okay, I need the money, I think you already know that."

"It's okay we all have to start from somewhere, Trevor otherwise he was born with money ready for him and the only great thing he did was stay in the office and I know damn well he doesn't want to be there."

"It was great talking to you, and it's been a while since I had a conversation where I get a big job offer and the answer is yes, but wait, I don't need any money to take care of Rollins."


"I don't want it, I may need it but I don't want it, what I'll do is, I will take the money for tending to the house I think that'll be enough."

"Ohkay,it was nice doing business with you, the rain is over now so I'll get going."

We got up and I followed her outside, watching her steps. A woman around the age of thirty and still looking good.
Imagine being a big sister for a hooligan.

"Isn't it too late for you to go?"

"No love, nothing is too late for the police, I got my piece right here," And at that same moment I noticed the shape of a gun in the robe, she was holding it all night.

What family crisis have I gotten myself into?


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