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Jessica's point of view

It had been the kind of day that had started off well and then went downhill. I'd arrived at the children's center feeling optimistic. The sun was shining and the streets were busy. I'd call and apologizes to angry parents. Parents came to leave their kids under my care but I wasn't there and my assistant didn't show up either. I'd tell them that I will be closing, so today will be the last day. Later on, a parent brings four kids over Max, Tina, Alan, and Britney.

Then I found Max in the back room double over with cramps. I'd sent him home. Two hours later Tina fell off a stool twisting her ankle and I'd taken her To the emergency room for x-rays before depositing all three of them at their mom's workplace.

I was exhausted and yet still had to face another six hours.I took over letters to the post office, sending them to mom and so call family, telling them I no longer hold the job. I had called the landlord and told him my mind; how anyone can easily buy him for money because he let my dad pay him to raise the pay.

I took over restocking what was left of the kid's play, packing boxes of necessities and sending them back home, writing a letter to mom, begging her to store them under the basement.

Finally, I had used up the last of my energy trying to reason with a parent that came by, insisting that the lunch I've gave her child, had triggered such a formidable allergic reaction that she wanted to sue me.

I'd fought the urge to tell her, that it wasn't the lunch that was affecting the child, that it would help if she polished her rough voice and do surgery to close up her nostrils a little.
Instead, I offered help and pay to get him to the hospital.

He didn't even eat any of the damn lunch!

The day didn't end soon enough for me to rush over to my rent house, take a hurried shave -legs-arm pits-etc,    shower blow out my hair, apply to make up to look fresh and dewy instead of sweaty. Dressed in black pants, purple turtle neck blouse.

No sooner had I picked up a pair of wedge heels and prayed for God to guide me,the doorbell rang.

Rushing down towards it, I stopped, blew out a breath, fluffed out my hair, then straightened my shoulders and open the door.

"Hi," I said, scanning him with my eyes.Dressed in jeans pants and a white T-shirt, a black leather jacket, and hard black timberland.

"How was your last day at work?" He asked holding on to the door.

"It was awful, I wish I hadn't insisted on spending one day in my normal life, before sweeping me off to some mafia bomb land," I said struggling to put the wedges on.

"Well, let's go, say goodbye to your house, I'll see you in the car," He said walking back.

"Bye house!Is that enough?"I locked the door and took one last look at the house, knowing I won't look back when the car drove off, because am no good at goodbyes, plus the house was never really mine anyway.

"No, hug it and kiss it too you may not see it in a while."

Maybe I will never see it back

"I'm ready now, where are we going?"I asked sitting in the front seat.

"We are taking my Jet, it's not in Los Angeles."


"You have a jet?what don't you have?"I asked and he drove off. I can't believe he stayed at a hotel and allowed me to stay by myself, after dropping the bomb he is going to need a wife. I haven't even responded to him.

" You."

"I didn't catch that," I asked ripping my eyes from him and looking ahead of us.

"I don't have you," He said, his voice smooth, why does his voice have to sound like that? A normal day without him in, and it's like am agitated and sweaty and I couldn't wait for it to be over. Now it's over and it's like am backstrap in a corner with him, and his voice.

"Sorry, friend, I shouldn't have said that."
Talking about friends, I didn't even remember Brie, I didn't even say goodbye to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes ,I am, okay, just drive."

"No you are not okay, your energy is very business-like, it's like you are cold emotionally, am just not feeling you right now," I glance at him and his face frowned in confusion, even so, he looks cute.

But he is right, is this what it feels to know your life is going to forever change?

"Do you want us to stop at coffee shop or something?"

"I'm fine!" I snapped and he pressed on the gas, flying through the traffic.

"I'm bringing you somewhere before we leave."

"Where?" I grip the seat and he noticed and slowed down.

"To a gun range."


"You can't go with me like that."

"Like how?"

"That uptight, and jumpy, you will blow our cover.There is the only way to cool you down."

"What?" I asked spinning around in the seat and I felt sweat trickle down my neck.

"Come with me to the gun range, fire a few shots, or-" He stopped at a stoplight and looked deeply into my eyes.


"Or drop your fucking control friend act and kiss me like you want to."


What do you think?

What would you do In Brie's situation?

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