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Trevor's point of view

I sat with Mary at the bar.Surrounded by people, mostly drunk. I clap my hands on the shelf.

" Another shot of Bourbon, you, over here," I whistled at the bartender who was literally pushing his tongue down a girl's throat at the end of the table.

"I can't believe you kept those from me Dragon, I don't know you," Mary said, giving me the look of a stranger.

"You know me okay, you know enough, you shouldn't know everything,"I swallowed the bourbon and look at her with pleading eyes.

"You mean there is more?"

"Look, Mary, That's the summary okay?It's all I can say in one hour," I held on to her hand, hoping with everything in my body she would understand.

"So how is she ?I need a scotch, now fuck face." She snapped at the bartender who was staring at her as if star struck.

"Coming right up."

"Maybe I should get you home."

"So now you care about bringing me home?"

"You are drunk, whatever comes out of your mouth you don't mean it, you are a pathetic angry drunk, and am not doing this with you tonight," I grab the glass of scotch from her fingers and pull her off the stool. I knew I had to get her drunk to tell her but I didn't want her to destroy herself.

"Let me go,you didn't even tell me she was on a hit list when I hired her."

"Yeah, yeah that's not your fault, you've drank more than five glasses," I threw her on my shoulder and headed for the door but was blocked at the exit.

"What the fuck is this?" Two big men blocked the door and two more stood behind me.

"He is my brother guys, let him through,"She slide her fingers across one of their cheeks and they let me pass.

"They probably think you were kidnapping me, at least I have good men in the city," and suddenly she was asleep.

Jessica's point of view

"He is wanted for Christ sake!"Brie has been screaming at me now and then for the past hour and I started regretting that I visited her.

She stood before me in jean short and white tank top.Holding a milkshake in her hand she sips it every two minutes.

"He is a murderer Jess, Come back to your right mind, he is wanted, you can't live with a fugitive!"

"He was defending himself, they prevent him from seeing his son," I fold my hands and looked all over the room except for her face.

"He killed them because they didn't want him to see his son, in a hospital. You don't hear how that sound? He is a fucking pro Jessica Washington!" She slammed the Milkshake down on the table and I jump up.

"That's It, am leaving, forget that I even come here," I could feel my whole body shaking, I took my phone from the table and stood in front of her.

" You are shaking, you have no one but me to get you back in your head right?"She said, concern flooding from her like water. She touches my cheeks caressing my face.

"There is good in him, he is not a bad guy," I said looking down to the floor. She snatches her hand away and drops it to her side.

"There you go again, defending him.When I hoped,meant for you to like a guy, care about a guy,  I didn't mean some wanted criminal. Or like guys that exist in fucking Wattpad books," She steps away from me and I felt her words break me down.

" Brie-"

I felt my voice crack, like dust were blacking my voice box.The feeling of Just wanting to tell her everything but I couldn't.

"Get out," The two words spit from her mouth and I shook my head.

" What?"

"Get out," She grabbed her milkshake and walked towards her bedroom.

"Brie we can talk about this."

"Get out of my house, you have a big mansion to get back to, and oh sweet boy and criminal, if he ever pushes you again don't call me," She walks faster towards the door.

" Brie-"

"Get the fuck out Jessica!"I flinch as the door slams. I run out and locked the door. I run out just in time to see Trevor's car pulling up.

I got in and slam the door and he looks at me raising his eyebrows.

" Drive."

"Okay." He step on the gas and then stop the car further down the road.

"Talk to me, what is it?"

"Nothing is wrong, get going."

"Look, I hardly know you but I know when you are not okay, come on talk to me," Smooth and silk he said.

"I lost my best friend because of you!" I shout at him.

"All because of you," I grab him by the collar of his jacket.

"Answer me! Say something, you can't just sit and look like stone!"

"I'm going to talk to her," He started the car and spin it around.

"What? you can't do that," I grabbed the steering and wrestle with him, he tried to push me off gently, but I didn't let go of the steering. Through emotions of anger and pain, I wrestle the steering from him, I climb up on him and I felt his arm around my waist pushing me down on his lap, which causes me to freeze.

"What are you doing? continue to drive and tear the steering off, broke it, go ahead, throw us in the gully."

I realized where the car was heading, almost over a gully, and give up then and there, I cried leaning my head on the steering.

"Shhh,it's okay."

"You wanted to kiss me, kiss me now," I said out of the back of my head.Brie was right I was defending him. I was different when it comes to him. A murderer, somehow I believe there is good in him.

"I can't," He stop the car and got out , dropping me on the seat.

"Why ?you can you know, no one will know,I will keep your secret."

"I may be a murderer Jessica but I don't take advantage of women, drive your fucking self home."

I watched him walk away in the dark and shut the door and cried, my heart screamed and ached for comfort but everything felt empty.


Do you guys think Brie should have behaved differently?

You guys are probably wandering what Trevor spoke to Mary about.He spoke about all the secrets that's about to go down or should I say cones out in the open .😉

Remember to vote guys.

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