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Marie's pov:
As we arrived in my room, I yet again cuddle Bella tightly. Hating to see her so sad as well as hurt that her mate was so strange this day.
„Are you alright Bella?" i ask her and feel Janie joining our hug just as softly. Feeling bella sigh heavily makes me only more sad for her.
„I am going to be fine." she answers with another sigh.
„As long as i have the two of you by my side I am completely fine." she adds and kisses both Janie's and mine forehead softly. Smiling at her hopeful that Edward will get back to his former self and make Bella as happy as she used to be the last few years. Well, before he left her!
„You will see, everything is going to turn out just fine!" Janie encouragingly says and softly pats her back to sooth her worry even more.
„See! That's what I meant! As long as I have my two wonderful sister with me everything is going to perfect!" bella tells us with a giggle and I smile relieved that it's her real giggle! Not just the, Yeah, of course I am fine one.
„Love you!" i tell her and cuddle her once more before repeating the same sentiment to Janie who yet again has wet eyes from the tears that won't ever fall out of them. That's a huge bonus of becoming a vampire I guess. Since I am one of those beings that always hates to cry but also can't help but be easily brought to tears, I surely am going to appreciate the fact that I won't be able to shed a tear anymore.
„Do you still want to get changed today? I would understand if you want to postpone." I ask her softly. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to still go through my change after having such a large dispute with my mates. Bella however only shakes her head vehemently.
„We definitiv are going to get changed today! I won't allow a dumb argument to destroy our well planned plan!" bella strictly says before taking both my hands in hers.
„Marie, Listen. We both thought about becoming a vampire for a long time. We even longer talked about all to pros and cons with Jane and don't forget how much food we stuffed into us today! I know that I am more than ready for this step and so are you. So why should we wait a day longer?" she explains softly but also intensely. Thinking about her explanation makes me nod along with her, she is right! We did enough thinking and if she still is willing to do it today after her earlier talk with Edward, who am I to disagree with her.
„You are right! Let's do this!" I say and hear my mates sigh in relief, guess they indeed were worried that we might have changed our minds after Edwards scene.
„Jane? Are you ready too?" bella asks a quietly observing Janie. Her happy nod makes me smile excitedly, already back to my hyper happy self! To be honest I can't wait to finally be a vampire too! Till now my mates always needed to be extra careful while we slept with one another. And don't get me wrong, it still is more than just pleasuring and incredible but I also know that they would enjoy themselves more when they wouldn't have to hold back so much anymore. It does sound dumb to think about that right now, but this also is one of the many reasons I want to become a vampire.
„Are you ok Sweetheart?" Demetri asks softly. Since when was he standing in front of me? Strange... the others also look worried my way. Why though? I have no idea!
„Of course I am. Why shouldn't I be ok?" I answer in irritation to which my two lovely sisters only giggle at.
„You spaced out princess. We thought something might be wrong, that's all." alec softly says and pecks my lips a few times which of course makes me giggle at his silliness.
„Was only thinking, but I promise I am perfectly fine!" I answer him since I still can see some of his worry in his caring eyes. Seeing the relief slowly wash over him makes me only smile wider at one of my amazing mates.
„Are you Ready to become a vampire now my love?" Caius questions with a smile on his kissable lips. As if he heard my thoughts he smirks before kissing me passionately.
„Hey!" my other mates whine out aloud. And of course I giggle at their antics yet again.
„How is this going to happen now? I mean I do know that you guys are going to bite us, but I meant, are we going to do it while we are standing or sitting or laying?" I ask them honestly confused how this would work now. We after all never really talked about the easiest way to do this.
„I would say it's best if you and your sister lay down on the bed honey. That way you guys are going to be the most comfortable, at least till the pain starts." Felix says and slightly whines at the word pain. They obviously hate that I have to go to such exasperating pain to become a vampire, but there sadly is no way around it. So instead of answering them vocally I only peck each of their mouths, kiss Janie's and Bella's cheeks before laying down on my really comfy bed. Bella quickly follows my lead, and right away takes my hand in hers.
„Before we do this. I want to thank you for always being there for me. For right away taking me into your family and for always fighting my fights even though you didn't need to. So thank you!" I tell her and hug her as tight as I possibly can. Feeling her tears falling on my shoulder makes me tear up as well.
„I am the one who should thank you for being my sister! There never was a question if you join our family! You belonged there from the start and the family only got a real family as you joined." she replies and hugs me once more extra tightly.
„Ok, Let's do this." i say and wipe Bella's tears away before repeating the same for myself.
„Are the two of you a hundert percent sure you want to do it now?" Janie asks us once more with a encouraging smile. She however is this really sweet and thoughtful girl that double checks that we really want to do it.
„Yes!" we both answer her in unison.
„Well, than gets started." Janie says and quickly kisses us on the cheeks once more.
„I will stay by your side, don't worry!" she promises us. This statement means so much to me, that i can't even put in words how much it means to me.
„Thank you Janie! Love you!" I say, Bella quickly also thanking her second sister for her support.
„Ok, Lay down Honey. And try to fall asleep as soon as possible. That way the pain hopeful will subside faster." Felix says and instructs softly. All four of my mates once more kiss my lips softly before they at once bite my neck and chest area.
At first I feel a burning start in my whole body but the moment Janie also takes my hand, the pain right away vanished!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now