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Marie's pov:
When the final door opens up I squeal in excitement at how wonderful the flowers smell around here. Quickly I ran from one to the other in pure joy and happiness. When I hear some deep chuckles I turn around only to see Alec chuckling while Bella smiles softly towards me.
„Are you enjoying the flowers princess?" he asks with a smile directed at me as if I hang the sun and moon.
„Yeah! I like them a lot! Thank you for showing them to me!" I say and kiss his cheek without much thought about it before running back to the next flowers which are wonderful rosebushes.
„Bello look!" i Call over towards her. Knowing that she always loved roses the best out of all the flowers where as I love them all. For me it's not possible at all to decide between them. How should I thought? They all look and smell so incredibly and they all have something really special about them which I love!
„They really are beautiful, you are right Marie!" bella says with a relaxed and happy face.
„They have every color see." I tell her and literally jump up and down in joy at all the different colors and flowers they have all around the garden.
„I can see that. It really looks great." she answers me with a giggle of her own. We keep on walking around the garden and I honestly am completely calm. When I run over to yet a very large and old looking tree I suddenly get tackled from the side.
„Found you!" a threatening and sadly familiar voice growls. And only a second later a loud and painful scream leaves my lips as he rams his knife back into my stomach. My eyes tearing up already while I try to keep oxygen coming into my lungs but it gets rather hard. I can feel his body weight suddenly on me which makes the memory's come back also but that's when his body gets thrown away from me.
„Get the others bella!!!" alec shouts and than presses on my wound.
„Try to stay awake princess. You need to stay awake." he instructs fearfully.
„It hurts." I wheeze out since it not only hurts to talk but also gets harder to breath more and more.
„What happened?" my other mates want to know as they came running towards us. Edward as well as Alice came along as well.
„Should we bite her?" caius asks with worried eyes as he caresses my head softly.
„Only if you want to kill her." Edward answers him with a growl. That only makes everyone else growl as well.
„Stop it! You can fight all you want but my sister is currently bleeding out so everybody shut up and help or fuck off!" my normally never cursing sister yells out furiously.
„I am calling an ambulance." she softly tells me since the others stayed quiet till now.
„No, I can do it. I helped Carlisle often enough to know what to do." Edward says.
„Alice where to?" he asks softly picking me up.
„This way!" alec instructs and runs off with us following not long afterwards.
„Ok, we need some blood, needles and something to stitch her back up. Alec, you need to make her unconscious otherwise it is going to hurt like hell." Edward instructs while softly laying me on a bed.
„Please keep on fighting! I can't lose you! Please I am begging you!" alec says and softly kisses my cheeks a few times before a black smog engulfs me and I once again am floating.

Bella's pov:
Seeing my baby sister so happy has been absolutely incredible to watch. Is swear the only times she seems this calm is when she is surrounded by nature and people she trust, so normally only dad and I. The love struck look on Alec's face though makes me think that her circle of people she trusts has extended with her four mates. The happy times sadly didn't take long before someone had to destroy it for my sweet sister yet again.
When those idiots thought start to argue instead of helping my heavily bleeding sister I had enough of them and I made sure to show them my anger in hope to finally get them to help. Since they weren't doing anything I told them that I am going to call an ambulance instead. Definitely not going to risk my sisters life just because they are to up in their heads to help!
Edward however stoped me and promised to help her and to my utter relief, Alec also jumped in to help and ran off with them to do whatever necessary to safe her.
„Can someone tell us now what had happened? Who hurt our mate?" Demetri asks with furry. Well, now they are pretending to be worried! Not long ago they didn't even care to help.
„Bella? Please, what happened to her?" felix asks.
„Seems like that asshole that raped and nearly killed her is part of your guys coven. But why am I not surprised? You as her mate didn't help her either." I tell them with venom in each and every word. They look stunned at that before their faces transform in one of grief and realization.
„We didn't mean to not help her. We only tried our best to not loose control of our thirst. She was bleeding and I was petrified that I won't be able to hold myself off from draining her." Demetri says with self loathe. That is a good reason, but I know that with them being vampires they wouldn't of killed her. Not if they are true mates.
„Alec had the darkest eyes, so he hadn't feed in a way longer time than you had. Maybe you should start to think about that! Because he didn't think about not helping her." I answer them with distaste. They look hurt and furious all at once but other than what I thought, they didn't attack me for talking like this to them.
„I want to know who dared touch her! We gave orders that no one is allowed to come near you nor your sister!" Marcus says with his raspy voice from not talking for I don't know how long.
„Alec made him unconscious before throwing him over that way. I only know that he has a large scar down his face." I answer him and see Jane running towards where I have pointed to.
„Can I go to my sister now?" I ask since that's the only think I currently want. I need to see her! Need to hold her hand and be there for her to the best of my abilities!
„I will show you the way." Marcus says and softly lays his hand on my back to direct me to where my sister is.

This whole chapter is a vision from Alice!!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें