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Bella's pov:
Ever since Alice barged into the kitchen to inform us of how my sweet baby sister is pregnant, said sister looks to absolutely shell shocked. That and really worried about what her mates are going to say about this discovery as well as worried that she won't be a good mum. Which let's be honest is the dumbest thing I ever heard! She after all is simply the absolute sweetest and caring person I know! Thankfully Jane and I have been able to at least get reed of some of her worries. We also were able to get her out of her freaked out mindset, still it is hard to see her so worried. It has been so absolutely amazing to see her finally open up more around everyone here. So to see her getting back to her former worrying breaks my heart.
„Maybe we should talk with your mates?" Jane softly asks Marie with encouragement in every word.
„I am sure they are going to be ecstatic." she adds with honesty. And I can't even put in words how good it feels to see Jane being there for my baby sister too. To think that I always thought so badly of my now second sister, makes me often feel ashamed. At moments like this it just shows how sweet Jane truly is. Sadly not many people and vampires see that side of her, only how she can inflict pain. That's why everyone judges her. It's not fair though! There is so much more to her than just her gift.
„Bella?" i hear the voice of my baby sister, so with curiosity I look right towards her. Only to come face to face with both my sisters. The both of them look at me with worry. Guess I spaced out, at least it looks like it.
„Are you feeling alright?" Marie carefully asks and takes my hand in hers. Just like she always has been doing ever since the two of us met. Shaking my head a little to clear it up a bit. Now is not the time to think about all the wrongdoings my older sister has to go through. This is a topic we all need to talk about later on, now however we need to stay focused on the pregnancy of Marie.
„Of course I am feeling fine. I only got thinking, you guys know how I get when I am too focused on my thoughts." I answer her and smile at her and shortly after at Jane.
„I don't know what you guys have been lately been talking about, but I do think Jane is right. Your mates surely will be happy that you are pregnant with their baby. And you really need to tell them, they after all need to know to be more careful. I know that neither of us nor them will ever be able to forgive themselves if something happens to my niece or nephew." I tell Marie and see how her eyes tear up right away. Not wanting her to cry, I quickly pull her along with Jane in my arms to hug them.
„There is no reason for you to cry Marie. Jane and i will always be there for you as well as your baby. And we also will help you when you tell your mates. Not because I think they won't be happy, but because I know that you need us by your side for this step." I say and softly sway the three of us side to side.
„Bella is right cutie pie! We are sisters. And sisters always stick together." Jane adds after my statement and like often my heart widens even more for my new sister. Marie and i got really lucky to get Jane as our older sister.
„Ok. You guys are right. Thank you for calming me down and everything." Marie says, still a little chocked up from crying.
„Of Course! It's just like Jane said, sisters always stick together!" I simply reply with a wide smile on my lips. Feeling truly happy for this shared moment with my sisters.
„Are you Ready to go and talk with your mates now?" I ask her and see her face stiffen a little.
„Or do you want to stay a bit longer here with us? We after all haven't had much time for only us the last day." Jane quickly adds to my statement. When I see Marie's sigh of relief makes me nod in appreciation at my older sister. She obviously has seen how our baby sister started to panic again and simply said the right think to make her calm down right away again.
„That would be really nice. Janie is right, we haven't talked about everything. Only about my pregnancy. So why don't you guys tell me about your day?" Marie says and sits back down on the barstool. Like the good sisters we are, we of course take a seat next to her and start to talk about our day. It's not like it has happened anything too special, but if it is going to help her, than so be it. We all enjoy spending time together, so it honestly isn't something bad.
Few hours later a knock on the door let's us look up. Not sure who it is, I shout out to whoever it is to come in. Seeing Marie's mates standing now worriedly in the kitchen makes me hide my smirk.
„Princess? We were worried when you didn't come back to our room like usual." Alec asks my sweet sister who only smiles shyly.
„Sorry That i worried you guys. Needed to talk a bit more with my sisters." she answers her mates who only smile with lovey dovey eyes at their mate.
„I also should tell you guys something important." she adds after Jane and I nod in encouragement at her. Their smiles change into worry right away, worried that something might have happened to her.
„Alice barged into our sister time today because she had a strange vision that also would explain a few things we have been realizing." she slowly goes on while wringing her fingers in unsureness.
„What did you mean by what you guys also have been realizing love?" caius questions with pure fear in his eyes. Seeing Marie's unsure expression Jane and I take a stand right next to him. Both of us needing to show our sister that we are supporting her no matter what.
„I am pregnant." she whispers scared but the immediate reaction from her mates seem to change that rather quick.
„Are Your sure honey? You really are pregnant!?" Felix asks in pure joy and this finally change her worry to pure happiness.
„We are going to let you guys alone. I am sure you all need some alone time together." I say and see Jane nodding her head in agreement to my statement.
„Thank you two! For everything!" Marie softly says and hugs Jane and I once more before we leave those love birds to talk about becoming parents.
„Jane? I want to thank you! For everything. You know i already apologized a few times that I misjudged you, but I hope you know how deeply sorry I truly am for that. I love having you as my sister and I truly can't thank you enough for always being there for Marie and I." I thank her after the kitchen door gets closed. Instead of answering me, her eyes water instantly and i get pulled in a tight hug.
„I love you guys. So I have the one thanking you guys for letting me be your sister." she replies. Pulling her a bit tighter into me.
„Love you to! And it's our pleasure to have you as our sister. I honestly wouldn't like to change that. Not even for a second." I whisper and lead us towards the garden.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now