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Marie's pov:
It has been three days since we arrived in Volterra to save Edward. Since then a lot has happened. I got told that my sister knew of vampires for pretty long since she herself was deeply in love with one for some years. Four really strong and frightening vampires found their shared mate in little old me. And to put the cherry on top of all of that, my personal monster that had ruined my life years prior lives in the same castle as I am currently staying in. Of course my mates as well as Jane explained the situation in full colors to the other two kings and afterwards it was decided that he is going to die at the hands of my mates. To be honest, it has frightened me as well as made me happy how they made that decision within a heartbeat. They not even seem to care that they have been living with him for over hundreds of years. Still they sign his death without much thought nor care. So of course I was worried about my own future! I mean, if they will dispose of someone they know for that long like that, what will happen with me if I say or do anything that displeases them?
„Princess? What are you thinking so deeply about?" Alec asks me as he takes a seat next to me. The first time they suddenly appeared in my room I was shocked and irritated but now I am used to it. Someone of them always seems to be there along with me and even it can be irritable to never be alone it also is rather nice to know that there is someone along with you.
„About Damon." I say in a whisper since I know that he won't like that at all. His low growl only shows me how right I was with that thought.
„Why are you thinking about Damon princess?" he questions after he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Shrugging slightly at his question. If he already didn't like the fact I was thinking about him he definitely won't like my fear their execution had put into me.
„Princess? Please tell me?" he slightly begs and softly turns his head so he can now look me into my eyes.
„Hey? I can only help if I know what's going on in that head of yours princess." he adds since I have been staying quiet till now. Sighing a little, I mean, he is right in some points. Maybe he will be able to make me understand their whole lifestyle some more. They after all stated that the decision off killing Damon was only logical and the correct way to do with which laws he had been breaking throughout his life or as they say existence.
„You killed him without any care, neither did the other kings nor mates care. So, does that mean that you will do the same thing to me if I do something wrong?" I ask quietly. Afraid to ask as well as ashamed of still not understanding their living. His shocked expression as well as the hurt look in his eyes make me even more nervous.
„We would never ever allow anyone to hurt you! And no one will ever dare to kill you!" he tells me with no room of arguing. He even growls lowly at the words kill you. His strong hands carefully lift me up and sat me back down in his lap.
„You are our mate princess! That means that you mean the world to us. We would do absolutely everything to make you happy and be safe! Before anyone will even come close to hurt you I as well as your other mates would gladly lay down to die if that would make sure that you will stay safe and unharmed!" he goes on with his explanation. His eyes filled with tears that he won't be able to shed. Instead I am the one crying in his strong and protective arms.
„I love you princess! And I know so do the others with all their heart! So please don't even think for one second that either of us will hurt you nor allow anyone else to do so." he says with such honesty in every word that it nearly chokes me up with my hiccups from crying.
„Ok." i mumble after starring into his eyes for a bit longer.
„I trust you." I add and cuddle myself even closer into him. My head nuzzling his neck before a comfortable sigh leaves my lips. When I hear some deep purring coming from his chest, I scoot as close as I possibly can since that sound sounds so extremely soothing and lovely that I won't ever leave this position as long as he doesn't stop his purring.
„You all better now princess?" he asks me softly after kissing my head lovingly. Instead of answering him in a full sentence I simply humm my agreement. Way too comfy to answer since that would of meant leaving my hiding spot. And that's definitely not going to happen any time soon. A soft tapping sound comes from the door, still I have no intention of moving even a muscle.
„Come in." Alec calls to the door that slowly gets opened and closed again.
„I am sorry if I am interrupting your guys alone time. It's around lunchtime so I wanted to bring Marie some sandwiches." Edward softly says and I can hear him put a plate close next to me.
„Your sister wants to go out shopping with Alice a bit later on. Would you like to join them or do you want to stay here?" he questions with a low chuckle. Seemingly finding my position rather funny. With a small sigh I lift my head a little so I am able to look towards Edward.
„Is it ok to stay here? I don't like shopping. There always are so many people." I ask with a small pout on my lips. His smile however only widens slightly.
„I already thought you won't like to come along with them. If you should need anything just call either one of us and we will come right back to the castle. Alright?" he asks me with understanding as well as a proud smile at me for being fine with staying back here without Bella nor the Cullens.
„Ok. Thank you Eddi." I say before cuddling right back into Alec again. When I hear the door close again, I sigh a little.
„Are you staying with me please?" i ask alec hopeful since I really trust him to protect me while the other three are gone for the day.
„Of course I am staying with you princess. There was no need to even ask!" he says with a chuckle. Yeah, with Alec by my side I am going to be fine till my sister finishes her shopping spree.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now