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Marie's pov:
When we arrived in front of Carlisle's office, the door is already open for us to walk into.
„Ah! Felix just informed me that you found someone that would need my help." Carlisle says and smiles soothingly as well as with sad eyes towards the small boy still held in my arms.
„I indeed have. This little one has some really deep cuts and he also looks malnourished." I explain with a heavy heart that someone would do something like this to such a sweet little boy.
„Why don't you lay him down on the examination table?" Carlisle asks and makes a hand movement towards said table. Feeling the grip on my dress tighten makes my heart sink even more.
„Don't worry little one, I won't leave your side. But we need to let Carlisle look your wounds over so we can help you the best way possible. Is that ok little one?" I ask him softly. After some thinking the cutie pokes his tiny pinky finger at me with hopeful eyes. So of course I smile softly at him and wrap my pinky around his.
„I promise I won't leave your side at all. And I also promise that Carlisle only wants to help you, just like me and Felix." I tell him honestly. His eyes brim with tears yet again before his shoulders slouch down a little.
„Ok." he whispers after one more deep breath. Carlisle the true doctor that he truly is, right away starts with his examination. Still he tells the small boy everything he is going to do before doing it. He also keeps on explaining everything he uses on him like the stethoscope and so on.
„Can you please take off your shirt and trousers darling? I need to see if you have wounds on your whole body or only on your cute face and arms." he softly asks and quickly explains why since his eyes widen in pure panic right away.
„Hey, it's ok. Take some deep breaths for me little one! Deep breaths!" I instruct the second I realize how his breathing gets irregular just like mine always does shortly before getting into a panic attack. Afraid that he still might fall into one I carefully pick him up once more and cuddle him into my chest.
„That's it little one! Deep breaths. Just copy my breathing." I tell him while swaying side to side with the toddler in my arms.
„You are doing so good for me little one! Such a good boy!" I proudly tell him and even kiss his forehead simply because it was the natural thing to do for me.
„I really am sorry if I frightened you darling. I only wanted to make sure we are tending all of your wounds and not only some." Carlisle says and apologizes to the little Boykin my arms.
„Felix? Could you please get Alec? It would make this easier and less traumatic for this sweet boy." I say towards an observing Felix who quickly nods in understanding.
„I will get him right away." he says and steps a bit closer to the boy and me.
„Don't worry little one. No one will ever hurt you ever again, we are going to make sure of that. And I also promise you, that you don't need to be frightened of Alec. He is a like my brother and Marie's boyfriend too, he won't hurt you at all. So take some more deep breaths while I get him. Ok?" he explains the toddler with such care it makes me fall in love even more with him. How perfect is this man!?
„Ok." the boy mumbles in a whisper and keeps on copying my breathing.
„See, there is no need for you to worry at all." I add and kiss his forehead once more since it seems to help him calm down. My assumption is that this poor boy never got shown love ever before. Alec hurry's into the room with worried eyes. When they land on me and the small boy in my arms, he slowly walks towards us.
„Felix said you need my help?" he asks me not leaving the scared boy in my arms out of his eye sight.
„Indeed I do. We do to be honest." I say and smile at him to make sure he knows that I am perfectly fine and that he doesn't need to worry at all.
„Could you please use your gift on this little one? Carlisle needs to check him through completely but he is really frightened. We thought this would be a more comfortable way to do it for him." I ask him ansticht away See understanding in his caring eyes.
„Of Course." he replies with a smile. Instead of simply using his gift though he steps closer to us so he now is only one step away from us.
„Hello baby boy. I am going to help you through the examination. You wont feel anything but comfort and calmness." he softly tells the terrified boy clinging onto me for dear life.
„Stay?" he asks with a trembling voice that really breaks all our hearts. Sweetly kissing his forehead seems to do the trick since he sighs heavily.
„I won't leave your side at all." I promise nonetheless since I know he needs to hear it too. Slowly I sit him back on the table, but I keep his hand in mine to reassure him that I won't leave him like promised.
„That won't hurt at all little one." alec once more says and let's his black fog float towards him. It doesn't take longer than two seconds before the Cutie is out cold.
„Will you please take off his clothes? I think he would feel more comfortable if you do so." Carlisle asks me to which I simply nod in agreement. The more of his skin comes to few the more my stomach knots up in pure horror for this little boy! How cruel must be whoever did that to him!?
„It's even worse than I feared." Carlisle mutters under his breath. He however quickly gets to work with cleaning each and every cut and bruise the best he can. The poor boy even has burn marks all over his tiny body! Feeling my eyes stinging with tears makes me shake myself. Now is not the time to let my feelings free, for that I will have time later on. But now I need to be strong and be there for him. It's the least I can do!
„I am afraid you need to take off his undies too." Carlisle says with a heavy sigh. Just than do I realize that he has already tend to every wound on the fragil body. At first I don't get why in the world I should take off the last cloth item on his body but when my brain catches on I get sick. With everything that had be done to him, they surly wouldn't of done that too. Right?
„Marie? I really am sorry to ask that but I need to make sure he isn't hurt down there as well." Carlisle softly says. I can see that he too hates to even think of what hell this poor toddler had to went through.
„I can do it if you want sweetheart?" Felix asks me softly. His eyes also brimmed with tears. Instead of agreeing though I shake my head in answer. If someone needs to touch him it should be me. I after all don't want him to think anyone else touched him. That could quickly pull him back into a panic attack. Careful and with dread I pull his undies down to his knees. Hearing the shocked indrawn breath from Carlisle makes me feel even more sick than before. This can only mean my worst nightmare happened to this young and innocent boy.
„His bum hole is completely swollen as well as ripped in a few places." Carlisle says with sorrow. I don't even want to think about the how and who, or I will run off on a killing spree. Not that I won't do it, but right now this little boy needs me by his side. I however will avenge him! How dare anyone hurt my sweet little one!?
„Alec? Please intensify your poison on him. I need to stitch it up and it sadly will hurt like hell otherwise." Carlisle instructs my mate who quickly does as told.
„We will find Who did this, don't worry sweetheart! I promise we will make sure the are going to regret hurting this poor child!" Felix says as he hugs me tightly. Only now do I realize that I am shaking uncontrollably in pure hate as well as sorrow for this small boy.
„Ok, all done." Carlisle says. Seeing this as my go ahead, I carefully dress my little one back up. Only than Alec stops with his gift. When the poor boy opens his eyes up again he looks a bit dazed but otherwise fine.
„it's all over baby boy." i say and pick him back up. His tiny arms quickly engulf me in a hug and I can feel how relieved he is that I true to my words stood by his side the whole time.
„Why don't we go to my room? I am sure we have some fresh clothes for you there? And afterwards to the kitchen? I am sure we can put some food into you. Does that sound alright for you?" I ask the boy and only get wide surprised eyes in answer from him.
„What? Did you really think I will let you stay in those nasty clothes? Or even worse won't feed you?" I ask him in disbelief. His eyes only widen before he hugs me tightly and thanking me over and over again. Why? No idea! After all I only do what everyone would do. At least what everyone should be doing.
„I already brought some fresh clothes." Felix says and lays some comfy joggers along with a wide shirt and undies on the table. So I ask everyone to please wait outside while my baby boy dresses. I know that we all did see him makes already but I know he will feel more comfortable that way. They also agree right away to give him some privacy. Since he still feels a bit woozy I help him a bit with the clothes but not long after we step out of the office to finally go to the kitchen. My little one needs food after all!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now