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Marie's pov:
The moment my eyes fall open I feel like I can for the first time in my life I am able to see. Everything is much clearer and more colorful than what I ever thought possible. I could also hear every little thing. The birds happily chirping and even way farther away I can hear the people walking through Volterra.
„Cutie pie? Bella?" i hear Janie's melodic voice and my eyes right away find hers.
„Janie!" I squeal in delight that she truly stayed at our side throughout our whole change.
„Bella! You look absolutely stunning!" I tell my other sister in absolute admiration. She truly looks incredible. Her skin now as white as every other vampire which make her deep red eyes pop right out of her angelic face.
„Wow! Marie! You look absolut breathtaking! Like an angel!" she reply's with a bell like voice. It suits her thought! Thinking about it, I do sounded different now. Janie and Bella pull me into another tight embrace and i soak it up like a dry sponge. Loving the affection we share with one another.
„My love?" I hear Caius deep voice. The second I look at him I need to take a double take, just like I need to do with all of my mates to be honest. I knew they are very beautiful but they look absolutely breathtaking! How comes I wasn't seeing them like this beforehand. Feeling a small shove from my sister towards my mates I simply smile even brighter at them seconds before I throw myself at them. They of course catch me without any trouble. Nuzzling each of their necks, loving to be this close to them. It feels like my whole body arches for their touch for their love.
„I Love you!" I mumble out to them with as much love as I possibly put into my words. Their reply comes instant and I can feel my eyes burning with happy tears. Feeling soft lips pressing against mine I react on instinct. Pulling Felix closer towards me while completely letting him take the lead, only following his rhythm.
„My turn!" I hear and get pulled into another chest and new lips pressing onto mine, this goes on till all four of my mates have kisses me nearly senseless and to be honest I think I would of let them do whatever they might of wanted to do right now. That is if I wouldn't of heard Janie telling Bella how Edward came shortly after we got bitten to apologize. She also explains how he wanted to come in to be there for her change as well, but since she made them promise not to not let him in, they send him away instead.
„What are you going to do now Bella ?" I ask her interested what her plan is going to be like now. At first she only shrugs her shoulder but then she starts to bite her lip, just like I do when I get nervous or get myself too much into my head.
„Maybe you should go and talk to him? I can accompany you if you want me to?" I encouragingly say. Hoping that the two of them find their way back to one another and get as close as they used to be again. After all, I do want my sister happy and I am pretty certain that she only will get truly happy if her mate is close to her side. Mates need to be close to one another otherwise they both are going to get insane. Vampires aren't good at surviving after they broke up with their mate or even worse lose them.
„You are right, i Guess. Would the two of you come along with me? It definitely would make me feel more secure." she asks Janie and I. And the fact she even asks that stupid question makes us role our eyes at her. As if we would let her go on her own! Especially after how he acted when we went to him to talk about our change! And trust me, if he hurts my sister again I will show him what pain truly is!
„We will be waiting here while you go and help your sister. Hurry back afterwards, we want to show you how much we love you honey!" Felix starts to say before he nibbles my neck. Luckily I was able to hold the moan in that was bubbling up my throat. That however was a close one.
„Will do." i say and Kiss each of my mates. Of course Felix the always cheeky one puts more passion in it then I expected. It also isn't nice of him to make me all hot and horny for him when he knows I will have to go and see my idiotic brother in law now. Pouting at him only makes him wink at me. Ugh, sometimes I hate how easily they get me worked up! That's so not fair at all! But pay back is a bitch! Janie and Bella only Signal a thumbs up to me, seemingly getting what I was thinking about. Guess I do have to go to Janie's room before returning to my mates and I room. We once went shopping together, only the three sisters together and we bought some very sexy lingerie. Just to make sure my mates won't find it beforehand we thought it would be best to leave it in Janie's room for now. As we are a few doors down the hall both the girls start to tell me how I need to show them what I got and that I need to be a little more cheeky with my mates as well. Since we were occupied on talking about which of the lingeries I should be wearing later on, we haven't any time to talk about Bella what she wants to tell Edward. So when we arrived at his room door, my sister knocks once before the gets thrown open by a furious looking Edward. As he however registers who is standing in front of his door he however sighs heavily before he pulls Bella into a tight embrace. Janie and I were keeping a close eye on how he was acting, but till now he only has been kissing and cuddling her while he keeps on apologizing about his behavior.
„Was it bearable?" he asks her with a frown and worry in his eyes.
„I guess. Only felt pain for a few seconds before I fell asleep peacefully." she replies mich to his shock. At least his wide eyes would suggest that he is shocked.
„Marie! I also want to apologize to you too! It was completely uncalled for me to accuse you of talking my mate into anything. I really am sorry and i do hope you can forgive me." he says sincerely after his eyes fell on me and Janie standing right next to bella on each side. I only nod my head once, not really ready to forgive him. Maybe if he once again starts to be his usual self I will contemplate on forgiving him, but certainly not now.
„Thank you guys for coming with me, but I should talk with my mate alone for a bit." Bella thanks us after we have been watching them talk for nearly half an hour with one another. We both hug her once more, I also whisper into her ear that I love her and then we leave the two lovebirds alone.
„Let's pick up your lingerie now. I am sure your mates are getting impatient already." Janie says and wiggles her eyebrows at me much to my joy. I love this side on her. When she simply is herself without any thought of how anyone else may see her for it. Maybe I can help her find her mate too!? She definitely deserves one!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now