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Marie's pov:
The second the door to the library was opened I was jumping up and down in pure bliss. This is the absolute best thing I have ever seen!!! There are rows and rows of bookshelves!
„Bella!! Look! There are so many books!" I whisper shout while literally jumping up and down in excitement.
„I guess someone really likes books." I hear a deep and raspy voice saying followed by a chuckle. Quickly turning around, surprised as well as frightened who might be standing behind me.
„Master Marcus. I was just showing this cutie around our home." Jane respectfully says as well as taking my hand in hers to calm me. The foreign man simply smiles softly at me before nodding along with Janes talking.
„That's really thoughtful of you Jane." he answers.
„So, you like to read? Or did you only like the exterior from the library?" he questions me softly as well as interested. Jane encouragingly nods at me so I take a deep breath before looking at the man patiently waiting for my reply.
„I really like to read. Most of the times it's the only thing I do in a day." I answer feeling slightly embarrassed at my own statement. He however doesn't make fun of me or even laugh at me. He only smiles understandingly.
„Any particular books?" he questions completely ignoring the Cullens chuckle.
„Not really. I like all books. It simply depends on how I am feeling on that day and so on." I answer, slowly starting to feel more comfortable around him. Till now most people laughed at my love for books but he seems to enjoy some books as well.
„Same as me than. Sadly I need to go now, but maybe we can talk some more later? I would really love to get to know someone that truly loves their books just like me." he says honestly sounding sad that he need to go but also hopeful that I would agree to talk a bit later.
„I really would like that too." I answer without much thought. It simply felt natural.
„That's amazing dear! Than i wish you a Great time with Jane, your sister and your Friends and we will see each other a bit later on." he states and shortly after leaves the library.
„How absolut we take a Seat over there?" Edward asks with a smile on his lips as well as loving eyes that are trained at my oblivious sister.
„Mhm." I hum my consent and let Jane lead me to a small seating area. My head has been turning around the whole way since all those books look so inviting.
„Cutie? You driftet off in your Head it Seems." Jane says after shaking me softly. Shaking my head a little with red cheeks of embarrassment.
„Sorry." i mumble, trying to hurt my red cheeks. Jane however is quick to softly lift my head back up again.
„There is absolut Nothing you need to be sorry for, nor to be embarrassed off. So head up! You are way too cute to hide yourself." she encouragingly tells me, making me of course giggle at her funny face she was making at me. When I finally was able to stop those embarrassing sounds to leave my mouth I look at Edward and Alice in expectation. Wanting to know what they need to inform me off.
„You know How Vampires are real, but not only are we real but some of us have some unique gifts so to speak." Edward carefully starts. Simply nodding at him to go on, since till now he hasn't said anything that I haven't known already.
„taking Alice as an example, she has the gift of having visions of the future." he goes on. He however right away stops as my face scrunches up slightly. If she really can see the future than why hasn't she helped me that night!? Back than Edward was already together with Bella and I thought of them all as my friends as well. So why would she or any of them allow another vampire to brutalize me like that? How could they.
„It's not like that Marie! I swear if I would of seen anything happen to you that night, I would of right away stepped in." Alice says with pained eyes and even for the death of me I know that she wouldn't of allowed it. Still, if she could see the future, than why couldn't she see mine? Why couldn't she help me? Safe me!?
„We don't know How it works. It usually simply happens. But you are another piece we can't seem to grasp." Edward says trying to calm the situation down again but it only seems to confuse me even more.
„I don't understand." I mumble feeling rather stupid. What do they even mean with I am another piece they can't grasp.
„The easiest way to explain it is that none of our gifts work with you. I can't see your future, sadly." Alice says after squeezing my hand softly.
„Edward can't read your mind, Jasper can't send you feelings and the list goes on and on. As well as what had happened back in the thrones room. It's not normal for humans to have those kind of gifts." she goes on with explaining the situation some more to me.
„I thought Edward can't read Bella's thought either? Maybe it has to do with their genes?" Jane questions thoughtfully. The other two also nod right away at her assumptions.
„That's what we thought, but than again we don't have those problems with their dad nor their mum." Edward adds after a heavy sigh.
„So is there something wrong with Bella and I?" I ask worried that my sister might has some health problems along with me that would explain those things. Hearing all of their chuckles though irritates me.
„No cutie! There is nothing wrong with either of you two. It however is cute how you thing there is something wrong with you when you hear that we are vampires that have strange gifts." Jane says and smiles softly at me. Bella also smiles at me after giggling lightly.
„I have asked them the same thing when they told me." she says in explanation. That makes sense! In some ways we are that similar while in others we are like night and day. However the differences though we love each other dearly and would do pretty much everything for the other one!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now