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Marie's pov:
The moment Tanya along with two of my mates and I enter the small library, that I have deemed as my workspace, I make a hand movement to tell her to take a seat. My mates took a stand on each of my side protectively as if they are afraid this young woman would want to attack me.
„What was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask trying to sound calm and friendly even though I am still unsure of how I have to act as their queen.
„Of Course." she says and nods her head before she takes a deep breath. She also seems rather unsure of herself which is completely different to how she was back in the throne room.
„Since you are our true queen, I wanted to ask if it would be possible for my coven to keep on living our vegetarian diet?" she asks hopeful as well as slightly afraid that I would disagree with their lifestyle.
„To be honest, it was quit interesting to hear how you as well as the Olympic coven live off animal blood instead of human blood." I start to say and see her shoulders slouching, seemingly thinking I would right out disagree with their diet.
„Saying that, I won't judge any diet you all decide on having. I do think it's odd, however I still am human and learning all those new things about vampires. So as long you and your coven feel happy and satisfied with your choice of diet, that's completely fine for me." I say and see the relieve on Tanyas face.
„My only concern was that you might attack humans since they are your, well, normal source of food. So, if you can guarantee me that this won't be the case, than you may keep your diet." I add. Tanya at first looks shocked at my statement but also impressed of how far I am already thinking considering that I am so new to being queen.
„That's understandable my queen. I can promise and guarantee you that this won't be any problem at all. We after all live that lifestyle for a long time and are completely used to living off of animal blood." Tanya reassuringly tells me. Satisfied with her answer makes me smile.
„Very well. If you don't have anything else you wanted to talk about, you may want to go back to your family." I say with finality. Wanting to get this meeting over with so I can finally spend some time with my mates as well as see how Janie is doing with the newly turned vampires.
„Felix can show you the way." I add and look at my lovely mate who kisses my lips lovingly before ushering Tanya out of the room again.
„Hello Sweetheart!" Demetri mumbles in my ear and starts to kiss down my neck before he kisses my lips sweetly.
„Missed you today." I say as I throw my arms around his head to hug him tightly. Living to be so close to him. Hearing his soft purring makes me sigh happily. That's exactly what I needed right now.
„You Did very well sweetheart! Handled like a true queen!" he proudly states and kisses my head a few times.
„I can only agree my love. Can't tell you how proud I am of you!" caius states from behind me. His strong arms quickly, yet carefully engulf my body so he can lift me out of Demetris arms and instead in his arms.
„Only can agree princess!" Alec says and kisses my face softly while Caius holds me tightly against his chest.
„Missed you all!" I say softly, already feeling my cheeks getting warmer from the blush that has creeped onto my face.
„Oh! Honey we missed you all as well! Four hours of not having you in our arms is simply too long!" Felix says after opening and closing the door quietly.
„Did you brought her to the others?" I ask. It's after all is my job to make sure that everyone is happy and safe. Seeing them all smile proudly at me makes my stomach make a flip in joy. It feels incredible to make my mates proud!
„Of course I did honey. I even showed them to their rooms since they asked to stay for a few days." Felix answers me and much to caius dismay takes me out of his arms.
„Hey!" he says with a chuckle and pecks my lip.
„Hey. And thank you!" I reply with a giggle and can feel how my other mates got a bit closer to us.
„Group hug!" Alec says loudly and just like that I am in the middle of a big hug pile and I absolutely enjoy it. There is no better feeling than be so close with all of my mates. Especially since I now also don't have to worry about Janie any longer since she got back a bit earlier today.
„How about we go to the kitchen? I am pretty sure our love hasn't eaten anything after breakfast." Caius says as he looks at me with an eyebrow raised. Sighing a little at that before nodding my head a bit ashamed. Knowing that they don't like it when I let out any food intake but I simply forget when I have things to do.
„What would you like for lunch princess?" Alec asks softly, all of them seemingly ignoring my ashamed look and instead try to brighten my mood again. They are simply the best!
„I don't know. Only something quick I guess." I say, not really hungry. They all look a bit saddened at my shrug.
„Well, than we have to see what we can make for our sweetheart." Demetri says and winks at me. Giggling at his cheekiness makes the others also smile brightly my way. When they open the door to the kitchen I squeal in joy.
„Janie!" I squeal in excitement.
„Hello cutie pie! I thought I make you some lunch since I figured you otherwise forget to eat some again." she says just as happy of seeing me.
„Well, that's why we also brought her here. But thank you for also looking out for your sister that well!" Caius tells Janie and I see how she is surprised at the compliment from my mates. It's not like they don't like her, it's just that they at first thought that Janie would try to steal me away from them. After I sat them all down to explain how I see her as sister and as sister only, they realized that they were overreacting and even apologized for their behavior. Ever since then they all work like a good oiled machine together. Much to my joy! I after all love them all a lot!
„Of Course. I do hope you enjoy Cutie pie!" Janie says and puts a plate full of fish and chips in front of me. Seeing that I clap in excitement. I have told her yesterday that I like that dish a lot ever since I was in London for a week. And to think that she took out the time of her day to make me that dish now is really heart warming. It just shows how sweet and caring she truly is.
„Thank you Janie!" I say and take a first bite only to compliment her on her cooking skills. It just tasted like back in London!!
„You are very Welcome cutie pie! I am going to let you spend some more time with your mates. See you a bit later!" Janie says. She softly kisses my cheek before running off again with the promise of meeting up in two hours to spend some time together.
„Can we maybe talk about the prophecy in that book?" I ask softly. Finally wanting to talk about the possibility of getting pregnant as well as when and how they want to turn me in a vampire also.
„Of course honey! What do you want to talk about?" Felix asks with curious eyes.
„Well first off I wanted to know when you like to turn me into a vampire?" I ask lowly. Till now we haven't talked about any of it.
„We thought you might aren't ready just yet to be turned, so we wanted to wait till you ask princess." Alec answers with a shy smile. Hmm, if that's the cause than we definitely need to talk more. I after all want to be with them forever and for that I need to change.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now