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Marie's pov:
Slowly my eyelids open up again. With a worried frown I look around in the to me unknown room. When I see my sister sitting next to me I quickly lunge my body into hers. Feeling right away safer in the arms of bella. She after all always was there for me and protected me from all the bullies and from the world to be honest.
„Everything is fine Marie. Nothing will happen to you you." she softly tells me after kissing my forehead a few times.
„Your sister is right princess. No one will allow anything to happen to you." the boy from earlier softly says. He try's to look less threatening but his eyes still frighten me immensely.
„We need to go! Bella please we need to go!" I urgently tell her feeling my breathing getting shallow but the need to get my sister away from those monsters is even more important to me.
„You can't leave us." four loud and panicked voices scream out but I just can't allow them to do the same things to my sister nor can I allow them to put me through everything once again as the other vampire has done a few years ago.
„Bella please! They are dangerous!" I beg her to believe me and to just leave with me as quick as we possibly can!
„what do you mean Marie? Why do you think they are dangerous?" she asks me softly completely ignoring the whines from the others. My eyes brimming with tears, afraid that she will think that I am crazy. I myself would think that I lost my very mind but I learned the hard way.
„They are vampires! They are just like him! We need to go! Now!" I exclaim while holding tightly onto my sister that only looks stunned before shaking her head at me as if to get her mind cleared up again.
„I know. But they won't hurt you. They can't." she simply states with such certainty it confuses me. From where does she even know?! And if she does know how can she think that they wouldn't hurt us!?
„Baby, we won't ever hurt you!" the Young looking boy says and I instinctively flinch at being called baby again. That's what he has been calling me.
„Don't! Don't call her that!" bella right away tells him forcefully as she pulls me tightly into herself.
„He is not here! And I promise those four won't hurt you! You need to believe me Marie!" she softly says and caresses my back lovingly. Still this whole thing is completely confusing me.
„sweetheart, your sister is right. We won't ever hurt you. You are our world!" Demetri says and slowly walks closer towards me. To my own shock I don't even feel threatened by him. After all he has been carrying me earlier on so I won't hurt myself on the way back to their masters. His cold hand softly caresses my hand and even his red eyes that usually would terrify me make me relax some more.
„But you are a vampire and vampires use humans for their fun because we are baby's compared to you as well worthless whores." I whimper out. Knowing that now they sure as hell will attack us. So with that knowledge I try to shield my innocent sister with me body much to all of their shock if their indrawn breaths are something to go by.
„Honey, Hey! Please don't say thinks like that honey. You are not worthless! You are absolutely perfect, so no more degrading yourself." the other one from earlier, Felix says.
„But, but." I hiccup out not able to talk any longer, way to overwhelmed and too frightened.
„Shh, princess. I know that you are scared. Especially from me, but I would never ever hurt you." the young boy says. His eyes seem to be sad, why though I don't know.
„Why don't we start by introducing ourselves to you sweetheart?" Demetri asks me softly. Still completely confused on why they are acting like that I nod after bella encouragingly nods at me.
„Here my love. Why don't you take a seat with your sister? The couch is more comfortable than just standing." the oldest of them says as he encouragingly nods towards a comfy looking couch with an enormous window behind it. Suddenly feeling my nerves fly away in excitement of seeing all those beautiful flowers outside of the window. It looks to be a wonderful garden down there.
„Do you like the Garden Honey?" Felix asks with a soft smile on his beautiful face.
„Mhm! The flowers are really pretty!" i answer without looking away from them.
„Well sweetheart, if you want to we can go into the garden later on." Demetri asks me and I right away turn towards him with wide and hopeful eyes. Maybe they really are going to be nice and show me the garden. At least I can hope!
„That's settled than. So let's introduce ourselves to you princess and afterwards we are going to show you to the garden." the young one says and for the first time I really look at him. Till now I only saw his dark nearly black eyes which reminded me extremely of the one from years ago. His face though looks completely different, way softer and more delicate. He also has no scar down on his left face which only makes me breath a little easier again. When he sees me looking at him he seems to brighten up a bit more. And even with him staring at me as well, my panic isn't raising anymore.
„Why don't I start? My name is Alec Volturi. It's a pleasure to finally meet you princess." he softly says and even kisses the back of my hand that bella isn't holding tightly.
„Nice to meet you too." I mumble slightly unsure of how else I should of answered. My face has went beet red at his show of affection.
„My name is Caius Volturi my love. And let me tell you I can't believe that I finally found you." the oldest out of them says with a wide smile. Hearing his low purring coming from his chest. My hands slowly lift in the air, wanting to be picked up by him so I can be closer to the purring since it sounds so incredibly calming to me. He seems to be shocked but only a second later he softly picks me up which also makes the purring louder. A sigh leaves my lips as I cuddle closer into the cold chest that feels so familiar to me.
„My name is Demetri sweetheart. It's good to see you slowly getting comfortable around us." Demetri softly says and smiles lovingly at me.
„Last but not least, my name is felix Honey. And I am very happy that I finally found my mate in you." felix says and softly caresses my cheek.
„Hi." I whisper with a bright blush and see my sister smiling proudly at me.
„Can I go back to Edward and Alice or do you want me to stay with you?" she asks me and I stiffen up a bit. Not sure if it's safe to go separate ways. What if they change into the monsters I know vampires can be?
„Shh, you are fine princess! Nothing will happen to you." alec sushes me gently.
„Bella?" i ask him since I won't allow anyone to hurt my sister either.
„I will talk with my brothers to make sure your sister will be safe as well." caius promises to which I nod softly. Feeling better with the knowledge that my sister will be safe as well.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now