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Marie's pov:
„Well, I want to be with you guys forever and to do that, I need to become a vampire." I say and see all of them smiling brightly at me. Guess they really were worried that I wouldn't like to stay with them.
„And even if that wouldn't be the case, I still need to get turned to be able to become pregnant." I mumble slightly embarrassed for voicing the last piece. The second they hear it thought, they right away cuddle me tightly into themselves. Their purrs sounding so pleased and happy that I also smile softly. Hoping that they aren't mad at me for voicing all of my thoughts to them. Bella and Janie said that i need to talk about everything with my mates since we are meant to be together and be there for one another through thick and thin. Seems like my two lovely sisters were right about it, like they usually are. My fear however was and kind of still is that my mates aren't so pleased with my possibility of getting pregnant. As far as I read and heard, is that vampires aren't able to bear a child, so maybe they didn't even want a baby?
„Honey? Hey? What's the matter? Why are you so stressed? It's just us honey. Take some deep breaths for us honey!" Demetri asks before he try's to sooth me as well as make me follow his breathing. All those negative thinking must of triggered me? Wouldn't be the first time this happened to me though, sadly!
„There you go Princess! You are doing so good! We all love you so much!" Alec says and squeezes my hand softly. When I finally was able to breath properly again, they simply cuddle and kiss me some more.
„Everything better now my love?" Caius asks softly but also hopeful.
„Or should I get your sisters sweetheart?" Felix questions with curious eyes. I still can see the fear for my wellbeing in them though. So with that in mind and with the realization of how silly I am for not trusting my mates enough to talk about this whole prophecy thing, I shake my head in answer.
„Can we go to our room?" I ask them hopefully. Knowing that there i feel right at home just like I feel with them all around. So after having one of my episodes as I call them, i feel the most comfortable surrounded by things and people that feel like home.
„Of course sweetheart! Let's go and cuddle a bit. Does that sound good for you?" Felix asks even though his knowing eyes know my answer already so instead of clapping my hands in joy I only smile brightly in reply.
„Then Let's go my love!" Caius says and softly picks me up in his arms before he starts to walk towards our room. While on the way there I simply cuddle myself into Caius comfy chest and enjoy the ride.
„Do you want to be in the middle princess?" Alec asks. Caius already placing me in the middle and curling around me. The others quickly following his lead, their purring only comfort me more.
„Do you want to talk about what triggered you back in the library sweetheart?" Felix softly asks me, even caressing my back lovingly. Sighing heavily, knowing that I do need to talk about my fear with my mates. Maybe that way my fear will get destroyed! That is if they not only want me to become a vampire but also want me to become pregnant with their children.
„Do you really want me to become a vampire?" I ask unsure but also hopeful that this will turn out good.
„Of course we want you to become a vampire my love! That way we can stay together forever!" Caius answers right away, my other three mates nod along with him. Felix who was closest apart from Caius kisses my lips a few times. Hearing the others whine that he gets kisses and they don't, I sat myself upright so I kiss the others as well. After all I don't have a favorite mate, I simply love them all the same!
„So was that it princess? Were you really so worried that we wouldn't want you by our sides for the rest of our lives?"Alec asks after kissing me once more. His eyes seem sad that I would doubt their love for me, but should I really tell them the whole truth?
„Or was it about the miracle that you can give us your surely wonderful babies princess?" he adds while keeping eye contact the whole time. At hearing that statement I finally realize that the cat is out of the sack or however this thing is called. That also means that it is time to talk about it honestly!
„I mean, as vampires you never thought you will get a baby. So maybe you don't even want one." I say, biting my lip in a nervous habit. Their shocked indrawn breaths only make my nerves spiking even more. Fearing that I was right with my assumption. Of course they don't want kids, especially not with me. I am a waste of space anyway. Should of known from the very start that this all was too good to be true.
„Why would you say or think that my love?" Caius asks, sounding honestly wounded. But why? I thought they don't want kids. That's why they have stayed quiet till now!? Right?
„Honey look at me. Please!" Demetri nearly begs so with a heavy sigh I look at him. He just like the others look so hurt and wounded.
„We are over the Moon happy that we found you! All of us love you all the way to the moon and back!" he starts to say. Feeling my mouth start to tremble, only seconds away from starting to cry.
„And not only have you found us, you also can make all our biggest wish come true by giving us some babies!" he goes on with his explanation and my eyes widen at his words. Is he serious? They want to have babies with me? He also was talking in plural, so he even wants more than one?
„Don't look so surprised sweetheart! Of course we are absolutely thrilled that you are able to become pregnant!" Felix says with a chuckle at my stunned look.
„And only to be pretty transparent here with you my love. We are planning on getting you pregnant as much as possible! After all we want at least fifty kids with you!" Caius says seriously. My mouth must of fallen open in complete shock. Is he serious!? Fifty kids! That's quite a bit to say the least. Their nonchalant reaction to this topic though makes me really happy! So since I don't feel like talking about the actual count of kids I simply giggle. Happy that they do want to stay with me forever as well as get babies with me!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now