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Marie's pov:
When I woke up again I still feel rather groggy. Guess delivering four babies is really tiresome as well as intense for your body. Said body still is arching but not even closely as bad as before. Hearing a cute squealing sound, I right away shake myself out of my head and into the here and now. After all this sound definitely was coming from one of my sweet little angels!
„Shh, baby boy. We don't want to wake mommy up just yet. She needs to sleep to get back her energy levels again." I hear Demetri whisper towards a now pouting baby. The second said little one sees me thought he grins broadly at me while spreading his arms out as if asking me to please hold him. So what a mother would I be if I wouldn't go towards him right away. Who cares that I still feel kind of wobbly? My baby wants me to hold him so of course I am going to do so.
„Come here you little angel!" I say and scoop him into my arms and out of Demetris surprised ones.
„Honey! You are awake!?" he says in astonishment before hugging me tightly. Of course minding the cute baby in my arms.
„Just woke up seconds before I heard this little angels squealing." I say and kiss my baby's face a few times, making him squeal even louder than before in pure joy.
„Mommy loves you my sweet little boy!" I tell him and kiss him some more.
„It's so good to see you awake again. We were really worried when you fell asleep. Carlisle than informed us on how delivering baby's is hard work, do we shouldn't worry. He said it's only understandable that you were drained after giving birth to our sweet babies." Demetri says relieved. He kisses my lips pretty heatedly but I don't care. Way to happy to have at least one of my four little angels in my arms. Thinking about it thought, i do want to know where my other three loves and mates are. Demetri seems to know what i am thinking about since he quickly runs off only to reappear two seconds later with my mates and babies along with my lovely sisters. Smiling brightly at my family makes them smile even wider. My other three babies right away hold out their tiny arms towards me, just like their brother has just done. So with a small pout on my lips, i get my mates to hand me my other three angels over. Now with my arms full and an even fuller heart, i take a Seat on the Couch. For the first time really looking at those four incredible babies that mean the world to me. Their cute eyes boring into me with so much love and trust it's literally stealing my breath.
„How are you feeling cutie pie? Should you really be already moving so soon after delivering those four cuties?" Janie asks me with worry that I might overwork myself. Smiling appreciative at her however seems to do the trick.
„I am feeling incredibly. Still a bit tired and wobbly, but I needed to hold my little angels." I answer her. Bella and her smile understandable at me before they hug me softly.
„We understand that. Those four really are an amazing gift. You really did well!" bella says with wet eyes. As if my angel understand what she has said about them, they giggle and squeal excitedly, melting my heart even more than it already was.
„Have you guys decided on their names already cutie pie?" Janie asks me with a soft smile as she softly caresses my baby girls cheek with adoration.
„Didn't you guys tell them already?" I question my mates in surprise they haven't told them the names we picked beforehand. They however only shake their head at me.
„We thought you should be the one telling them my love. After all we didn't know who will get which name. Except our baby girl of curse." Caius explains and kisses my lips softly. My other mates right away follow his lead. So when they all haves kissed me, I turn my attention back to my sisters who still were waiting on the names.
„Our baby girls name is Nova." I start and kiss her chubby cheeks. Hearing her happy giggle makes me smile at my princess. Happy that she seems to like the name we have picked for her. To be honest, picking the girls name was the hardest. My guess is that it was because we needed to agree on only one female name whereas we had three boys name to give. In the end We flipped a coin as dumb as that might sound, it's the truth. I also decided on writing down the other names, just for the possibility of giving birth to one more girl than thought as well as for future babies. At least I can dream of that!
„Our first born here is named Luca." I go on and kiss my firstborn who just like his sister squeals happily. My sisters simply awh at their cute behavior as well as keep complementing me on the chosen names.
„The second born is going by the name Dominic." I say, and just like his siblings he also squeals as well as claps his tiny fingers when I kiss his whole face. Already pretty much addicted to that lovely sound my babies keep on making.
„And last, but certainly not least, our youngest Niko." I say and kiss the black curly haired one with joy. Do after hearing his squealing too, I smile the brightest I have ever smiled.
„Those are really amazing names Marie! And once again, very well done on all of them. They each look so sweet and beautiful." Bella says and kisses my forehead with proudness shining in her eyes. Janie nods along with her statement with the same proud glint in her dark red eyes. Thinking about that, I realize that my babies eyes aren't red at all! They all have really pale blue ones. No, that's not the complete truth here. My baby girl has one brown and one baby blue one. It suits her incredible though. Makes her look even more perfect in my eyes! When I hear a few whimpers coming from my little angels though I right away get into high alert! What is wrong? Are they hurt? Was someone mean to them. Shaking my head at my own dumbness right after thinking those thoughts. Knowing fully well that no one will dare hurt or be mean to my angels at all and definitely not my family!
„Are my angels hungry?" I ask them and get four nods in reply. Still a bit shocked at how intelligent those four are, after all they do understand each word i have been saying till now.
„Here. We already got their bottles ready before you woke up princess." my sweet and caring Alec says presenting me with four bottles filled with milk. At least it looks like milk, but seeing as my angels are still little babies I am guessing it's formula.
„Can we feed them? Please sweetheart?" Felix asks me with hopeful eyes. So with a sigh and a heavy heart I nod my head. My mates need to hold our babies too I guess. But they better know to hand them right back into my arms when they finished their bottles!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now