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Marie's pov:
I have been listening while Bella told them about my past as well as how we met. It's strange how I can remember absolutely everything from that day even though I was that young back than. The most detailed thing I remember though is meeting my sister and new dad. They were absolutely incredible and i can't even start to say how thankful i am that they took me in and loved me like I truly am part of their family. Those two not only opened their house for me but also their hearts and I won't ever be able to thank them enough for that.
What I however wasn't expecting thought was for Edward to ask such a dumb question. At first I thought he only tried to break the tension back up, but after they all have quietened down and only disbelief mumbles were able to hear, I turn around to. Too curious what there is going on as well as what their problem seems to be.
„I never had any birthmarks and since I am a vampire I can't get any now." Jane tells him pretty pissed as well as on edge since everyone keep on staring at her, Bella and me. Edward simply shakes his head before trying to explain but than simply asks her to look. Just to make sure he is or isn't right with his assumption. Janie didn't look too happy with it but than turns her wrist over, where to everyone's shock indeed is a birthmark in the form of a small heart. Janie looks the most shocked though.
„It's ok Janie! I think it's really pretty!" I tell her and see her softly smiling at me. Completely calm again, obviously no longer caring for the new birthmark on her skin.
„Bella? Do you have one too?" Edward asks her. He looks on edge but still his eyes only shine in love for my big sister.
„Have one of those for as long as I can remember." she answers with a shrug of her shoulders. Seemingly not getting why they make such a huge deal out of something so silly. Well, at least I am not alone with that than.
„We should go to Aro and Marcus in the thrones room. They need to know that too." Caius states after sending me a reassuring smile. Something though doesn't feel right. Why do we need to go to them now? None of their reactions make sense what so ever!
„Why?" I ask not wanting to even move a muscle before knowing what the whole deal is here. Bella and Janie also cross their arms in front of their chests. Guess those two are completely on my side with that.
„We are doing to explain everything there. Those two simply know more about our assumptions than we do. So it will be easier to discuss this with them around." Alice soothingly says. Her face beaming happily, guess she has seen something good than. At least I do hope so!!
„Alright, but you better explain every little detail when we get to them because I am starting to get eater inpatient!" Janie growls before she softly takes my hand in hers. Bella is quick in mirroring her move, so now the three of is Walk hand in hand after my mates, followed by the two Cullens.
„Ah! What a wonderful surprise!" Aro states loudly, clapping his hands in true excitement when he sees us all enter.
„We did discover something we would like to discuss with you my brothers." caius states.
„Alone if that's possible." he adds after looking at the four guards around the room with untrusting eyes. Aro Who obviously seems to be rather interested in their discovery, quickly ushers the four guards outside before holding his hand out towards us. Waiting for them to show them what they are talking about. Caius Who is the closest to him, stretches his hand out after sending me one more loving smile. When Aro lifts his head he looks astounded. With wide eyes he looks at me before realization seems to creep up in him.
„Of Course! That's why none of our gifts work on her." he says quietly but also with such joy it is irritating.
„Can someone explain to us now?" I ask after sighing pretty dramatically. Honestly now also pretty pissed at all their staring and their not explaining what the hell they know that we don't!
„There once has been a story in an old book. A book that gets handed down from one generation of rulers to the next ones. The story sounds like a fairytale even to our kind." Marcus to everyone's irritation says. Guess they thought he also doesn't know what's going on. I mean he can't read minds and he wasn't a part in Bella's explanation, so how comes he knows right away what they are so impressed with?
„What? I knew from the very moment I saw her. At least I had my suspicion, but after I heard about her past with Damien I knew for sure." he says with a bit of sass in his voice that makes me giggle why the others only look confused and shocked at him.
„The fact that our dear Jane took to her the moment she saw her, especially with her past, it was another point where I put the pieces together." he adds and winks towards the three of us.
„Anyway. What is the story about? I still don't know what you guys are talking about." bella says also getting inpatient with them.
„It says that once, a girl will be born that has gone through more heartbreaks and sorrow than anyone ever before her. That her soul was so pure, that no matter how hard her life will hurt her, there will never be anything that could taint the pureness of her heart and soul." aro starts to explain with a look of pure adoration in his eyes as he stares right at me while he speaks.
„Said girl will be able to receive gifts even in her human state. The greatest gift however will be for her to bear children with vampires." he says and slowly starts to walk towards me. He doesn't seem threatening though. He truly seems to be happy for whatever he thinks I am.
„The story teaches us that the girl is going to be the true queen of our kind and that she along with her mates are going to rule our kind with kindness, but also with enough firmness to make us all grow stronger. It says that when the true queen will take her rightful place on the throne, no more wars amongst our kind will break out again. Since every vampire will follow her wishes no matter what. As the true queen, no one will be able to disagree with her, since everything within us will bow down to her every wishes. She will fill our unbeating hearts with love again and not only that." he says and stops right in front of me. His eyes shining with joy.
„It says that not only can she bear the children of her true mates, but she also has the gift to allow any other vampire as well to bear children. Said children however won't need to drink blood anymore. They are going to be able to feed from human food but still will be able to have the speed and strength we as normal vampires have." he says softly.
„Welcome home my queen!" he says and bows lowly in front of me.
„What?" i ask still rather confused. When I look around the room though, every vampire except Janie is bowing in front of me now.
„I can't be your queen? I am worthless." I say lowly and right away hear loud growling from all around me.
„No! You are absolutely worthy! We all understand that with your past you may think otherwise, but we are going to show you how absolutely worthy you truly are!" Aro tells me with no room of argument.
„Please, take a Seat on your Throne! It's yours my majesty!" he says with yet another bow. Seeing that they all won't stop before I at least sit up there, I slowly start to walk up there. Of course still holding the other two girls hands in mine. The second I take a seat on the throne though everything suddenly changes. I can feel myself growing stronger and way more confident. My posture changing into a more queen like one and the whole room is now full of bowing vampires. This whole thing definitely is something I will need some time to get used to!
„My majesty!" they all say as one with respect and I can feel how they swore to protect me from everything.
„Thank you all for welcoming me as your queen. I however know that you all have more important things to do, so please go back to doing your duty's." I say strongly and after one more bow they all run off to do whatever the heck they where doing before appearing here.
„Why don't we show you the book so you can read for yourself." Marcus says with a knowing look. He knows how much I love to read but he also understands that I need to read their book as well to fully understand what they have been telling me.
„Thank you!" I say and walk after him, of course with Bella and Janie accompanying me.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now