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Bella's pov:
Taking another deep breath as well as kissing my beloved sisters head once more before nodding to myself to start. They after all are already waiting pretty anxiously and while they surely enough would of given my sister some more time they sure as hell won't be as generous with me.
„Before I start though, I want Edward and Alice here as well." I say. If I am already telling the full story I sure as hell won't tell it twice or even more often. At first they seem reluctant but than Demetri runs off only to appear a few seconds later with my love and Alice. They quickly take a seat next to me. The others of course don't look too happy about it, but Jane simply sits right in front of me so she can keep on caressing my sisters back in reassurance.
„I am going to tell them the whole story. Is that ok with you Marie?" I ask yet again. After all I don't want to trigger anything within my cute sister since she didn't see that coming. Now she simply nods once before kissing my cheek softly. She however right afterwards hides her face against my neck again.
„This is going to be a pretty long and unpretty story, so I would like for you to keep on listening and not to interrupt till I am finished. I may am going to answer any questions afterwards but it is hard enough to tell you guys without any interruptions." I start to say. Making sure to look everyone in the eyes so they understand that I am rather serious about it. Waiting till they all have bod their agreement at my request before inhaling yet again rather deeply.
„For me, Marie is And always will be my sister. We may are not blood related, she IS my sister." I state strongly, already seeing everyone looking rather shocked and ready to interrupt. A threatening quiet from Jane however right away shuts them up. Smiling thankfully at her. It's strange how I always thought of her as horrible and even as monster, but right after getting to know her I hit it off with her right away. So did Marie much to my joy. She never was good with new people so it's amazing to see her finding a really good friend within Jane!
„She was an only child, everyone loved her to pieces since she was the happiest, lovelyesd and nicest girl you can imagine. One night her parents decided to visit a museum to show her beloved daughter some new art. After all their daughter only deserved the best since she was a simple gift to them." feeling Marie holding even tighter onto me, I look sadly at her small, fragile form in my arms. I knew it would of been best if she wouldn't of stayed for this talk, but I understand why she still wanted to be a part of it.
„A drunk driver hit their car rather hard and flipped the car of that happy family off the road and into the wood surrounding the street." I go on. When I heard the quiet whimper from my sister thought I stop to kiss her head a few times. When I feel her shaking slowly subside again, I go on with the explanation.
„The two loving parents were instantly dead, at least that's what the report said. The small four year old however was alive thanks to the booster seat they have put her in since she still was rather small and petite." I say and look up to see all of them watching my sister clinging on for dear life at me with sad eyes as well as pity. Luckily Marie doesn't see that since she hates it when someone feels pity for her.
„The drunk driver got out of the car, saw the two lifeless body's before going to the crying child in the backseat. Instead of doing the decent thing to call for help though, he laughed at the poor child and made fun of her before yelling at her how it's her fought her parents are dead now." feeling some hot tears landing on my chest interrupts my fuming. Marie always comes first, especially if she is as devastated as she surely is at the moment. Knowing her long enough, she definitely is once again relieving the moment back than. So without any care about the others I go back to sushing her softly. Talking quietly to her how nothing ever was her fault and that she is safe now. When her head nods slowly I know it's her sign for me to go on again. Jane in the meantime has made Alice scoot over a bit so she now is sitting next to me too. Her hands softly hug my sister as well which seems to help immensely with calming her down too. After all, she normally never calms down so quickly.
„When There finally stopped another car at the accident spot, the timid girl was carefully brought out of the car. To some kind of miracle the toddler got out with nearly no injuries except a small cut on her forehead and a fracture on her left foot. The ambulance of course ushered her into the nearest hospital. When the doctors found out who she is, they also realized that she has no other relatives left. They were discussing on calling the jouth welfare office so some social workers get there to pick up the very stressed, confused and devastated child." I go on and smile at remembering that that was how I met my sister that day.
„Dad on the same day had brought me to the hospital since I slipped over some ice and he wanted to make sure that I was fine. Laying next to me in that cubicle was this little girl which I instantly loved with all my heart. Of course since I was the older one i felt the need to protect her especially from the doctor who wanted to draw some blood from her even though she was crying in pure fear of the needle. Asshole!" I add and feel Maries smile against my neck. Once smiling lovingly at that cute girl holding onto me. She simply is the best. No matter what anyone says.
„I shouted at that idiot and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Much to my joy he fell to the floor since it hurt that bad. Deserved him right though." I say smirking widely and honestly pretty proud of myself for doing that as an eight year old.
„Anyway, as another one came towards her I screamed at them to leave my sister be and to mess with someone else because I won't allow them to come near my baby sister any longer. Of course they all where shocked. But seeing Marie's relieved eyes made me know I was doing the right thing. Dad had been watching this whole scene and went to talk with the staff to find out who the young girl was and where she lives. When they told him his story, he right away told them that he will take her in and that he won't accept a no. So we packed up and drove back home. Ever since that Marie is my sister and I not once wished of any other one. She is the best after all." I say and hug her tightly. Wanting, no needing her to know that it's true and that I love her to pieces!
„She needed some time to get used to our chaotic household but she quickly got the flow and she fit in perfectly from day one." I say happily.
„Sadly some kids kept on being mean to her, saying rather nasty things to her but I told her that she shouldn't listen to them since they were only jealous. And well, you know what else happened to her years after the first incident. But no matter what, she always survived, and even more than that! She still is the same sweet and caring girl that she was from the day she was born. And I can't be prouder of her! Just like her parents sure as hell are!" I end my explanation with a soft smile on my lips. The soft eyes from Marie glancing right back at me with such love and adoration it nearly makes me choke up.
„Love you!" she says and kisses my cheek lovingly. So of course I reply the sentiment and hug her tightly.
„Edward?" i hear Alice ask irritated but also worried. Looking towards the love of my life I see a wide eyed Edward that looks at my sister in pure disbelief.
„It can't be? I mean, it can't right?" he questions but no one seems to get what he means.
„Bella? Jane? Do you have a birthmark, a small Heart on your left wrist?" he asks never losing his wide look. At hearing his questions the others also stare at us with disbelief. The hell is going on?

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now