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Marie's pov:
After staying cuddled up for quit some time into Alec he softly makes me scoot a bit away from him. Of course I wasn't that happy about it, so I obviously pouted at him.
„No need to pout princess. I only think you should eat a bit. Just a few bites from the sandwich and afterwards we can go back to cuddling." he explains with a small chuckle. Sighing a bit at that, my stomach thought agrees with him and to point that out it growls hungrily at me.
„Ok." i mumble in resignation. Knowing that the quicker I eat a bit the quicker I can go back to cuddling. Taking a bite out of the sandwich I smile happily. Edward knows what I like on my sandwiches.
„What got you smiling so lovely princess?" Alec asks me interested.
„Eddi made me one of my favorite sandwiches." I answer and take another bite with a happy humm.
„What is your favorite than? I would like to know so I can get you so smily as well." Alec questions with an honest smile.
„I like the classics. So PB&J with grape marmalade thought. I honestly like pretty much every sandwich. But the sweet ones are my preferred ones." I answer him while happily eating my sandwich.
„Something sweet for my sweet princess! Sounds fitting." he says and kisses my forehead with a wink. My giggles fly out my mouth at that. Liking it when he gets a bit cheeky around me.
„Can we cuddle now?" I ask after swallowing the last piece of food down. Instead of answering he simply pulls me closer towards him again so I can put my head back under his chin. Yeah, this is really comfy!
„come in." Alec says not long after I made myself comfortable again. Hopefully this doesn't mean I need to leave my new found favorite spot.
„It's good to see you getting more comfortable with your mates Marie!" Aros childlike voice says. He and I were able to work through my fear of him. Thanks to Marcus I would say. Since I like to read with him as well as play some chess, he also told me all about his two brothers and how they may look kind of ruff but are true sweethearts as well.
„Hey Aro!" I mumble in answer. His deep chuckle fill the room and make him even less threatening.
„Master, how may I help you?" Alec asks sounding slightly stiff as if he is afraid of what Aro might want from him.
„Oh nothing dear Alec! I simply wanted to look how our dear Marie was doing. But since she seems to be very comfortable in your arms at the moment, I would say she is doing perfectly fine. So I wish you a lovely day you two!" he says and shorty after the door gets opens and closed again.
„So, what would you like to do the rest of the day?" Alec whispers softly in my hair while he softly caresses my back lovingly. Shrugging my shoulders softly, not knowing what we could do nor what I want to do.
„We could go in the garden? Or how about we go look around the castle some more?" he softly starts to count off all the possible thinks we could do.
„We could go and meet Jane." he goes on and I instantly peek up at hearing that. I haven't seen her the last day since she went on a mission or something along does lines.
„We can meet Janie?" I ask hopeful that I really can see her again. She after all made me feel safe right from the start. Janie was so welcoming and helped me overcome my panic attacks even though no one else really was able to do so.
„If Course we can! I am sure she would like to see you again." Alec says with twinkling eyes. He already told me how he loves the fact that I get along with his twin sister that good. He has informed me on how sad she has been for a really long time. How everyone always was judging her and even frown upon her and didn't want to have anything to do with her. It really has broken my heart at hearing all that. Janie is such a sweet and lovable girl! How does everyone treat her like that!? Poor Janie!
„Can we go now? Pretty please?" I ask desperate to hug the sweet girl again. After all I need to make sure she knows that I like her a lot! Can't allow her to think I don't!
„Of Course! Let's go." he says and stands up with me still in his arms. As he puts my feet down I giggle happily. Ecstatic to finally seeing her again and just as ecstatic that Alec will accompany me to her. When we stop in front of a door not too far away from mine I beam happily before knocking in excitement.
„Yes?" am unsure Janie asks through the door which of course makes me frown slightly. She sounds so sad, that's simply not acceptable at all!
„Can I come in Janie? Pretty please?" I ask her hopeful and am immediately face to face with a smiling Janie.
„Missed you!" I say and throw myself into her to give her a tight hug. Feeling her relax even more as she puts her arms around mine makes me smile even wider.
„Missed you too cutie." she replies still hugging me tightly. Nuzzling my head against her neck makes her giggle softly.
„You guys look rather cute together." Alec says with love shining in his eyes as well as relief. Why? I don't know but at the moment I also don't care that much.
„Demetri, Felix, Caius and Alec have told me you had to go on a mission. I was very worried about you." I quietly say. Not knowing how she is going to feel about me worrying so much about her. After all she is a very strong vampire and we don't know each other for that long.
„Oh cutie!" she says and carefully picks me up before carrying me into her really pretty looking room.
„It's really sweet of you to worry for me. That means a lot to me. So thank you cutie!" she says. Sounding rather touched at my declaration of worry as well as my whispered like you a lot.
„i like you a lot too cutie." she says and kisses my forehead softly. Sighing in relief at hearing that. I had been worried that she might not care for me as much as I care for her.
„For me you are the sister I sadly never had." she adds and let's my heart melt even more.
„Like that! Like that a lot!" I say and kiss her cheek lovingly before blushing bright red much to the two siblings amusement.
„why don't you tell me about what you have been doing the last days?"Janie questions and sits me on a couch before taking a seat right next to me. So with an excited giggle I start to tell her everything about yesterday and today.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now