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Marie's pov:
Still in Caius hands we make our way back to the throne room, guess that's where we have been earlier today. When we come near the a large door with two vampires posted next to it, they quickly open them for us after bowing. Strange!
„Ah! What got you guys back so soon again? I was certain we wouldn't see you for quit some time." the one from earlier says with twinkling eyes while another one sits on the throne with a soft smile on his face as he sees me watching.
„our mate wanted to make sure her sister will be safe so we wanted to talk with you and Marcus." caius says while softly patting my arms since he obviously felt me stiffen up again.
„While you were gone brother we have been talking with dear Alice and Edward. They understand how important it is to uphold the law that no human is allowed to know of our existence." the creepy smiling one near me says. Something about this statement makes me sad. So they are going to kill us. Why have they been so nice than.
„Down." i say fighting against the tight hold caius has on me. So when I finally am free I run towards my sister that already stands by the two Cullens.
„Was That really necessary? You frightened our mate!" alec growls lowly while the other three look just as mad as him.
„That was not my intention. I apologize young one. I only meant to tell you that we wanted to talk with you in hope you will allow us to change you into vampires as well." the man carefully says after watching the four man in front of him.
„Brother!" the Till now quiet one says and hold out his hand towards the creepy one. He quit greedily takes his hand and closes his eyes in concentration. When he looks back up he smiles even wider and marches towards me much to my worry. What is he doing? Why is  he coming over here? My breathing gets faster again and when I see my sisters worried frown I shout out stop as loud as I possibly can while throwing my hand up in front of me. The whole room now standing stiff, the one that was walking towards us frozen in his place. Feeling my breathing quicken again in panic of what just happened.
„Deep breaths Marie! Deep breaths you are perfectly fine." Alice softly says as bella simply hugs me tighter into herself.
„That's it! Deep breaths. In and out!" Edward also softly instructs. And after a few more minutes i am as calm as i can possibly get right about now.
„What? How?" I ask still confused on what I or anyone has done that made everyone stop? Of course I wanted the one to stop coming closer but it's not possible to actually do so. Right?
„It's fine, you are perfectly fine." bella softly says while caressing my back lovingly like she has done ever since I can remember.
„Did you do something like that before?" Alice asks me softly to which I right away shake my head vehemently.
„Shh, that's alright! We will figure it out. No need to worry." Edward right away calms me back again since he sees me getting stiff again. Bella on the other hand simply kisses my forehead a few times as well as softly swaying us left and right.
„What did I do?" I ask since I still don't really get what just happened. The two siblings keep on eyeing each other as if they are talking through their eyes and with everything that has been going on this day I am not so sure if it's not exactly what they are doing!
„You threw your arms in front of you and shouted stop. Maybe if you say go they will come out of this state?" bella says but honestly more like asks since she also doesn't know what to do. With a small shrug and another few deep breaths I nod my head slightly.
„I will try it." I say and quickly hug bella once more to help me stay focused and grounded. With a uncertain look I say move and suddenly they all move once more. My so called mates taking a stand in front of me which to be honest sooths my nerves some more.
„Come on! I simply want to welcome your mate into our family!" the guy whines which makes me giggle since I find it funny hearing such a demanding man whine. Strong arms suddenly pull me into a hard chest.
„That was the prettiest sound I ever heard honey!" Felix whispers in my ear. Knowing it's him makes me sigh in relief since I at first didn't know who was holding me.
„Felix is right Princess! That giggle was just amazingly to listen to!" alec says with love shining in his eyes.
„Marie? are you feeling alright again?" bella softly asks me after I had a mini breakdown after what had just happened. The others look slightly irritated about why she even asks but Alec understands right away.
„It was amazingly done princess! If I wouldn't of seen it myself I think I wouldn't be able to believe it." Alec states to everyone's confusion and our shock.
„The only bad think was that i couldn't comfort you." he adds and softly takes me out of Felix arms.
„What are you guys talking about?" Demetri wants to know with a small frown on his face. Seeing that I won't answer them, simply because I am way too comfy in Alec's arms as well as the fact I don't know how I should explain it, Edward steps forward to explain everything. I on the other hand wasn't paying attention to their discussion.
„How about i show you the Garden while they talk about everything?" alec questions me while the others where occupied. My eyes right away twinkle in joy! I already thought I wasn't allowed to see the beautiful garden after everything that just went down.
„Bella? Would you like to join us?" he to mine and Bella's surprise asks her with a soft smile adoring his lips. Instead of answering vocally thought she nods right away her agreement.
„We will be outside." alec states and walks out of the room. If I am honest I am not even sure the rest heard him. But who knows.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now