45. Always Remember To Ask, What In The Everloving Fuck Is A Jabberwocky?

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Well, I was wrong.

She did not in fact drive him to a random warehouse and torture him.

She did something even worse.

She ran away.

And the worst thing is, I don't fucking blame her.

Milo pushes Rachel of him like he just snapped out of a trance, and she turned and glared at me like I just cockblocked her.

She probably just cockblocked the only chance Charlotte may have had to actually know what a cock is.

Completely unrelated to chickens.

But I didn't even have the time to be mad at her.

I pushed her out of my face and gave Milo a solid punch to the face.

"You fucking fool! You just fucking kissed her you piece of shit!" I say, punching his arm multiple times.

"Ow." He mutters, holding the side of his face while Rachel just stands there staring at us.

Does she expect me to leave so they can continue their dumb make out sesh?

"Well what the fuck are you waiting for, make like a Charlotte and disappear!" I yell at Rachel, and she rolls her eyes, winks at the fool whose hands were covering his eyes, and sashays out of the hallway.

What even is sashaying?

"You!" I say, facing Milo again, raising my fist to hit him in his face again.

"Por favor no me vuelvas a pegar. Creo que podría tener una hemorragia interna en la cara." He pleads, wringing his hands and wincing.

"English, bozo."

"Don't fucking hit me, I think I'm dying on the inside." He says, his voice small.

I think I gave him a black eye.


"Well. That's deserved." I say, flexing my fingers. His jaw was hard.

"Sapphire, look I didn't want to-"

"Whatever apology you're braining up right now, you better save it for Charlotte cause I'm going to go get her-"

"Sapphire wait, please. No." He says, grabbing my arm as he interrupts me.


"I-I..look. I'm a dick."


"And I-" he starts, letting go of my arm and covering his face with his hands. "I- that was so dumb. So fucking stupid of me."

"I know."

"Charlotte must feel like shit right now."


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