37. Guys Always Stand In The Rain When Something Dramatic Happens - Part 2.

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Popcorn is not an alternative to fries

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Popcorn is not an alternative to fries.

Keep that in mind.

This was only temporary. Sooner or later, I would find another restaurant willing to give me their leftover fries.

The house was pretty boring, Em and Carlos had gone out of town with mom to some convention, and I was watching a movie in the living room downstairs while Ricky was at the dining table, eating pasta.

I had this long ass conversation with Cam earlier, and he said some shit about how Trevor was a dick that didn't deserve me, but that was absurd, because I never said he even deserved me at all!

I wasn't even affected by most of this. I was just kind of pissed off at the fact that he just pushed me away after all that- whatever had been going on for the past month or so.

And it made me think.

Was I really that annoying? I mean, I was aware of it, it was kind of my life goal to annoy everyone, but was I that annoying?

I was currently wrapped in blankets on the huge couch in the middle of the living room that was still decorated with Christmas lights cause we were all too lazy to remove them.

I was watching eclipse (don't judge me), and Jacob was just about to kiss bella without her consent(ew) when the doorbell rang.


Who shows up at someone's door at 1 in the morning?

"I'll get it." I say to absolutely no one. Ricky wouldn't have even bothered getting up to go check who was at the door.

I look through the peephole, but I can't make it out who the person even is. Why would someone be out here, in the middle of the night, while it was raining dats and cogs?

I opened the door, and I immediately slammed it back in the person's face.

That sounds harsh yes, but it was a fight or flight, I panicked!

I open the door again, and I see that waiter.

He was just standing there, soaking wet, that's what he said, and his eyes looked all sad and desperate.

Like he was some lost puppy you found in the dumpster.

Something twinged in my chest, but I ignored it.

"What do you want, stranger?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

The darkness of the night was clouding him, so he looked like some kind of shadow man. Mysterious.

"B-before," He stutters, shivering from the cold. "B-before you s-shut the door on me, p-please just..hear me out." He says, and I bite my tongue.

"Get in."

Now, before you judge me for letting a complete stranger into my home, he was out in the rain, and he looked like he had nowhere to go.

I was petty, but I wasn't cruel.

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