8. Burn Anyone Who Doesn't Love Churros.

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I needed help.

I had a calculus exam coming up in a week.

I needed professional help too, but that was another story.

Charlotte couldn't even help me, because she hates maths almost as much as I do.

My sister barely even comes to classes, and my brother dropped calculus once he entered college.

I desperately needed help.

And unfortunately, I only knew one person who actually understood calculus.

That bastard.

I left the house a few minutes after 7pm, trying to convince myself that this was for the best, and it was just till I had passed the exam.

It was breezy for a summer night, and the trees swayed to whatever direction the wind decided to blow them.

I felt like if I just stopped for a moment, the wind would carry me off into the night sky.

There was a full moon tonight, and I stared at it for a while as I was walking.

Maybe he's already in werewolf form and I was going to get killed by a half, wolf, half waiter tonight.

Anything's possible with everything that's been going on in my life.

I get to the restaurant, and for once, those obnoxiously bright lights were turned off.

Was he even here?

I remember him saying that he always took the evening shift, so he hypothetically should still be here.

I open the door, and the bell rings.

It was empty. He wasn't here.


I walk around the place for a bit, and turn on the lights.

Did this count as breaking and entering?


I was about to sit down when I heard rustling in the kitchen. Then I heard a voice.

"Who's the-" I begin to say, but someone presses their palm against my mouth and pushes me to the wall.

"What the fuck?" I say, my voice muffled.

"Will you shut up?" Trevor says, whispering as he looks around.

I scowl, and the noises in the kitchen stop. I hear a door close in the back, and he lets go of my face.

"Good evening to you too! What'd you do that for! "I yell, catching my breath.

"My manager was around. If he heard you, he probably would have called the police without thinking."

"Oh. Yeah, that makes sense."

"Who's the stalker now, huh?"

I roll my eyes. He stands there, frowning at me as usual, with his hands in his pockets.

"I need your help." I mumble, looking away.

"What was that?"

"Don't make me repeat it."I groan.

"I'm not making you repeat anything." He said, smiling in this kind of way that made me want to punch him.

I always felt like I needed to punch him whenever I was around him.

"I need your help Trevor. Please."

"And why would I help you?"

"Because you owe me."

"Pfft. I saved your life. If anything, you owe me." He sneered.

"Okay. I'll pay you back after you help me. Double. Whatever you want."

"Whatever I want, huh?"

"Okay, not whatever... something I can buy." I say, sitting down on the chair I wanted to sit on at first.

"And what do you need my help with?"

"I need you to teach me calculus 101."

He seems to ponder this for a while, and he sits down on another seat near the entrance.

"But you've been learning calculus since 9th grade, I presume. How have you been surviving your tests since then?"

"Barely. I'm already failing in biology and physics. I dont need to fail another important subject."


"I know you're really busy, and I irritate you a lot but-"

"I said okay."

"If you could just please help me out with this. Just one time. It's just for a week."

"Sapphire. I'll help you." He says, raising his voice a little.



"Sure. As long as I get whatever I want in return at the end of the week. So, where should I meet you?" He asks.

I pondered that for a hot minute. I never thought that he would actually say yes. I was expecting him to tell me to get out before I even finished talking.

"Um, you know that churro guy? The one that has a cart, and is always around park avenue?"

"No. I hate churros."

I stare at him, my mouth in a thin line.


He chuckles, then stands up again. "I've seen the guy around, I just don't like churros. That's not a crime."

"Yes it is! It's like a first degree felony! You should be burnt alive!"

He sighs. "Where are we meeting, Sapphire?"

I take in a deep breath, calming myself down." There's a cafe around there. We'll meet there."

"So tomorrow?"

"Yeah. We'll start tomorrow, 8 pm. How does that sound?"

"I guess it's alright. Bring your textbooks, and a calculator."

"Sure. Thanks for this by the way."

"Whatever. Get out." He says, and he enters the kitchen again.

I sit there for a while, still surprised that he actually agreed to do this.

I eventually get up, and start walking home. I'd have to deal with this boy till next week. And it was my idea.

Maybe I shouldn't have put so much effort into convincing myself to do this.

I should have just sucked it up and failed my calculus test.

I should have just accepted the fact that I would never graduate high school, and that I would be stuck studying calculus for the rest of eternity.

Anything but this.

I had a feeling that this would end horrificly.

Author's note

They're finally gonna have a real conversation🤭, how's this gonna end?
Keep reading to find out.


#8. What do you call a male swimmer with no arms and legs?


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