36. Guys Always Stand In The Rain When Something Dramatic Happens - Part 1.

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Tw: physical abuse

"I've seen a lot of pricks in my life, but you sir, are a cactus.

Those words had been ringing in my head since last night.

I remember Davon smacking me by the side of the head, muttering something in some language I couldn't understand, and walking back into the kitchen, shaking his head.

My ears were ringing for about thirty minutes after that.

If I said I felt any tiny twinge of guilt, it was an understatement.

And I knew I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't feel guilty at all. I was just a guy who got annoyed after some girl irritated me all day and took out from my paycheck. Right?

I had the right to be mad, didn't I?

The only thing I sort of felt horrible for was telling her I never wanted to see her again.

That was a hot lie.

I admit that I was irrational. My mom's condition was driving me mad, and I just took it all out on her.

Fuck me.

After Davin had shook his head at me about 15 times, I went home early. This was the first day Sapphire hadn't come to Neon, and I will admit, it stung a little.

But no matter.

I told her one thing, and I would stick to it. I'm never going to see her again.

Why am I such a fucking idiot?

After I closed up for the day, I walked home with my hands in my pockets, scolding myself from the inside for being a dick.

I mean, she was right. If I really was that affected about the fries, I was not, then I should have just told her camly. In private. Instead of yelling my lungs out at her in front of the entire restaurant, I should have just politely told her how she was bothering me, which she was not.

I was just having an irritatingly bad day.

As I walked hoke, I took a couple of detours to see if I'd find something to eat tonight.

You never realise how boring burgers and fries are until you work a night job at a restaurant.

Weirdly enough though, it started to drizzle gently.

Was I just an uncultured Californian, or was it supposed to rain in the summer?

Nevertheless, the rain was pretty cooling after a hot day.

I walked slowly under the rain, soaking it all in. I remembered something I used to think as a baby, when everything was alright.

I don't know if literally anyone else noticed, but whenever it rained, the stars wouldn't shine at night. And I thought it was some kind of heavenly phenomenon.

Turns out that clouds just cover the night sky somehow. At least that's what I think.

So staring at the sky now, it just made me think about the fact that I could no longer see the stars anymore.

Life was getting tough again.

The real reason I wasted so much time coming back home was because I was kinda scared.

I was scared to find my mom passed out on the couch, or catching her smoking, or finding her taking meth.

I was always the one in charge, so I shouldn't even feel scared. I was used to it.

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