10. All Doctors Are Spawns Of The Devil.

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I died.

Now, you may think I'm just over exaggerating because that's what I usually do, but no. I quite literally died.

For about 5 minutes, I was fully unconscious, and doctors were scrambling around the room, trying to bring me back.

Don't ask me how I knew this, since I was unconscious, but I could tell what was going on around the room, even when I was knocked out.

It's because i took this jujitsu class online, and now I had superpowers.

Apparently, some newbie doctor that had the key to the room where they kept the extra oxygen wasn't even around, and for about 20 minutes, they kept me alive by blowing air int a balloon and making me breathe the air.

A fucking balloon.

When I finally felt awake, I opened my eyes, and no one was there.

I'm not gonna lie, I was disappointed. I thought this would be that kind of situation where everyone had been there all night waiting for me, because I was so precious to them.

Apparently, I was not.

I layed there for a while, poking the bandage on my thigh, wincing, poking it again, wincing, poking it aga- you get the idea.

At least I could count being unconscious as sleep. I don't think I would ever get this kinda chance ever again.

I kind of freaked myself out with how calm I was about all this. I had just been stabbed by some random guy, or not a random guy, and I had died.

I always wanted to know how it felt like to die.

It's not as bad as most people claim it to be.

I was just kinda floating around in this white place, which I assume was my mind, but it probably wasn't, because my mind must be way dirtier than that.

A nurse came to check on me every once in a while, and she added some thing into the drip in my hand.

Luckily, I fell asleep again, probably from one of those things she gave me, maybe Xanax or something.

When I woke up again, it was morning, and there was an actual person in my room.

"Aww, my loving family actually came to see me, what a surprise!" I say, raising up my hands. "Ow."

"Saph, are you okay?" Em asks, coming closer to my bed and poking my stab wound. I winced.

"I told you someone was out to get me." I say, pumping my fist. I may be in the hospital with a gash in my thigh, but at least I was right.

She rolls her eyes, and sits on the side of my bed, and it bounces a little.

"Where's everyone else?"

"No one's awake yet. It's just me." She says, squeezing my hand.

"I died." I say, chuckling.

"I'm worried about you, Sapphire."

She says, staring at me like I was some kind of test subject.

"You almost got killed, and you're laughing?"

"Why shouldn't I laugh? I almost got killed three times in the past week, I shouldn't even try to fight it anymore. Hey!" I start to shout.

"Whoever you people are, stop being a pussy and finish the job already!" I shouted at no one exactly.

I was tired of this. The constant worrying if I was going to be killed if I decided to walk home from school, not even feeling safe in my own home, having to carry extra weapons with me when I was just going for a stroll.

Not like that helped anyway, the pocket knife that I got stabbed with was mine.

And the guy was wearing gloves.

So if the police decided to run some kind of test to see who murdered me, it'd probably be me.

Then they'd arrest me and sentence me to life in prison for attempted suicide.

That's a thing, right?

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

"Well," I say, taking a deep breath." I was going to meet that Trevor guy," I say, shooting her a look to not ask any questions," so he could teach me calculus, and I could feel that someone was following me. So I walked around the same street twice, but the guy didn't leave me alone. So I turned around and came face to face with the guy. He came closer, and I lunched him right in the nose and ran away. He was now running after me, and I fished my pocket knife from my, well, pocket. I stabbed him in his arm, and ran off, but he caught up with me and stabbed me with my own pocket knife! My own pocket knife!"

"He didn't even have the audacity to do it with his own weapon.."

"That's what I said! When he stabbed me, I sunk to the floor and laid still. Thankfully, the guy felt satisfied and walked away, then I stood up, really painfully, and began to limp my way towards the cafe we agreed to meet at. Y'know , cause I have superpowers. Normal people would probably have just laid there and died."

She rolls her eyes.

"So you're saying, that all this happened because you were going on a date?" She asks, smiling big.

I facepalm. "Can you just not think about that for one minute of your miserable life?"

"Says the person that's literally in the hospital bed." She mutters, scratching her neck.

I slapped her for that.

Author's note
Thanks to everyone who's read this so far, I really appreciate y'all ❤️. Don't forget to vote and enjoy the book🩷


#10. What do you call a blonde in the freezer?

Her parents named her Samantha, so we should probably continue to call her that. She was supposed to get married tomorrow.

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