40. If Beyonce Ever Dies, We Ride At Dawn.

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I tried my hardest not to vomit on my physics teacher

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I tried my hardest not to vomit on my physics teacher.

After we had had long conversation about significant others at the cafeteria, we had each gone to our separate classes, and I was having physics.

I got to class late though, and she looked like Mrs Rutherford wasn't having it.

She had called me to the board in front of my bored classmates almost immediately after I stepped into the class.

Now I had to solve some dumbass question about vector quantities and shit.

I almost wanted to tell her I was anaemic and I couldn't solve physics.

After I had eventually gotten detention for coming to class late, and not listening to whatever bullshit that was spewing out of her mouth, Cam had walked home with me, cause as usual, Em couldn't wait for me to finish detention before going home.

"Do you think Beyonce created bees?" Cam asks out of nowhere, as we walk the school building.

"Dunno. What do you think?"

"I think she's the mother of bees y'know, just like Rick Riordan is the father of Greek mythology."

"Um, actually-"

"Don't challenge me, Sapphire." He says, wagging his painted nail in my face.

I was lucky though, he had been all over Char and Milo today, following them around with his crazy Mexican-Spanish getup and pretending to be the chupacabra.

He almost gave Charlotte a heart attack in maths class.

"Hey, do you mind if we branch off somewhere?" I ask, checking the time on my phone, "Just need to pick off something quick."

"Sure. As long as it doesn't involve insane Mexican goats that have been seeking revenge on their fallen brothers and sisters."

"Maybe, maybe not."

I didn't know if this was a bad idea or not. Taking Cam to Neon.

He'd see Trevino (the Mexican is getting to me too. Or the Spanish. No idea, really.), and it'd be even worse than Em.

He'd go completely Beyonkers.

I lead him to Neon, and he blabs about how he had the most wonderful time in Mexico/Spain, met this cute guy at a bar, and ate steak while simultaneously chasing goats of unclear origin.

This was my best friend.

"Is this place some sort of linguistic heaven or some shit?" He asks, his eyes focusing on the blazing neon lights I had gotten used to.

"There's some Chinese woman that always comes here once in a while so I guess so?"

"Woah. Is her name Xin Katana?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

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