20. Pedophiles Are Just Insane People That Actually Enjoy Twilight.

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I didn't know which was worse between a jock-cheerleader stereotype and a jock-nerd stereotype.

Apparently, Rachel had the belief that all basketball or football jocks would end up with the pretty cheerleader.

If Milo was dating any cheerleader, it'd probably be Em.

But that'd be disgusting.

I was at Neon again, and Trevor and Davon were arguing about who was better between Edward and Jacob.

One of their other co-workers was in the kitchen, and i could hear him yell at them to shut up.

They kept arguing.

Poor guy.

"And he's just better because at least he doesn't fucking watch her sleep!"

"At least he doesn't kiss her without her consent!"

"I'll have you know, Edward has done that many times!"

"Well, at least he doesn't imprint on her fucking child!"

"At least he doesn't get mad at her for not wanting to fucking marry him at 18!"

"Don't you guys have jobs to do?" I ask from the counter. My eyes had been going back and forth like I was watching a tennis ball match.

"The place is empty, are you fucking blind?" Trevor says, and I resist the urge to hit him.

Luckily, Davon does it for me." Don't talk to the lady like that.. the place is empty though, don't mind this Edward obsessed freak."

"Don't call me obsessed loser."

They start to argue again. I'd hate it if I ever worked here.

"Okay. Can we just agree that Twilight is horrible, Edward is a creepo that enjoys watching people sleep, Jacob is another creepo that apparently likes children, and Bella is just an abnormal teacher that likes older guys and has the personality of a used tissue?"

They both shrug.

"Yeah, that kinda sums it up. You actually said something smart for once."

I flicked his forehead. He spilled my drink.

"How dare you, you son of a-!"

"Hold on, lovebirds."

"Lovebirds?" We both say, making the same disgusted face and then continue glaring at each other.

"If Edward started dating Bella when she was 17, and he was literally more than a hundred, and Jacob is going to fall in love with a literal child, doesn't that mean they're both pedophiles?!"
He says, his eyes widened like he just won the Nobel prize.

"We kinda caught up on that already." Trevor says.

He frowns. "This is mental abuse." He mutters, and walks into the kitchen.

"You owe me a new drink, Edward."

"I already owe you your fries, and don't call me that."

"You owe me both now, and you're in love with Edward, so I'll call you that. Davon was right, you really are gay."

He stares at me blankly, like it took him some time to register what I had just said.

He then takes his hands to his face, and sighs.

"Please don't listen to whatever Davin says. He's mentally unstable."

"Says the guy who actually supports Bedward." I say, booping his nose.

He brings his hands to his face again, and this time I swore I saw a hint of red on his cheeks.

Facecheeks, again.

He clears his throat. "Since when did they call it that?"

"Ever since everyone realized their relationship was insanely unhealthy, and they gave them an appropriately unhealthy name." I say, and he rolls his eyes, going to finally get me my spilled drink.

"I know you're not gonna pay for this, but this is coming out of my fucking paycheck, Sapphire.." he whines.

"Well then maybe you should have thought ahead before spilling my drink, Edward. And don't forget my fries.

He looked like he was about to say something but he just grits his teeth and gets me my leftovers.

"I hate you."

"Not as much as I hate you." I say, a sarcastic smile on my face. I take my bag of fries from his hands and leave the restaurant.

This whole situation reminded me of that doctor at the hospital when I got shot.

There really are sicko creeps out there.

While I walked home, and I couldn't stop humming sicko mode. Is this what ADHD was like?

I'd have to go to the doctor sooner or later, or did I have to go to a psychiatrist or something?

Or do I have to go to camp half-blood to figure out who my godly parent was? (obviously it was Zeus.)

When I got home, I went up to my room, and had a long call with Charlotte about stupid movies.

I'd have to go over to her place sooner or later, cause she had been pressuring me to watch Harry Potter with her, even though she had rewatched it about as many times as JK Rowling was transphobic.

Okay, maybe I knew a bit about the movies but I didn't actually plan on watching any of them.

Maybe not until I was thirty and in a midlife crisis.

By the way, I still had a bunch of stuff to worry about. I had almost forgotten about my appointment, it'd be kind of weird if I called it a date, with Hugo.

It was in four fucking days!

I texted Milo for a while, and he said he had a hunch on who the person that framed him could be.

I still didn't tell him anything about my own hunch, because I didn't want to complicate things.

I was just getting into bed after showering when Em barged into my room.

"You don't like Edward?!"

Author's note.
I know this chapter was kinda funny, but if you've ever been targeted by a pedo, I hope you get the courage to report him/her/them, and I hope you're doing okay❤️. Don't forget to vote!


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