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   I sit up fast and reach for my pants. Lauren steps back and just stares at me with her red face. "Did you forget you have company?" Julia asks in shock. "No, I-I just... I got caught up in the moment." Lauren says as she licks her lips and watches me get off the island and pull my pants up. I'm just glad Julia was the one that caught us and not their parents. It's obvious they already don't like me, they would have definitely hated me then.

I'm not one to usually get embarrassed but I can feel my face is red right now. I know it's partially from how aroused I am and from Julia walking in on us. I turn to look at Julia "where is your mom and dad?" Julia is just staring at me and I watch her as her eyes travel down my body then back up.

Before I can say anything Lauren walks up to Julia and slaps her on the shoulder. "I know you were not just checking my girlfriend out." Lauren says sternly.

Julia blinks then looks at Lauren "I-I wasn't trying to but... it's... it's hard not to after what I just walked in on. I have never thought about another female that way but... damn. Kyler is just fine as hell, I can see why you are so crazy about her." Lauren slaps Julia again and I can't help but chuckle out loud.

"Is there something you want to share?" Lauren asks me while glaring at me. I shake my head no. Lauren looks back at Julia "so where are mom and dad?" Julia glances at me then back at Lauren "Well, they were coming in here to bring their plates but saw you two dancing and did not want to interrupt so they decided to step outside to talk privately."

I walk out of the kitchen to the dining table and gather the rest of the dirty dishes. I take them back to the kitchen and start loading the dishwasher while Lauren and Julia are talking.

"Okay Jules, how did mom and dad find out who Kyler actually was? When I told them I was dating someone I told them her name was Shay which is Kyler's middle name." Julia starts laughing "welllll... they kind of found out from me. They came by the house and I had Kyler's graduation invitation still on the counter. Her invitation has her full name on it. Mom saw it and told dad and he said there was no way that was a coincidence. Plus I didn't know you told them her middle name and I introduced her as your girlfriend Kyler when we got here. Sorry?"

Lauren groans "ugh... why couldn't they just call and ask if they were curious? Why did you have to bring them with you? I knew you were coming back today but you could have text me and told me mom and dad were coming too. "Dad strictly told me not to tell you. He got really pissed about it. They were shocked when you told them you and Mike got a divorce and that you were dating a woman. Well not shocked about Mike because you know dad didn't like him anyway." Julia says as we hear the front door close.

I see Lauren and Julia's parents walk into the kitchen out of the corner of my eye. "Mom, dad, why didn't you just call me about Kyler after you found out who she was?" Lauren asks. Mr. David says "we wanted to surprise you and wanted to meet her before making any decisions about the situation. Honestly I was hoping we were wrong in assuming that the Shay you were dating was Kyler Shay, your ex step daughter." Lauren's mom walks over to the dishwasher and stands beside me. She is silent for a few seconds then says "Kyler, let Julia finish cleaning up. We need to talk to you and Lauren."

I swallow hard as I look at Mrs. Jessica because she has been quiet the entire time. I'm a little nervous they are going to try and break us up. We're so close to my graduation and so close to being free. I look at Mrs. Jessica "yes ma'am" I say politely. She puts her hand on my shoulder and guides me out of the kitchen to the living room following behind Lauren and her dad. Lauren sits on the love seat and grabs my hand pulling me down to sit beside her. She looks at me as I stare at her and mouths "I love you." I smile and mouth "I love you too."

Lauren's parents both sit on the couch and her dad clears his throat. "Ok, first of all Kyler, I want to apologize for my initial assumption of you being like your father. It's obvious I couldn't be more wrong. So I am sorry for that. Now Lauren, we could have called you about the situation but knew you would probably lie to us. That's why we came down with Julia. We wanted to see for ourselves." Lauren shakes her head and says "dad look..." but he cuts her off "let us talk first Lauren."

Lauren's mom scoots to the edge of the couch cushion then says "we originally planned on coming here and making you two break up. We just could not understand Lauren, why you would risk your job for this... this so called relationship. You're an adult but you made a stupid decision and..."

Lauren cuts her mom off "Hold on mom. I will admit it might seem crazy, hell even I thought I was crazy for getting into a relationship with Kyler. Every time she tried to persuade me, I turned her down even though I was attracted to her. The attraction has been there between us since we first met. We never acted upon it but it was there. There was always a magnetic pull between us. No matter how much she flirted with me I kept brushing it off."

Lauren looks at me and smiles then continues. "Kyler and I had a disagreement after I had moved out and my divorce was finalized. I realized then, that I could not deny what was between us anymore even though I tried." She lifts my hand and kisses it then lets it rest in her lap still holding onto it. "Mom and dad, I realized I was in love. For the only time in my life, I can honestly say I am in love and I am completely in love with Kyler."

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