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   I've made a couple more friends at school and Lila and I have become closer friends. I've been hanging out at her house more. She is really cool and reminds me of my best friend Katie back in Pensacola. Lila has been talking about some new 18 and over club that's opening up downtown at the Riverwalk in another week. You can get in if you're 18 but have to have an arm band showing your 21 to drink. She wants us to go and have a good time. Maybe even pick up some women.

I'm definitely down for the club but I want to drink when I go. Mom would let me drink wine at home and some mixed drinks sometimes. I always went for the harder stuff at parties though and that's what I want to do when we go to this new club. Lila actually has a cousin that is the bouncer there and can get both of us an arm band so we can drink. I'm so ready for it to open so I can hopefully just let go and maybe ease some of this stress and get my mind off of you know who.

Lauren seems to be getting back to her usual self around me and I'm glad. We don't talk like we used to and I hope that will go back to the way it was too. I miss the way we were before. Her and Mike are distant but at least it doesn't seem like she is shutting me out completely anymore. I try not to stare at her too much even though I can't help it. I just have to be discreet and not stare too long. She is just so beautiful I can't stop myself but I don't want to piss her off either. I don't think I could take it if she shut me out again.

Lauren's sister Julia is coming for dinner tonight. This will be my first time meeting anyone from Lauren's family and I'm wondering if her sister is anything like her. Julia is 22 and from what Lauren has told me before, she likes to party and have fun. I wonder if she looks anything like Lauren. If I wasn't so hung up on Lauren I might go after her sister. I could always fuck Julia but imagine I was fucking Lauren. Well honestly I wouldn't do that because I want more from Lauren than to just fuck her, she deserves so much more and I want the real Lauren.

Of course my sperm donor will not be home for dinner. He is actually on a four day business trip to San Francisco for some important meeting. Not like I was looking forward to him being here anyway. After the argument the day after my birthday he hasn't talked to me at all. Hell, he hardly even looks at me. Before he left for his trip, he took my car away from me saying I didn't deserve it. Lauren wasn't home when he took it, so she did not even know until I told her I had to ride with her again. So now I'm back to riding to and from school with Lauren unless Lila can bring me home.

I'm not mad about riding with Lauren because I always enjoy my time with her but it seems different now. We mostly ride in silence unless music is playing but sometimes I can get her to talk some just not a lot. When we are in the car she seems like she is in her own little world most of the time. I want to talk to her about everything that's happened but I'm scared she is mad at me or maybe hates me. After all, I basically ruined her marriage because of me opening my big mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted me gone now.

I decide to take a nap while waiting on Lauren's sister to get here for dinner. I offered to help Lauren with dinner but she said she would take care of it and for me to just go relax. I wanted to help her like I usually do but figured it was best not to push her. After all, things have still been a little tense between us. After I wake up from my nap I make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen and see Lauren leaning on the island with her head in her hands. This time I don't check her out like I normally do because I'm actually concerned about her.

I walk into the kitchen and cautiously ask "what's wrong Lauren?" She slightly jumps because she was caught of guard. "Nothing." She says as she lifts her head up. I can hear the frustration in her voice so I know it's probably something to do with Mike. I walk closer to her and whisper "Lauren" as I rest my hand on her lower back just above her ass. She shakes her head as she looks at me and says "Kyler, don't." She turns facing me and before she says anything else I quickly lean in and press my lips to hers.

It's not a passionate kiss and there's definitely no tongue just a simple kiss filled with care even though she doesn't kiss me back. I want her to know I care about her and she deserves better. I bring my hand up to her jaw and rest my other one on her hip pulling her closer to me hoping she will kiss me back. Once our bodies come in contact with each other, Lauren pulls back "Kyler, what... that was... very...  inappropriate and..." I cut her off "Mike is an asshole. You deserve so much better than him."

Just about that time the doorbell rings. I look at Lauren and she backs away from me causing my hand to fall away from her body and I see a tear running down her cheek. The electric sensation from just that little kiss to her lips has my body buzzing. "I got it," I say as Lauren turns back to the stove to finish working on dinner and I see her fingers go to her lips before I turn and go to the door.

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