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   I get up and go upstairs to my room. I'm not in the mood to watch movies anymore. Before closing my door I hear Lauren and Mike arguing. She is really pissed at him for treating me the way he did and for talking to both of us the way he did. Plus she is constantly asking him what I meant by everything I said, especially the cheating and second wife part.  Of course he tells her it is nothing to worry about, it was just me trying to start something and just me being a kid. Did she not know he was married twice before her? She obviously knew about my mom but apparently not the second wife.

After shutting my door they are still arguing and they have gotten louder. I hear Mike say he can't believe he let Lauren convince him to have me move here. So he didn't want me here after all? They argue a little longer and I hear him say he is going back to work to catch up on things he put off for the 'lesbians' birthday. He slams the door and leaves.

I lay on my bed on my stomach and for some reason start crying over that asshole. I'm laying here for about an hour when there is a knock on my door. I don't even answer because at this point I don't really want to talk to anyone. Slowly the door opens and Lauren comes into my room. She walks over to my bed and sits on the edge and starts rubbing my back. "Are you okay Kyler? I'm sorry about all that with your dad. I had no idea he would react like that. All of this is my fault since I told you to tell him because he would be fine with it. I am so sorry sweetie. I am so confused about a lot right now but I want you to know, you are good enough and anybody would be lucky to have you."

Just Lauren's presence is enough to calm me down and not feel so angry and hurt. I turn on my back and sit up. Looking at Lauren "I'm fine, don't worry about me. And you have nothing to be sorry for because you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry for what happened. I should have kept my mouth shut and I wish I wouldn't have had to come live here."

Looking at Lauren's face she has a sad and hurt look after what I said. Her eyes are glossy and I can tell she is fighting back tears but one slips out anyway. Right after it starts to roll down her cheek, I reach up and use my thumb to wipe it away. She looks at me and leans forward real quick and engulfs me in a warm hug. I immediately hug her back and never want to let go. I'm scared of being in a relationship but for some reason that's what I really want but only with her.

I can feel Lauren's breath on the side of my neck and it sends tingles between my legs. She feels so good against me and I wish I could stay like this all night. Slowly she pulls away and says "Please don't say things like that Kyler. I'm so glad you live here now. I have enjoyed getting to know you and having you here and not just because you help me out around the house. I honestly enjoy your company and our talks and you as a person, more than you know. Ever since we meet, it feels like we have known each other forever. I always feel so comfortable with you." She laughs a little and it is the cutest thing.

I know Lauren wants to talk about what I said to Mike but she doesn't say anything about it. She stands up "Umm, I-I think I'm going to head to bed. Why don't you try to get some rest too okay?" I nod and give her a small smile "goodnight Lauren." She smiles "goodnight Kyler." Before she has time to close my door I jump off my bed and run to my door and grab her hand. She turns around to look at me and I wrap her in a big hug.

"I'm sorry Lauren for what I said about coming to live here. Please don't be upset, I was just mad. I've enjoyed being here, well at least being here with you. I kind of figured he didn't want me here. Again I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." I release her and back up a little staring at her. She gives a half smile "goodnight again Kyler." I nod and give her a small smile in return. "Goodnight Lauren" I say and get in the bed.

So much for thinking things were getting better between Mike and I. I still can't believe the hatred that came from him towards me, his own daughter. I can't believe the way he talked to Lauren either.

Four weeks have passed, it is now the end of April and things are still weird around the house. Mike has been staying at work longer and going in every Saturday. He and Lauren have been arguing off and on about him spending all his time at work and how he is treating me. They usually argue behind the closed door of their bedroom but most of the time I can still hear it. Lauren tries talking to him about the whole cheating on mom and his second wife situation but he tells her it's none of her business. She definitely never knew he was married a second time before he married her and didn't know both marriages ended because of him cheating.

I overheard their last argument and wish I wouldn't have. Mike came home late the other night and woke Lauren up trying to have sex with her. She apparently told him no because I heard him yelling 'you complained a couple months ago about it being a while since we've had sex then when I try to fuck you, you don't want to.' I then heard Lauren yell 'I want more than just that Mike. Do you know how long it's been since we actually made love? The last time we done anything it was over four months ago and it was a quick fuck for you to get what you wanted! I want to feel love too. Is that too much to ask for?"

Needless to say I didn't want to hear anymore about their sex life or lack of. I put my earbuds in and went to sleep. The next morning after their argument Lauren was wearing a long sleeve which I thought was weird. I tried asking her about it but she wouldn't talk to me. She ignored me every time I tried asking about it. She finally said "I'm just cold" then left for the rest of the day. It was springtime and was pretty hot already so I knew there was no way she was cold.

She wore a long sleeve for about three days then finally went back to short sleeves and tank tops. I couldn't be sure but glancing at her arms it looked like fading bruises on her wrists. I couldn't tell for sure without actually looking at her wrist close up and any time she caught me glancing at them she moved away from me so I couldn't see. I better not find out Mike done that to her or I will fucking hurt him.

When Mike is home he stays in his home office unless it's time to eat. Even then he waits until I'm finished eating before he will come to the table and eat or he takes his plate to his office and eats there. I swear he is acting like a little titty baby. I'm still helping Lauren with dinner each night though and cleaning up afterwards. She hasn't been talking as much as she was and she tries to put on a brave face around me even though I know it's forced.

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