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    It's Friday morning and I wake up to my alarm going off. After shutting it off, I realize I'm alone in bed. I stretch and remember Lauren had to go in early for a faculty meeting. As I'm heading into the bathroom to shower, my phone goes off with a text message. I look and it's from Lauren 'Good morning my love! ;) Hope you're up and didn't oversleep like I did. I had enough time to shower quickly to wash off our... activities last night. Hope to maybe see you at lunch and if not, I will see you at home this afternoon. I love you! ;)' I couldn't help but smile while reading her text message and I feel butterflies in my stomach just by her saying she loves me. I was honestly scared she would regret last night and say it was a mistake.

Turning the shower on and letting the water heat up I text Lauren back 'Good morning beautiful! Yes, I'm up and missed you this morning. Sorry you overslept and I'm definitely coming to see you at lunch. Can I eat you for lunch? God I miss your lips and not just the ones on your gorgeous face. I'm getting in the shower so see ya at school and I love you too babe!' Oh this woman makes me feel some kind of way. I love her so much it feels like I'm going to explode. I want the world to know how much I love her but I know that is not possible given our situation.

After I get ready, I make both of us a sandwich with chips for lunch. I feel like I am floating on clouds this morning. After the night I had with Lauren I can't help but smile today. I have never felt so much happiness and joy as I do now. It's all thanks to her and knowing that she feels the same way about me. I do believe I have a permanent smile on my face.

When I get to school I head straight to Lauren's office. I know it hasn't been that long since I saw her but I miss her already. Ok, maybe I'm hoping to sneak a kiss in before class too. I walk into the front office and I'm greeted by Mrs. Scott "Lauren is on an important phone call at the moment." I nod and leave the office heading to my locker still with a smile on my face.

Lila's locker is beside mine and I see her opening hers when I get there. She glances at me and gives me a weird look. "What's wrong with you Kyler?" she asks. "What do you mean?" Shutting her locker she turns to me "you were grinning all the way down the hallway and you still got a grin on your face. You seem extremely happy. So what happened to make you this happy and... glowy?" I shrug "I'm just in a good mood, it's a great day. Now let's get to our classes so we're not late." Lila just looks at me weird trying to figure out what is going on with me. Nothing will affect my good mood today.

My first and second period classes were not that bad. I didn't pay attention much because all I could do was replay last night over and over in my mind. I swear I have every inch of Laurens body memorized. I'm ready for the weekend because I get to spend all weekend with her. Well hopefully I do if she doesn't have plans already. I want to make love to her all weekend and just lay in bed and cuddle. I want to go to sleep and wake up every day for the rest of my life with her in my arms. That's honestly what I want. I am so in love with Lauren!

It's lunch time so I head to the front office. I know Lauren will be hungry and I want to get to her office before she decides to go to the lunchroom for something. I could have text her this morning and told her I was bringing lunch but I wanted to surprise her. I would love to bend her over her desk and take her right there instead of eating lunch. Hell, Lauren can be my lunch. Ok, I have got to stop these thoughts so I don't do something stupid here at school.

I walk in the front office and Mrs. Scott is not at her desk so I just walk on through to Lauren's office. I stop outside her door and hear her talking then I hear the phone being hung up. Well at least I know she's in there. I decide not to knock because this is supposed to be a surprise. I grab the door knob turning it and while opening the door I say "hey babe, I brought you lunch." As soon as I say that my eyes go wide and I freeze in place.

An older man in a business suit is sitting across from Lauren and is currently staring at me. Lauren's mouth is open in shock, her face pales and she darts her eyes between me and the older man in front of her. "K-Kyler, w-what are you doing here?" Lauren manages to get out. "Um, I-I was just bringing my... my girlfriend lunch." I say kind of quietly hoping the older man didn't hear me. I look at Lauren quickly and see her face is even more pale if that's even possible. "Your what?" Oh shit, what did I just do busting in here like I did? I guess I should have knocked after all.

Before I have a chance to say anything else the older man asks "Your Kyler, as in Kyler Adams?" "Y-Yes sir, I-I am." I answer while wondering who this man is. "I'm Superintendent Jones; I think you should come in and have a seat." I swallow and make my way to the other chair in front of Lauren's desk. Ok there goes my extremely happy mood. I have got to get myself but more importantly Lauren out of this apparent mess. I screwed up bad and by the look on her face, our relationship may be over before it even starts good.

As I'm sitting down, I text Lila 'come to Principle Adams office in 10 minutes, don't knock, just open the door and pretend to be my girlfriend, please!'  I sit down then look at Lauren "here you can have one of the lunches I fixed." I look into Lauren's eyes and I hope she will understand what I am trying to do. Lauren clears her throat "I thought one was for your... girlfriend" she says harshly. I wasn't expecting that tone but I can't help but smirk at her knowing she is jealous "well it was but since she isn't in here there is no use in letting it go to waste."

Lauren's face turns a little red as she looks at me. I hope she knows I'm talking about her and doesn't think anything else. Superintendent Jones clears his throat "okay, I think it's time to get down to business as to why I am here." He continues "it was brought to my attention in an email yesterday afternoon from a concerned parent of a possible sexual relationship between you, Mrs. Adams or should I say Ms. James and Kyler Adams. It was also speculated that Kyler is living with you."

Lauren nearly chokes on the water she had just taken a sip of and I drop my sandwich. As I'm reaching to pick my sandwich up, I'm racking my brain for a way to get us out of this. I know if I don't do something Lauren can get into big trouble and lose her job. Plus she will regret ever getting involved with me, if she doesn't already. Hopefully the love we have for each other is enough for her to see we can still make this work. If she is willing to to give us a chance because I know I am.

I glance at Lauren and see her eyes starting to gloss over. I shake my head slightly at her and look into her eyes hoping she will understand everything will be okay. I turn my attention to the superintendent. "Mr. Jones, I'm guessing the concerned parent was Mike. As in Mike Adams, my father." Mr. Jones looks at me, "Ms. Adams, I will not discuss with you who the concerned parent was. I need to know if these allegations are true."

I Loved You Before I Met YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora