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   I let out a deep breath and decided to finally answer her question. "Okay, if you really want to know I will tell you." Lauren looks down and realizes her hand is still on my thigh and she quickly pulls it away. "Yes Kyler, I would still like to know." I don't know if this is a good idea or not but here goes. "The only thing that really has me excited is being legal enough to... 'please' older women. There's something about older women that I've always been drawn to and they are just so damn sexy." Lauren swallows hard and with flushed cheeks says "oh... I see."

I continue with my explanation because I want to see more of Lauren's reaction. "By older I don't mean in their 40s or more. My ideal older woman's age is from 22 to 30. I could've had older women before and I've had plenty of offers and chances but I wouldn't do it. They could have got in trouble with the law since I was considered a minor. No matter how good I am at pleasing females, sex is not worth losing your freedom over or ruining your life."

We sit in silence after that. I think Lauren is letting everything soak in or she is in shock. Possibly though she thinks I'm disgusting. I glance at her and she is biting the inside of  her cheek like she is concentrating or thinking about what I said. It's actually cute seeing her so deep in thought. I just don't know why I feel the need to be so open with her? Everything just seems so easy with her and I feel so comfortable talking to her.

Finally breaking the silence, "I hope I didn't make this weird for you?" She clears her throat and shakes her head. "No you're fine; I... I m-mean it's fine. I'm glad you're comfortable talking to me." I watch as she glances down at my lips then back up to my eyes. She licks her lips then smiles when she sees me looking at her. I guess she doesn't realize I saw her looking at my lips.

I decide not to say anything but I smirk back at Lauren. We just stare at each other for a few seconds, neither of us moving. Her eyes never leave mine and I swear we are both leaning towards each other. Realizing what is happening, I quickly look at my watch before doing something stupid and I check the time and see it's only 9 p.m. but I am actually tired. It kind of sucks Mike hasn't made it home yet but maybe I will see him in the morning. I kind of want to see him but at the same time I don't if that makes any sense. I need to get away from Lauren though before I do something stupid so I sit back.

"I think I'm going to bed, it's been a long day" and I stand up. Lauren stands up as well pulling me in for a hug. I am kind of taken back by this but hug her back anyway. She feels really good against my body and she smells so good too. I know it is probably body lotion or shampoo or body wash but she smells like coconut and vanilla. I could hug her forever but know it's best to break the hug. Lauren doesn't seem in a hurry for the hug to end either though. It definitely lasts longer than needed but I'm not complaining.

"G-goodnight Kyler, I hope you sleep well. Your father should be here soon but you can see him tomorrow. Just get some rest, I know you're tired." Lauren says. I nod "goodnight Lauren, thank you again for everything and see you in the morning. Oh, and I'm sorry... Mike wasn't here." Damn what the hell.  She slightly smiles, "It's fine, I'm used to it." She says like him not being here is normal. And why in the hell did I apologize for him? I kiss her cheek then I go upstairs and get in bed thinking over the events of today and how much my life has changed in a short period of time.

I also can't quit thinking about Lauren. I just met her today and just looking at her cuts my breath short and it seems hard to breathe. My heart races when I look at her or hear her say my name. I know I shouldn't feel like this but I do. I finally feel my eyes getting heavy and drift off to sleep my first night here.

Sometime during the night I am being shaken awake by Lauren with a worried look in her eyes as I sit up suddenly. I realize I am crying when she reaches for my face and wipes tears away. "Kyler, are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep." I feel terrible for waking her up because of my nightmare.

"I... I will be okay, just a bad nightmare. S-sorry I woke you up." Lauren caresses my cheek "sweetie it's okay, I'm not worried about you waking me up. What was your nightmare about?" I lie back down in bed and close my eyes letting out a deep sigh. "It was about the wreck and my mom...."

Lauren starts stroking my hair "it's okay honey. I will sit right here till you go back to sleep. Everything's going to be okay sweetie. Try and get some sleep okay." I haven't had a nightmare about the accident in a while. Why now? "Thank you Lauren but you don't have to sit with me. You need to get back to bed and get some sleep." Lauren continues stroking my hair and says "I'm not going anywhere until you are asleep. I need to know you're okay. Now go to sleep." I close my eyes and drift off back to sleep as she is running her fingers through my hair.

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