|47| Training Day 2

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Zachary's P.O.V. (D12)

What am I doing here? Am I okay? Who are these people? Did I get kidnapped?

They said something about training today, so I just followed the people from my floor downstairs.

Once we arrive, we're in this very big room, filled with fake weapons.

Are they fake? Are we here to play? Wasn't I here yesterday?

This lady greets, "Welcome back!" and tells us to begin. Everyone starts to go in their separate direction. I stay where I am.

"Excuse me?" I raise my hand.

She notices me and says, "Yes, son?"

Son? I'm not her son! She's not my mother!

I scream at her. "You're not my mother! Where's my mother?"

I continue to scream and start running around. I see a bunch of people behind me trying to chase me.

Are we playing tag? What if they want to play fight?

I immediately start to run faster and pick up the nearest fake sword. They stop running and look at me with big eyes.

"Let's play!" I say. I start to swing the sword around, until I feel some sort of electricity run through my body.

I drop the sword and screech, rolling around on the floor. After about thirty seconds, I feel something pick me up, and then my eyelids start to feel droopy.

"I just wanted to play tag..." I whine before seeing nothing but black.


Astrid's P.O.V. (D9)

"Since we worked on weapons yesterday, would you like to go to the survival stations?" Candace asks me.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea. How about we try the knot tying station?"


We walk over to an empty station where we find a lady picking at her fingernails.

"Um, excuse me?" I clear my throat.

She looks up at us and smiles. "Hello! Welcome to the knot tying station! Which knots would you like to learn?" I look at the different types, along with a photograph next to each one.

I point to one with a tribute hanging off a tree. "What about this one?"

"Oh yes," she picks up the knot. "This is a very simple knot. You would only use it when you're in a tree. Most people don't tie themselves to a tree, and that's a big mistake. This will prevent you from falling off, if you ever slip."

She hands us a long piece of thick rope.

"Before you start doing anything, you have to make sure you have the rope around a branch. So here, take your rope and just put it around this fake branch. Make sure you leave some rope for the tying part."

We do what she says. "Now, you don't want to tie it like tying a shoelace, that will never support your body weight. Here, this is how you tie it." She leads us step by step. It's pretty difficult at first, but after about three times, I got the hang of it.

"Great job! Now if you ever use this technique in the arena, make sure you tie it a few times. One time won't be enough. And when you tie it around your body, use the same exact technique."

"Thanks!" Candace and I say at the same time.

I'm pretty sure we won't just hang out in a tree, unlike most tributes. We're ready to kill whoever we need to kill in order to make it to the Supreme Games.

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