|25| The Games: Day 3

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Artemis's P.O.V. (D5)

It's day three in this hellhole of an arena and only nine people have died. Nine more to go until I get out of this sick place.

I got a lot from the cornucopia. I have my bow with all twelve arrows, a backpack filled with food, medicine, knives, and I got a sword just in case. I've been camping out in the same tree for the last three days, which is honestly getting quite boring. Once in a while I get down to stretch or hunt. I've been averaging one or two rabbits a day.

The tree I'm in is right next to the mountains. The careers would probably never come here. Since it's probably around early morning, I decide to go pick up my things and move somewhere else.

I don't really want to kill any tributes, but I know I will have to, especially if they're careers. It's not that they scare me per se, but if I make it out of here alive I won't have to deal with them before the Supreme Games.

I'm probably about two miles away from my original tree when I finally see somebody. I think it's a girl. Wait, it's Cassidy!

Just as I'm about to call out to her, her boyfriend comes up behind her, Jess is his name, I think. I accidentally step on a branch and shut my eyes tight.

"Did you hear that?" He whispers.

"Hear what?" Cassidy replies confusedly. I open my eyes and see Jess pick up a spear as he stalks in my direction. We finally make eye contact, and I run. He throws his spear at my head, but I duck right on time. I take out my bow and arrow and aim for him. Before I can shoot, I hear Cassidy yell.

"Artemis! Wait!" I hesitantly lower my bow when I see her.

"Jess! This is Artemis! One of my only friends here, remember I told you about her?" Cassidy franticly explains. I raise an eyebrow. I don't think I've ever been referred to as a friend before.

"Oh! Cassidy, I'm sorry!" Jess apologizes to her. I put the arrow back in my quiver and begin to walk away, feeling rather awkward.

"Wait!" Jess calls out.

I turn around. "Sorry 'bout that," he says rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mutter.

"Would you like to ally up with us? Any friend of Cassidy is a friend of mine." he tells me. I raise an eyebrow, for some reason finding it difficult to trust him.

"I'd love to, but I can't. I like to fly solo. But if I run into you guys again, I won't kill you. Alright?"

"That's fine. I guess I won't kill you either if I see you. Nice meeting you!" Jess says. Cassidy smiles and waves goodbye, and when they turn around I glare at his back. Something about him doesn't sit well with me.


Elsie's P.O.V. (D3)

Mia, Beetee, Summer and I are all walking to who knows where. No one has spoken since Chip's death. As we sit and eat some crackers, I see my dad. He looks panicked.

"Hey dad," I say cooly.

"Elsie, listen. There's going to be white wolves coming into the arena in about five minutes. Most of them are aimed for your alliance because of Mia. At least five of them will be chasing you. They're fast. Really fast. Soon after they enter, there will be a blizzard that will cover the whole arena except for the mountain. You must get to high ground as soon as possible.You have to leave right now. I'll be by your side." he says.

"Guys!" I yell. They all turn to me startled.

"My dad says that there will be wolves coming into the arena soon and a lot of them will be chasing us. Then there will be a blizzard that will force all the tributes to climb up the mountain. We have to hurry! The mountain is about a mile and a half away!" I say, quick as can be.

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