|83| The Supreme Games: Day 5 - Part 3

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Levi's P.O.V. (D7)

This may be my chance to finally track them down once and for all. Snow, Velvet, Melody—at this point it doesn't matter who.

I just need to see my axe lodged in their skulls.

But first and foremost, I need to keep running away from the fog before it completely engulfs me. After the third gong had gone off and the fog started moving again, I figured it would be relatively easy to get away from it.

That was until it became a lot faster and a lot taller.

After about ten minutes of running, I eventually reach what looks to be the bottom of a cliff with vines hanging down from it everywhere. I first look to the left and right to see if there's a way to get around. However, the cliff appears to go on for miles, and with the fog covering the entire expanse of the arena and pushing me in this direction, it seems like my only option is to climb up.

Walking up to one of the vines, I wrap my hands around it and give it a hard tug. It seems thick enough
to be able to withstand my weight.

Now, the question is if the fog will stop before it reaches the base of this cliff, or if it will continue to move forward and up?

I decide that I can't take any chances. It'll be safer to get a head start before it's too late to find out what'll happen next.

Just as I'm taking a step forward, the sound of a first high-pitched laughter interrupts me from my train of thought.

"Well, you certainly seem to be a much more interesting contender than my meat-for-brains district partner." I snap my head to the left, making direct eye contact with Brooklyne just a few dozen feet away.

"Don't get me wrong, Titus made for an extremely fun kill, but I didn't end up getting to actually fight him, though." She traces the tip of her sword with her finger and a pout on her punchable face.

"I realized that I would have much more fun torturing him while he couldn't move rather than actually going arm to arm with him. He was no match for my skills, plus our fight would've been over in seconds. I'm getting sick of easy and boring kills." Brooklyne roams her eyes up and down my body, sizing me up with a gleam in her eye. I bare my teeth and glare.

"You, on the other hand, seem to be a lot stronger and more skillful." She smirks, continuing to observe my body.

"You've changed since the last games. I remember your interviews and how you used to act. Trust me, I always kept my eye on potential threats. You've changed from loverboy to career material, and it didn't take you very long to do so." Brooklyne chuckles, a mischievous grin etching onto her face.

"Did that have anything to do with the death of your sweet little lumberjack girlfriend?"

My blood freezes at the same time every single one of my nerves light up in unparalleled rage. My eye twitches involuntarily.

How dare she.

"Shut the fuck up." I growl at her, pulling out my axe. Brooklyne simply throws her head back and laughs.

"Tell you what, let's first climb up to the top of this cliff before the fog gets here, and then we can engage in a real battle. How's that sound?"

I grip my axe and crack my neck. "Or, I could just kill you now. Just like I'll do with every other bitch that's still left."

Brooklyne sneers, sheathing her sword.

"Well if that's the case, then you'll just have to catch up to me." In the next second, Brooklyne turns to the side, launching herself off of the ground and jumping up toward the cliff. With her arms outstretched in front of her, she grips one of the vines. Once she has a firm grip, she leans her weight back and plants her feet along the rocky cliff edge, beginning her ascent.

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