|45| Locked In

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Melody's P.O.V. (D13)

I hiss in pain again for the fiftieth time. Alright you damn peacekeepers, beating us up won't change anything.

My district and I were sent down to the underground jail cells where the peacekeepers are currently beating the living daylights out of us. We wanted to see the President himself to have a little word with him. Instead of having a sophisticated little meeting, it ended up with me punching him in the face.

And now we're all paying the price for it.

Lucius and I haven't been on the best of terms for quite a while now. Yes, I've known him before the games. Hell, apparently I've known him before I even knew I existed! But, that's a story you'll hear later.

"Get off me, slug!" I turn to my right to see a peacekeeper's foot pressed against Lot's bare back. The peacekeeper just laughs, takes his foot off, and kicks him hard in the side. Lot groans in pain, but he's not the only one. They've been torturing all of us for a half hour.

"You know that beating us up won't make a difference, right?" Chad's voice cracks.

"Maybe not," another peacekeeper sneers, "but maybe we'll do enough damage to wipe out all your memories of everything you've seen, done, and thought."

Charlotte is in the same jail cell as me. The boys are in a slightly bigger one across from us, but we can all see each other.

I wiggle my feet, feeling something beside it. I'm confused for a second, thinking it's just a pebble. My heart races when I realize what it is.


I have two big knives I brought with me from 13. I made sure to wear long boots so no one would suspect anything. Obviously, the Capitol isn't smart enough to do a proper full body check.

There's two peacekeepers in our cell with us, both of them lost in conversation. I see the keys in one of their pockets.

"Charlotte," I hiss out, quietly. She turns to me with her face bloody and bruised.

"My boot." I mouth to her.

She knows exactly what I'm trying to say on the first attempt. Bless her soul. We both have our hands tied behind our backs, so we have to do this quickly and quietly.

I turn to face the peacekeepers' direction, making sure they don't easily see Charlotte or my boot. I lift up my left leg and lay it down gently, trying to make no noise. She slides off my left boot with no hesitation and no sound at all. She hides it behind her body, making sure she's leaning against the wall. I can't see what she does next, but I have a feeling she's doing her best to not make it noticeable.

The peacekeepers are still laughing, talking, and drinking. The less sober they are, the better.

"Mel..." She whispers. That's my cue to sit up. She cut off her bands, and now she's cutting off mine. Thank goodness these bands aren't tied on super tight.

When she's done, I feel her hand me a knife. These knives aren't the tiny little throwing ones, these are about nine inches long and deadly.

Good thing we're not too badly injured, or else we would've been screwed. The two of us stand up.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." I clear my throat. They turn around, looking at us with widened and frightened eyes. We reveal the knives.

"It looks like your time is up."


Aloe's P.O.V. (D8)

There was an announcement earlier to stay inside the hotel because of a big blizzard that's supposed to be on its way.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now