|44| Interviews D11 & D12

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back from your short break! We have our District 11 tributes hiding in the back, so come on out you guys! Give it up for Amalia Bohen, Bo Aspen, Zeon Meryl, River Fahrenknot, and Marcus Brix!"

The one girl and four guys walk on stage, not looking very nervous at all. It kind of looks funny, having one delicate looking girl and four much taller and older guys.

"Hello, District 11!" I greet warmly. "Take a seat and let's begin!" They all take a seat, Amalia a bit isolated from the others.

"I'm going to start off with the only girl, Amalia! How do you like the Capitol so far?"

"Oh my, it's wonderful! I really love the showers since I don't have one at home. We only have a small tub with cold running water."

"Yes, the showers here are quite nice! Have you accidentally changed your skin color yet?"

She looks very confused. "My what?" The crowd laughs along with some of the boys.

"Never mind that. So tell me, do you have any weapon in particular that you'd want to learn how to use?"

She looks kind of afraid. "Oh no, I could never kill anybody."

"Well it is the hunger games, that's the only way you'll survive." I say.

He face drops. "But...that's really cruel. I would never want anyone's blood on my hands."

"We'll see how you make out in the arena then! Next one is Bo! I heard that you had a cousin in the first games, am I right?"

"Yes," he says quietly.

"Was is Katerina Aspen from District 5?" I ask.

He shuffles a little bit. "Yes, it was."

"Tell us, will you avenge her death in the Supreme Games, if you make it?"

"I most certainly will. God, she must've been so frightened..." he puts his head in this hands and I decide that it's time to move on.

"Next up is Zeon. How are you, son?"

"I'm doing alright."

"Good! We heard a little rumor that you declined District 10's offer to become allies with them, is it true?"

"It sure is," he grunts with a hint of annoyance.

"Is that so? Why'd you four decline it? Surely you would be a lot stronger with seven."

"Maybe, but we didn't want to take our chances. You never know who your friends are from your enemies in that arena." he says.

"That's smart thinking, but what would happen if they ended up to be faithful allies?"

He snickers, "I highly doubt that!"

"Well, I guess your mind is made up! Thanks, Zeon."

"No problem."

"Our second to last tribute is Marcus! I bet you have all the ladies trailing behind you!"

He just laughs. "I'm not so sure about that," As soon as he finishes, a bunch of girls from the crowd start screaming his name. "Maybe not." He laughs again.

"You sure are quite the charmer! So Marcus, with an alliance of four, do you think you have a chance of making it to the Supreme Games?"

"I'm not so sure. Probably. I've practiced with spears a couple of times, so I can use that as an advantage."

"That will definitely help! Do you plan on running into the cornucopia? Or will you run the opposite direction?"

"Our alliance has some stuff already planned out, but you'll just have to watch it when the time comes!" He says.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now