|10| Opening Ceremony

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Universal P.O.V.

I am waiting anxiously for the chariot ride to start. I can't wait to see this years tributes, and in person! My stomach is twisting and turning just from the anticipation.

Ah, finally! The trumpets sound and out comes the victor from last year, Sky Swirl, from District 8. She's wearing a dress version of her training outfit with the number 8 stitched on her arm. She smiles and waves to the crowd. Sky is wearing a knife vest diagonally across her chest with the knives she used in the games, some of them with dried blood still on it.

I remember her game very clearly. The arena was mainly all water, the only land being three small islands surrounding the cornucopia. She managed to get to the cornucopia with a knife vest and a small backpack filled with goods. Someone threw a spear at her arm, but she ripped it out, tossed it in the water, and swam towards one of the islands.

She wrapped up her bloody arm and made shelter in a tree. Seventeen people died in the bloodbath, the most deaths ever recorded for the first day. One more person died that night by the District 6 tribute who drowned him.

The next day, two people died. The game makers called for a feast on the third day, so Sky went, desperate for medicine. It was her, the District 6 boy, the District 2 girl, and the District 3 boy. The District 3 boy hid in the cornucopia and when the other three tributes came, he electrocuted them with his creation out of wires and mines. He was very muscular, and not to mention highly intelligent, definitely not like a normal District 3 tribute. He electrocuted the two other tributes. Sky, however, jumped in the water before she could get electrocuted. Apparently, his trap only worked on land. When she got back, the boy smirked at her. These two were extremely popular with the sponsors early on. He said he loved her before the games started, which was a big lie.

"You said you loved me!" Sky screamed at him, tears running down her face.

He smiled at her and said, "Baby! That was all an act, sweetheart! You didn't actually believe me, did you?"

Sky, with all her might, she threw a knife at his forehead. She threw it with so much force that it came out of the back of his head, sticking in the cornucopia ten feet away.

She was then declared the victor.

Once she's about three quarters to the end of the runway, the announcer yells out, "District 1!" The first show of horses and carriages appear.

I have to admit, District 1 looks amazing! They're all dressed in luxurious costumes, but the thing is, none of them match. I take a closer look and I see what their stylists did. They made each one a specific costume that represents their name!

Pearl is wearing a long dress that's covered in pearls. Her hair is in a bun with a pearl crown on top. She wearing shoes that are also covered in pearls on the outside. When she smiles, even her teeth are bright and flawless.

Crystal looks just as stunning. Her dress is a blue color and when you look at it, it shines right at you. What amazes me is that the dress changes from a clear color, to a light blue, to a dark blue. It's so beautiful!

Velvet is wearing a bright red dress that complements her hair. The vibrant color definitely suits her personality.

Princeton is dressed just like a prince. He has a big, golden crown on top of his head and he's wearing a royal purple suit. His suit looks very tight, making his muscles really pop out. I her a bunch of women shout his name.

Rust is dressed in a rusty brown suit that makes him look strong and manly. They dirtied him up a bit to make him look like a fighter. His suit is ripped a little but it makes him look tough and intimidating.

Then the announcer announces, "District 2!"

District 2 looks very good also! This time, they're all matching.

Phoenix and Holly look like goddesses and Tanner, Kostas and Noah look like gods. Phoenix is wearing a golden wreath and Holly is wearing a silver wreath. Their hair is down and beautiful. Phoenix is wearing a gold dress and Holly is wearing silver. They have the exact same design but different colors.

Kostas is matching Holly, except he's wearing silver body armor. He looks very strong and protective judging by the look on his face.

Tanner is also wearing the same thing as Kostas but gold. Him and Phoenix stand on the other side of the chariot, opposite from Holly and Kostas.

Noah is in between the four of them. Noah is wearing bronze armor and he has a fake sword in his hand. He brings the sword up and an erupt of cheers comes from the audience.

District 3 is next up, and I can see that they definitely represent their district.

The three girls are wearing the same exact thing. They have their hair into two high pigtails. All of them have on yellow glasses with yellow tape in between the eyes. They're also wearing a plaid red and white short dress that goes up to their mid thighs.

The guys look great, also. Chip and Beetee are wearing khakis with a blue and white plaid shirt. They're wearing blue glasses with duck tape in the middle. They're shoes are black dress shoes, similar to the girls. All of them have their own desk that they're sitting on top of. The girls have their legs and arms crossed. The guys are sitting, waving to the crowd. They look really good.

Next up is District 4. I hear both the men and women scream.

Finn and Kristoffer are shirtless, each holding a trident. They look like Poseidon in the flesh, if you ask me.

The girls look incredible. All of them have a seashell bikini on and ripped jean short shorts. Their hair is all wavy and they are also wearing white sandals, matching the boys. The girls wave to the crowd while the boys stand there, tridents in hand.

Next up is District 5.The girls are wearing silver tanktops and blue short shorts. Their hair is in a messy but cute ponytail. The crowd seems disappointed at first but then the girls do something that is truly amazing.

Hope takes a power cord and plugs it in somewhere in the chariot. The place suddenly goes dark. I'm confused for a second, but then a huge fake lightning bolt comes out of the chariot and they come to life. The girls' clothes are shining bright in the darkness and the lightning bolts attached to the chariot picks them up above the chariots and bring them about ten feet in the air. They are sitting in their own personal lightning bolt and the crowd goes crazy! The girls look a little frightened but they hide it easily. There's probably something in the "lightning bolt" that's holding them in place.

After that huge entrance from District 5, District 6 seems a little forgettable.

The four boys are dressed as pilots and Vanellope is dressed as a cute sailor. She's wearing a navy blue and white striped sailors hat along with her matching dress. She definitely looks best out of all of them. Her cuteness will definitely bring her sponsors. She is being held up by the four boys. It looks quite adorable, her being the only girl in the district.

After the districts are done, there is screaming and clapping and more screaming. It's quite bizarre. President Snow goes to his podium and begins to announce his usual speech.

"Tributes! We welcome you! We thank you for your honor and sacrifice! Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

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