|26| Capitol Update: Day 3

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Hello and welcome again! Today was a very exciting day in the arena, wasn't it? We had four people die today, which means five more until the end of arena number one!

First, we had young Vanellope Smith. Poor girl, she got her bad ankle stuck in between two boulders and she couldn't get it out. She died in the blizzard, torn to shreds by all the ice.

Next we had Finn Vanderloos! What a shocker this one was! First, he was attacked and got a deep slash in his chest from one of the mutt's sharp claws. Then the surrounding mutts swarmed him, eating him alive. He had the most votes for popularity throughout these three days, but I guess popularity won't guarantee safety!

After Finn, we had Summer Ramsay! The young fighter from District 3! She died trying to kill off the wolves. What a gruesome death that was! Eaten alive and then dragged into the blizzard where she ultimately died.

And last but not least, Cassidy Vogel from District 5. She died in one of the many caves in the mountain. This was definitely the most shocking death today. She was tricked by Jess, who after all this time was never in love with her! He tricked her into eating the nightlock berries. As you may know from the 74th Annual Hunger Games, nightlock can kill you in an instant. If one eats it, they will stop breathing and die from suffocation.

Tomorrow shall be an interesting day indeed! This just in from the game makers—the cornucopia will be remade and so will the thin ice. All the tributes will be set an equal distance from the cornucopia and from each other. The game makers have created these bird-like mutts that will force the tributes to run in the direction of the cornucopia. They won't kill the tributes, but if the tributes don't run, they will be picked up by the shoulders and the bird mutts will fly them over there.

There will be at least ten minutes in the cornucopia area.There will be a force field incase any of them decides to escape. If five people aren't dead by the time the ten minutes are over, then there will be a day five. The alliances can get back together and go to find shelter to camp at. The weapons of the tributes will be distributed evenly among them, so nobody will have an unfair advantage.

I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."


Recap of Day 3 Deaths:

-Summer Ramsay, District 3

-Finn Vanderloos, District 4

-Cassidy Vogel, District 5

-Vanellope Smith, District 6

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