|58| The Games: Day 4

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Misty's P.O.V. (D9)

"What the actual hell?"

There is no way this can be happening. Not right now. I pace back and forth, trying to think of something we can do. Midnight has her one good hand in her hair, basically ripping it out. And Sapphire, well, she's cursing and screaming at the sky.

"Damn game makers!" She yells once more. I can almost see physical steam coming out of her ears.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Midnight frantically asks no one in particular. I don't know how to answer her. It's not even the break of day and the game makers decided to play a little game with us.

Not even an hour ago we were sleeping peacefully, but a beeping noise from up above woke us up. We pretty much had everything we needed to last the rest of the games, so we wondered, what could the sponsors possibly send us?

The answer to that was a dull knife and an empty canister.

Why would they send us that, you may ask? Because that's exactly what they were going to take away from us—all of our water and weapons.

Of course, they didn't just make them disappear. What they decided to do was give us a challenge. Before we knew it, the ground beneath us began to shake vigorously. Only being half awake, I thought it was a bad dream.

I kept my eyes trained on the ground, waiting for it to stop. After a couple more seconds of rumbling, it went still. But was that it? Not even close. Out of nowhere, fire shot up from the ground in various places, shooting as high as the trees. Basically, there were fire geysers all around us.

Naturally, the three of us grabbed as much as we could before running in the other direction. The fire, however, followed us. I could feel the intensity of the heat to an extent where I thought my back was on fire.

The game makers were determined—they weren't going to stop until the flames caught up with one of us. So, they began throwing balls of fire at us from all directions. One almost hit my head, but luckily I ducked out of the way.

After minutes of running, I thought to myself, why isn't the whole arena on fire yet? I then turned around to see that the geysers went up and immediately disappeared into thin air.

I put two and two together—it was only directed at us.

Finally after several minutes of running, Midnight's hair caught on fire. She didn't notice at first, but when she went to feel the back of her head, she ended up burning her hand.

Sapphire and I immediately stopped and looked at her in horror. The only thing we could do was open our packs and dump all the water we had onto Midnight's head. As soon as we emptied all our water, the fire geysers disappeared, and the environment turned back into its normal self.

We lost all of our weapons when the first geyser erupted, prioritizing to save our packs instead. Then, our water trying to save our friend from burning alive.

And that's been our morning. Pretty chill, right?

As of right now, we only have food and a little bit of medicine. Sapphire and I had to use most of the medicine on Midnight's burnt hand. I don't know how much help it will do since her entire hand is pretty much charred. I wouldn't be surprised if her fingers snapped off any moment.

"Guys!" Sapphire erupts our deep thought process, "We still have the spile! We can get water from that, right?" My heart skips a beat and I feel a bit of hope rise up. Midnight looks just as enthusiastic.

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