|63| Finalist Interviews - Part 1

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back everybody! How have you all been?"

The crowd is twice as big and four times as loud from the previous interviews. Their excitement is unmatched to any hunger games interviews in the past. Cheers and whistles erupt from the audience, some screaming out the names of their favorite tributes.

"Isn't this exciting? We finally have the top twenty-four tributes who will go into the Supreme Games. During these interviews, you will discover the new alliances and hopefully some thoughts about the arena. So without further ado, let's bring out our first six tributes! Come on out Velvet Stonedale, Crystal Rosewell, Princeton Sterling, Phoenix Blossom, Kostas Bauquemare, and Chance Bellpoint!"

The six of them walk on stage and the crowd goes absolutely bonkers, screaming their names and throwing flowers at their feet.

"Welcome, all of you! My my, it's been a while since you've been interviewed! How have you been?" They mutter a few 'goods' and a couple flash some smiles.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to start with District 1. I'll begin with Crystal. How've you been, dear?"

"Oh, I've been wonderful. Going back home was really nice, but it feels good to be back in the Capitol with all of these lovely people." She gestures to the crowd. They go absolutely crazy.

"Speaking of home, I'm sure you've spent lots of time with your sister that you volunteered for, Diamond."

"Absolutely! She was really glad I made it out of the first games." The crowd claps for her.

"I bet she was! Next question, I'd like to talk about the arena you were in. What was going through your mind during the blizzard?"

"It definitely surprised me, I mean, I wasn't expecting an attraction as big as that. My first reaction was to get to high grounds and the only way to do that was to climb up the mountain."

"And that was a very smart thing to do! How about this next arena? What will you expect to be there?" Crystal taps her foot.

"Who knows? The game makers could throw anything in there. Maybe something tropical, since neither of the two games had that so far, but it's just a guess." She shrugs her shoulders.

"That's a very smart way to think. Thank you!" She smiles and the audience hollers her name.

"Now I would like to interview the other finalists from District 1, Velvet and Princeton!" The Capitol seems loves this vicious pair, since they brought most of the excitement into their games.

"Here's a question for you two—who do you think is your biggest competitor, if there's even one you can think of?" They laugh and so does the crowd.

"Well," Velvet speaks first, "I do not believe that anybody can beat me, but I do have to admire that boy from 13. He could probably strangle any of us here, but it wouldn't be easy getting through me." She smirks. As the crowd cheers, I tense up at the mention of District 13. I can't let any tributes talk too much about them.

"So Princeton, what about you? I heard you made some new allies yesterday, is it true? And if it is, do you think they'd be able to wipe you out?" I lead him a bit off topic.

"They definitely have an edgy side to them, and they seem confident and strong which is good for the games. But can they take us out? Absolutely not. Nobody would be able to take us out, especially not anyone from the outer districts." The crowd screams Princeton's name and I fake a smile.

"I admire your confidence and determination! Do either of you think that your alliance will stick together until the very end?"

"Of course not! What kind of a question is that?" Velvet answers first, "Alliances aren't made to last. We'll have to betray one another sooner or later." She shrugs it off as if it's nothing. I look at Princeton for an answer. He looks a little hurt, but quickly covers it up.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now