|07| Capitol Update: The Reapings

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V. (Main Interviewer)

Greetings! I'm Aurelia Tempersmith and I'm the Capitol interviewer for the One Hundredth Annual Hunger Games. My brother, Aurelius Tempersmith, is the head game maker.

I'm currently getting my makeup done by my own personal stylists while preparing myself for the Capitol Update. President Lucius Snow is also here to monitor the live update, making sure I don't say anything I'll regret. When my stylists are finished, I sit at the desk in front of the camera, waiting for it to start. The camera man begins the countdown.

"In three...two...one...rolling!"

I flash the camera my best smile. "Good afternoon, Panem! And welcome to the our first Capitol Update of the year! You will get to hear about our first set of tributes from Districts 1 though 6. We have grand total of thirty—five from each district!" I quickly glance to the sign the camera man is holding, which reads, "District 1."

I continue. "Let's start with District 1! An all career district! First to volunteer was Velvet Stonedale. What a tough looking career! She must've been excited to volunteer along with Princeton Sterling and Rust Kanson! And what about Pearl Hampton? Seventeen years of age but still the youngest! She is definitely a fighter so watch out! Let's also not forget about Crystal Rosewell. Volunteered in the place of her sister, Diamond. How sweet!"

The camera man then sticks up a sign that reads District 2.

"Now onto District 2! Poor Kostas Bauquemare. A little late to volunteer in the place of his sister, Holly. And let's take a look at Tanner Hildebrant, a young career! Very brave, and only thirteen years old! And let's not forget about Noah Sacher who volunteered to save his brother, Nick. Sweet fellow. And of course, there's Phoenix Blossom! Volunteered to win for her sick little sister, Aphrodite. Let's give it up for District 2, the sibling district!"

I continue with District 3. "Moving on to District 3! Very young tributes this year with Elsie Glinderin being the oldest at seventeen years of age! Elsie mumbled something to herself before coming on stage, but we'll find out what is was later. Then there's the two fourteen year old boys, Chip Sanders and Beetee Gideon! They look very intelligent for their age, so tributes, I'd be careful around them! And then there's Summer Ramsay! The thirteen year old from District 3. She seems strong, most people that age would be crying if they were to be reaped, but not her!" I don't mention anything about Mia because I can't afford to slip up. If I say anything remotely out of place, there will be consequences. Better to be safe than sorry.

"District 4 is next! Very interesting mix this year. First is Finn Vanderloos. The first to volunteer in the district! He's got determination for sure. Then there is Emerald Aster and Kristoffer Marins. They volunteered in the place of each other so they could both get a place in the games. How exciting, the lovers from District 4! And let's not forget Aqua and Coral Reigner, ages eighteen and seventeen, respectively. Aqua volunteered for Coral, but Coral got chosen again as the final tribute. She must've wanted to get some of the glory along with her sister! That's it for District 4!"

I glance at the President and he simply nods his head once. I must be doing a good job.

"Now to District 5, an all girl district! Definitely something we haven't seen before. First with Artemis Natorai, she must've been excited because she couldn't wait until the reapings to volunteer! Then we have twelve year old Katerina Aspen—a polite little lady. And then there's Cassidy Vogel! She said to the cameras that she's very intelligent, so careers, watch out! She'll sneak behind your back when you least expect it! Fourth tribute to be chosen was Pepper Glassgo. Rumors have been going on, saying that she resembles Foxface from the 74th Hunger Games, with her red hair and green eyes. Who knows, she might be just as sneaky, smart, and stealthy! And finally, Hope Caverly who is sixteen years of age. She looks very strong so look out for her during training!"

One more to go. I can already feel the sweat dripping down my face.

"Last district is District 6. First, we have Chance Bellpoint. A volunteer and the first tribute in District 6. He definitely looks physically solid and he seems to be a ladies man. Girls in the Capital have been going crazy over him! Same with Jess Sisti! And what about Aaron Kurchel? Volunteered to help his crippled cousin. Then there's Kenter Ehrhart, an awfully shy boy. And what about the scene with Vanellope Kaufman? I must say, I feel bad for her brother, Jackson. I guess she didn't want him to bring home all the glory!

"And that concludes everything for now! We will be having another update after the tributes get off the train. I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."

"And cut!" says the camera man. A round of applause erupts from the staff and I sigh in relief. People come up to congratulate me, shaking my hand and patting me on the back. Finally, it comes down to President Snow.

He looks me dead in the eye, then smiles. "Good job, Ms. Tempersmith. You and your brother will do very well." He pauses for a brief moment.

"By the way, good idea leaving Miss Mia Moore out. Mention one thing about what she said and—well...I'll leave that up to the peacekeeper in charge."

I gulp and nod nervously. "Yes sir."

"Good, good. I'm going to talk to your brother about this first upcoming arena. Now go and wait for the tributes to arrive." he orders me. I nod and head out the door, but before I put on my coat, President Snow stops me.

"Remember, do not mention anything about Ms. Mia Moore in the future, okay?"

"Yes sir." I confidentially confirm. He smiles that signature disturbing smile of his.

"Good day, Ms, Tempersmith."

I release a breath and head out the door.

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